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Home » Data Chemical Co., Ltd. Experiment/Manufacturing x AI Data Chemical starts offering educational packages for beginners on data analysis cloud “Datachemical LAB”

Data Chemical Co., Ltd. Experiment/Manufacturing x AI Data Chemical starts offering educational packages for beginners on data analysis cloud “Datachemical LAB”

[Data Chemical Co., Ltd.] [Experiment/Manufacturing x AI] Data Chemical, data analysis cloud “Data Chemical
Started offering educational packages for beginners at “LAB” *Data Chemical Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 17, 2024
[Experiment/Manufacturing x AI] Data Chemical starts offering education package for beginners on data analysis cloud “Datachemical LAB”
Data Chemical Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Shogo Yoshimaru, Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) is an AI/machine learning cloud service for experiment and manufacturing data analysis that is being developed.
From September 17, 2024, LAB (Data Chemical Lab) will provide an educational package for data science beginners free of charge to users. *
* Data chemistry
LAB users can effectively promote the use of data science within their organizations by using this package as an e-learning tool for field engineers who have no experience in data analysis using AI and machine learning. . *

Challenges of using AI and machine learning in the material development process In the development of materials such as metals, rubber, and chemicals, there are a huge number of experimental conditions such as
combinations of raw materials and manufacturing methods, and conventional engineers are responsible for this with a great deal of effort based on their knowledge and experience. Therefore, there is currently a growing movement to utilize AI and machine learning, including materials informatics (MI). “Datachemical” provided by our company
LAB” can predict the optimal experimental conditions based on the experimental and manufacturing data you have, making the development process more efficient. Since the service was released in 2022, it has been introduced by more than 40 companies and has been highly evaluated.

“Data chemical
Not only can “LAB” be operated intuitively without the need for programming, but it also has a wealth of user support functions, allowing even data science beginners to learn and put into practice analysis methods using AI and machine learning on their own. -Main content of support functions-
・Support site: Contains a wealth of usage videos, practice questions, operating instructions, and technical materials
・Beginner mode: Display auxiliary comments for operation points on Datachemical LAB
・Tutorial section: Learn the basics of machine learning and the flow of data analysis through analysis scenarios

However, many companies, universities, and research institutes that have introduced Data
They felt that the challenge was how to increase the literacy of data science and expand its use not only among some engineers with LAB accounts but also throughout the organization. It also costs a lot of money to attend external seminars and create your own educational program.

Promoting the use of AI and machine learning in organizations as an e-learning tool
The educational package to be released this time is Datachemical. It is provided free of charge to companies, universities, and research institutions that use even one LAB account. Members who are granted an account with this package will be able to use Datachemical
By accessing LAB and using the sample data provided by our company, you can freely experience all the analysis functions, including the support site and tutorial section, for a limited time while deepening your understanding of data analysis using AI and machine learning. If the number of engineers who wish to utilize the data they have in their actual work increases, Datachemical
By adding more LAB accounts, you can smoothly expand the use of data science horizontally. The administrator account also allows you to monitor each member’s learning progress in the tutorial section. Figure 1 Tutorial section (example analysis scenario)
Figure 2 Tutorial section (example of operation guide)
Figure 3 Education package progress management screen
In the future, our company will continue to
At LAB, we will enhance the functions that can be used for various experiments and manufacturing data analysis, from education to practice. We will contribute to strengthening industrial
competitiveness by pursuing a platform that even data science beginners can run on their own, and by promoting the use of AI and machine learning in the material development process of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, and other industries.

* [About Datachemical LAB] *
Developed based on the knowledge of the Data Chemical Engineering Laboratory run by our CTO Hiromasa Kaneko (Associate Professor at Meiji University), you can easily use data analysis and machine learning programs that are useful at all development and manufacturing sites. It is a cloud service that can be used.
-Service features-
・It can be used in a wide range of areas, improving total efficiency from laboratory experiments to mass production.
– By following the steps even with a small amount of experimental data, high prediction accuracy can be achieved and development goals can be achieved in a short period of time.
– A simple operation screen allows you to run without programming, preventing analysis mistakes that beginners tend to make.
Datachemical LAB service site: * 【Company Profile】*
Company name: Data Chemical Co., Ltd.
Location: 2nd floor, Kuwano Building, 6-23-4 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Established: October 2021
Representative Director: Shogo Yoshimaru
After completing graduate school at Miyazaki University in 2010 (majoring in chemical engineering), engaged in polymer material development at Soken Kagaku Co., Ltd. Studied abroad for a while and earned an MBA at the University of California, San Diego in 2017. After returning to Japan, engaged in overseas business development and domestic sales at Soken Kagaku Co., Ltd. He met Kaneko when promoting internal DX in 2019, and established the company in 2021, assuming the position of representative director.
Director and CTO: Hiromasa Kaneko

After completing the doctoral course at the University of Tokyo Graduate School (majoring in chemical systems engineering) in 2011, worked as an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering, and in 2017 joined the Data Chemical
Engineering Laboratory (Kaneko Laboratory) as a full-time lecturer in the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Meiji University. operation. Associate professor from 2020. Established our company in 2021 and assumed the position of Director and CTO.
He concurrently serves as a visiting associate professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering at Hiroshima University, a visiting associate professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, and a visiting senior researcher at RIKEN.
Company website:
Datachemical LAB service site: Business content: Providing AI cloud services specializing in the chemical and engineering fields
Consulting services associated with the above

For inquiries regarding this release and services:
E-mail: TEL: 03-6778-2045

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