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Home » What is the “moment you fell in love with oshi” from 318 people who are active in oshi? Highly enthusiastic re sponses such as “It came out in a dream,” “It felt like lightning struck,” and “I looked shining at the live p erformance.”

What is the “moment you fell in love with oshi” from 318 people who are active in oshi? Highly enthusiastic re sponses such as “It came out in a dream,” “It felt like lightning struck,” and “I looked shining at the live p erformance.”

What is the “moment you fell in love with oshi” from 318 people who are active in oshi? Highly enthusiastic responses such as “It came out in a dream,” “It felt like lightning struck,” and “I looked shining at the live performance.”
*Book Lister*
Press release: September 17, 2024
What is the “moment you fell in love with oshi” from 318 people who are active in oshi? Highly enthusiastic responses such as “It came out in a dream,” “It felt like lightning struck,” and “I looked shining at the live performance.”
At the “Oshikatsu Research Department (Oshiken!)” (hereinafter referred to as “Oshiken!” in the text) operated by Booklista Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Shigeru Murata, hereinafter referred to as “Booklista”) , we conducted a survey on users who have favorites. *
Booklista operates “Oshibana”, a service specializing in Oshikatsu. Users are mainly people who are involved in oshikatsu.Oshiken!, founded by Oshibana, is a club activity aimed at making oshikatsu more fun and supporting users.

This time, we conducted a survey about Oshikatsu from 318 users ranging from teens to 60s who are active in Oshikatsu, and received their responses.
◆“Oshikatsu” research report
* [Summary of the promotion survey] *
Survey target: Users nationwide who are active in Oshikatsu
Number of respondents: 318 people
Survey period: July 19, 2024 to August 28, 2024
Survey method: Conducted online survey on “Oshibana”
*The data in this report is rounded to the second decimal place (the total may not add up to 100%).
*Surveys are conducted without compensation.
■The targets of support vary, with the highest number being 21.8% of game characters.
The survey had the theme, “What kind of person is your favorite person?” We provided a wide range of options below, and explored the reality of the wide-ranging “favorite” culture.

・Anime characters
・Game character
・Manga characters
・Novel characters
・Other two-dimensional characters
・Celebrity (actor, talent, etc.)
・Creators (Vocaloid P, illustrators, etc.)
·voice actor
・Stage actor
・Game distributor
・Influencer (TikToker, Instagrammer, etc.)
・K-POP artist
・Male idol
・Female idol
・Creative character (original character)
・Avatar character created by yourself for games etc.
・People close to you (classmates, colleagues, siblings, etc.)

In addition, if the person falls under more than one category, such as manga and anime, they were asked to choose “the person who inspired them to become a fan.”

* [Survey results] Top 10 recommended targets*
As a result of the survey, “game character” received the most votes, accounting for 21.8% of the total. This was followed by “male idol” (11.7%), “singer” (11.4%), “VTuber” (8.2%), and “anime character” (7.9%). The top 10 rankings are as follows.
“Game character” received the most votes at 21.8%, with a variety of recommendations from a wide range of genres.
In addition, the “other” category received responses such as “theme park cast,” “historical figures,” “sumo wrestlers,” “baseball players,” and “real-life philosophers.” These results highlight that the targets of “pushering” are truly diverse.
■“The moment you fall in love” is similar to love! ? Oshikatsu users’ “moment when they fell into the swamp”
Also, in the survey, the moment you realized that “this person is your favorite”, in other words, the moment when you fell into the swamp (*Oshikatsu users express the state of being obsessed with their favorite as “swamp”) We also conducted a free-form survey. We found several trends in the survey results, so we would like to introduce the answers divided into each category.
* ・Passion for Oshi that I noticed through my own actions *
“When I was at a general store, etc., and found myself picking up something close to the image color or concept of the character (female teenager)”
“The moment I found myself searching for fan art (20s)”
“When I really wanted Acstar (I didn’t feel the need until then)” (Female in her 30s)
“It’s the most recommended because I take a lot of screenshots, write events on my calendar, follow streams, save videos and clippings to playlists, buy goods, etc.” (Teenage female) ”
“Before I knew it, I started recording all the programs that person appeared on (female teenager)”
“When I’m really searching for that person (female teenager)” “When I started collecting goods (woman in her 30s)”
“When I started searching for past songs (man in his 50s)”
“When I was watching a stream or cutout video, etc., I was able to laugh from the bottom of my heart. At the same time, I felt a sense of respect and a desire to support others. (Teenage female)”
“When I realized in myself that I was refusing to share in the company more intensely than ever before (female in her 40s)”

Searching for “Oshi” or listening to past songs… Patterns in which you become aware of “Oshi” from your own actions. People who don’t usually buy goods may pick up the goods, or they may feel a rejection of co-partnership (*avoiding interaction with people who support the same recommendation) that they have never felt before, or they may feel that the existence of the supporter is their own way of thinking. There were also answers that changed the .

* ・A fateful encounter felt at first sight*
“It was a gut feeling. I felt like someone had grabbed my heart (female teenager).”
“When I felt a shock like being struck by lightning (20s)”
“I was scared (male in his 20s)”
“Love at first sight (I like men with long hair)” (teenage female) “The moment I saw her and heard her voice (woman in her 20s)” “I casually watched a TV historical drama where she was the main character, and I fell in love with her demeanor and above all, her cool eyes, so I looked up her name right away (woman in her 60s).” “I’m a three-dimensional person, but I happened to see a photo and fell in love at first sight. It just seemed like my type (female in her 20s).”

A pattern that is shocking at first sight, such as love at first sight. It is truly an encounter with the push of fate.

*・A clear moment was etched in my heart*
“When I saw a concert performance (female in her 30s)”
“When I met him in person at an event, I fell in love with his kind personality and cute smile. One of the things that made me a fan was that we were able to take a photo together! (Teenage female)” “The moment I received a winking fan during a concert and our eyes met, I couldn’t take my eyes off this person!
I started to feel that he had a certain charm that drew me to him, and that’s when he became my favorite. (Female in her 20s)
“When I sent my thoughts on a favorite post, I realized that my thoughts were being heard by the reactions (female in her 30s)”

A pattern that clearly remembers the triggering moment. There were many people who I had the opportunity to see or meet at live performances, concerts, games, etc., such as singers, idols, and athletes.

* ・The moment I became aware of my love was almost the beginning of love* “When I realized I liked a character and then they continued to appear in my dreams (female in her 20s)”
“When I realized that my original favorite person was there, I started following her with my eyes (female in her 20s)”
“When I appeared to shine at a live performance (female teenager)” “When I was following something with my eyes (female teenager)” “When I saw that character and my heart was so full that I almost cried (female teenager)”
“When I couldn’t control the huge emotions that came up from deep within my heart and felt defeated (woman in her 30s)”
“When I woke up, I was thinking about that person every time I woke up.Even if I was immersed in other genres, there were times when I would think about that person, and I’d think, “Ah, this person is the best person in my life.” I thought, “No way.” (Female in her 20s)

Before you know it, you’ve been following someone with your eyes, or at a live show, only the person you’ve been following seems to shine in a way that’s different from everyone else, and so on, a pattern that seems like the beginning of a love story.

* ・Before I knew it, Oshi’s presence had blended into my daily life* “I fell in love with you before I knew it (female teenager)” “It was more like a natural push than an instantaneous one (female teenager).” “It’s always in my head (female in her 40s)”
“I realized that it had been about three years since I had known her, and I realized that I liked her.” (Female in her 20s)

Before I knew it, I was pushing it, and the existence of the pusher was inside me. Sometimes you only become aware of your “pushes” after a few years.
* ■The targets of your push and the moment you fall in love are various! There are as many stories as there are pushers*
Other responses included, “I liked oshi before there was a word for it, but it wasn’t until the word became popular that I realized that this feeling is oshi.” (Female in her 30s)” The moment when they realized that they were pushing something was different, such as one person who realized that they were pushing something, and another person who was able to see their own future, saying, “At the first site I was invited to go to, I saw a future where I was pushing it (female in her 40s).” .

From this survey, we found that the targets of support and the moment when people become a supporter vary widely. Some people suddenly become aware of the existence of their favorite person, while others experience a shocking encounter that feels like love at first sight. You can see how each of them is enjoying the Oshi activities at their own pace while enjoying encounters with different Oshis.

In this day and age where there are so many different types of “Oshi”, it feels like each Oshikatsu user is creating their own unique story.
*About use of this report*
・When quoting or reprinting this report, please be sure to clearly state that it was researched by Oshikatsu Research Department. ・Please do not process or modify the data.
・This report is copyrighted by Booklista Co., Ltd.
・If we determine that the publication is inappropriate, we may cancel the publication.
・We are not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of this report.
* What the Oshikatsu app “Oshibana” aims to do *
Oshibana, which operates the Oshikatsu Research Department, is a service that provides “happy living today” through Oshikatsu. The difference from most services related to the Oshikatsu and creator economy markets is that we develop our services from the perspective of users who are on the pusher side. We develop products together with users, putting the user first. We will continue to consider ways to maximize user feedback and utilize it in our services.

“Oshibana” regularly conducts surveys for Oshikatsu users within the app. Your opinions will be reflected in app development and may even be featured in the news! ?
If you are interested, please download the app (currently only iOS is supported).

Official website:
App Store URL:
Compatible devices: iOS *iOS14.0 or later
Official X (old Twitter):
Miura Popa (
Ren Aikawa (
Service ideas and features under development are published on Trello (
Recruitment information
We are looking for members to work with us on the development of “Oshibana” and other new businesses.

Recruitment Information Actively recruiting engineers and designers!
4 secrets to product development that generates “enthusiasm” among users
Inquiries regarding this release
[Contact information]
Tomoyuki Motosawa, head of development of the Oshikatsu app “Oshibana”

[Inquiries regarding the app]
Please contact us using the in-app contact form or official X (formerly Twitter).
Official X (old Twitter):
About Booklista
Booklista is based on the vision of “Entertainment x Tech
(Intellectual Curiosity x Impressive Experience)”, and has developed “- Oshibana
– (Oshibana)” and the short manga creation support service
“YOMcoma”, we are working on creating new businesses. We also develop various businesses related to e-books and provide total support for the comprehensive operation of e-book stores. We will expand our scope to include all types of entertainment and create new value by making full use of digital technology.

*”-Oshikatsu App Oshibana-” is a registered trademark of Booklista Co., Ltd.

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