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Mediwell Announcement of survey results regarding “tax savings for doctors”

[Mediwell] – Survey of 1,913 doctors – Announcement of survey results regarding “tax savings for doctors”
Press release: September 19, 2024
-Survey of 1,913 doctors-Announcement of survey results regarding “tax savings for doctors”
*“Income tax is too high and it hurts” “My take-home pay has decreased and my quality of life is being diminished”/Many doctors are implementing hometown tax payments, iDeCo, and NISA*
Mediwell Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Sapporo, Hokkaido), which provides career support services for doctors, conducted a survey on “tax savings for doctors” and released the results of the responses from 1,913 doctors nationwide.
The median annual income for doctors (as of 2024, including side jobs) is 17 million yen, making it a high-income profession compared to the general public. The higher your income, the higher your tax bill will be, and there are many cases where you cannot take advantage of various subsidy systems due to annual income limits.*
Many people say that even if their annual income is high, their take-home pay does not increase and life is difficult*.

A survey of tax-saving measures that are popular among doctors revealed that approximately 50% to 90% of doctors are taking three measures: “Hometown Tax”, “iDeCo”, and “NISA”. On the other hand, the results indicate that “Using Specified Expense
Deductions,” “Establishing a Private Company,” and “Real Estate Investment” are not popular among doctors.

We also introduce advice from a financial planner (FP) from Risk Management Laboratory, which holds many asset-building seminars for doctors, regarding the outline of tax-saving measures and what to be careful about when tackling them.

■Summary of the survey results
〇“Income tax is too high and it is painful”…Many doctors complain of the burden of paying high taxes (free answer)
・My income tax is too high and it’s painful (female in her 40s, rehabilitation) ・Even if I work a lot, I still get taxed (female in her 50s, dermatologist) ・Taxes are too high, so my take-home pay is steadily decreasing, and my quality of life is being diminished (Female in her 40s,
・Desire for tax reduction for doctors treating cancer etc. (Female in her 50s, general internal medicine)
・I think it’s getting tougher every year due to the tax burden and rising prices, with no incentives, annual salary contract, and no raises (male in his 50s, psychiatry)
・Despite being subject to heavy taxes, I do not receive various allowances (male in his 30s, psychiatrist)
・I want some sort of return for high-income taxpayers (male in his 30s, general internal medicine)
・Since a lot of taxes are collected, I am trying to save as much as possible. (Male, 30s, Psychiatrist)
〇Tax saving measures taken by many doctors
・“Hometown tax”…More than 80% of doctors implement it
If hometown tax is implemented, the tax savings in the model case is approximately 388,000 yen.

・“iDeCo”…Approximately 70% of doctors responded that they were “implementing it” or “interested in it”
In the model case, you can get a tax saving effect of approximately 3.56 million yen just for the premium portion.

・“NISA”…More than 60% of doctors implement it

〇Tax-saving measures that doctors have not taken much action on ・“Use of specific expense deductions”…40% of doctors answered “I don’t really know”
The most common response (40.2%) was “I don’t really understand,” which suggests that the system is not well-understood.
∟Although the hurdles for utilization are high, it is useful when relocation due to medical office personnel or conference participation fees increase.

・“Establishing a private company”…More than 40% of doctors are “not interested” The percentage of doctors who answered “Implementation” was the lowest in this survey at 5.7%.
∟Effective and accurate expense accounting is required as a tax saving measure for side job income.

・“Real estate investment”… More than half of doctors are “not interested”, also influenced by sales calls
In surveys, some people said that the solicitations were too persistent. ∟The tax saving effect is not large, and there is a risk that you will end up losing money if you are not able to discern the merits and demerits of the property.

〇Doctors’ perception of tax saving (free answer)
・I think it depends on how low taxes can be made. It’s a waste of effort and time if you think that even if you earn money, it will be taxed on you (Female in her 50s, ophthalmologist)
・I would like to be able to deduct tax for participation in academic conferences, annual membership fees, etc. even for working doctors (male in his 40s, pediatric surgery)
・There is a limit to tax savings for working doctors (male in his 50s, urology) ・I don’t know where to contact about tax savings (male in his 60s, general internal medicine)
・My current job is so busy that I feel like I’ll die from overwork. I don’t have time to invest and stare at my hands (male in his 30s, respiratory medicine)

For details on this survey, please see the URL below.
・The reality of tax savings for doctors…What are the most popular measures? Also advice from FP

■Summary of the questionnaire survey
・Survey period
June 20, 2024 – June 28, 2024
・Research subject
Mediwell Co., Ltd.
・Survey target
Mediwell Co., Ltd. Doctor Member
・Number of valid responses
 1,913 items
・Investigation method
Internet survey
■Request when quoting or reprinting
When quoting or reproducing the results of this survey, please cooperate with the following two points.
・Specifically stating that the investigation was conducted by “Mediwell Co., Ltd.”
・When quoting or reprinting on the web, in addition to the above, please include the URL of the source (
Link to
■Services/Company Profile
[Doctor Career]
Site overview: Career change support site for doctors with over 65,000 members, operated since 2004.

【Company Profile】
Company name: Mediwel Co., Ltd. (
Address: 9th floor, Kogin Building, 2 Kita 1-jo Nishi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0001
Business content: Management consulting business for medical institutions, Dissemination of information regarding hospital management,

               Seminar and various event planning and planning Representative: Representative Director Tomohiro Nakamura
*About this release details*

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