[Japan Triathlon Union, a public interest incorporated association] Pieclex Co., Ltd. concludes an “official partner” agreement with the Japan Triathlon Union, a public interest incorporated association *Japan Triathlon Union*
Press release: September 20, 2024
Pieclex Co., Ltd. signs an “official partner” agreement with the Japan Triathlon Union, a public interest incorporated association
(Left) Mitsuhide Iwaki, Chairman, Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) (Right) Daiji Tamakura, President, Pieclex Co., Ltd.
Japan Triathlon Union (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Iwaki)
Mitsuhide) and Pieclex Co., Ltd. (Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, President and CEO: Daiji Tamakura) have entered into an “official partner agreement” with the aim of operating the tournament in a resource-recycling manner, developing the local community, and promoting sustainable town development. We would like to inform you that we have concluded an agreement.
Background and purpose of the contract
As the number of participants in triathlon, which is a sport that involves being in harmony with nature, is becoming more and more environmentally conscious, triathlons aim to realize a sustainable society and are taking unique initiatives to preserve the environment of oceans, rivers, lakes, and other areas. In particular, at tournaments where many participants and spectators gather and large amounts of resources are consumed, there is a need to reduce the burden on the environment and operate in a resource-recycling manner. This time, with the support of activities to strengthen and popularize triathlon, we aim to jointly promote the development of local communities and sustainable town development through resource recycling-oriented event management, and we will develop products with high environmental protection using the latest technology. We have concluded an official sponsorship contract with Pieclex Co., Ltd., the manufacturer.
Comments from Japan Triathlon Union (JTU) Chairman Mitsuhide Iwaki Through collaboration with various stakeholders, triathlon has worked to preserve the environment around competition venues and reduce the environmental impact of event operations.
Through this official partner agreement with Pieclex, we will be able to utilize the company’s “electric fiber” technology to provide athletes with a comfortable competition environment, as well as improve the We will work together to further reduce environmental impact through “Ground Circulation”.
POP UP store opening information
Pieclex POPUP stores will be open at triathlon events hosted or sponsored by JTU held throughout Japan.
*Events with an asterisk at the end of the name are sponsored by Pieclex. *Details on store opening information will be provided on the official Pieclex account on SNS (X/Instagram).
What is Pieclex, the “electric fiber” that nurtures the earth and spins the future?
“Electric fiber” Pieclex is a new material created by combining Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s piezoelectric technology “Denki” and Teijin Frontier’s synthetic fiber technology “Seni.” The expansion and contraction of the fibers due to human movement generates weak electricity. and exhibits an antibacterial effect*. In addition, polylactic acid, the raw material for Pieclex, is a plant-derived bioplastic made from corn, sugarcane, etc., and is biodegradable* because it is broken down by microorganisms, allowing natural circulation without incineration. is. Therefore, you can easily experience technology and contribute to the environment just by wearing and using it.
*Antibacterial effect is the effect of suppressing the growth of bacteria. Effects vary depending on usage conditions.
*Biodegradability complies with the international standard ISO 14855-1 (JIS K 6953-1).
*Biodegradability refers to the property of decomposing into water and CO2 under certain conditions.
About “P-FACTS”
“P-FACTS” (PIECLEX FAbrics Composting Technology
Solution) is a project led by Pieclex, which collects apparel and textile products made from Pieclex, an electrical fiber made from plant-derived polylactic acid, and uses it in forestry and
agriculture. It is a highly transparent recycling infrastructure built in collaboration and co-creation with many stakeholders, including partner companies, local governments, welfare facilities, and school corporations, including the targeted composting process.
By promoting “P-FACTS,” we aim to realize a truly sustainable fashion society where consumers can easily participate and where products can be used locally and reused locally.
About Pieclex Co., Ltd.
Pieclex Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company created through joint investment between Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Teijin Frontier. ““Electric Fiber (Textile)”
Our corporate vision is “to change the world.” To realize a
sustainable society, technologies and initiatives that are kind to both the earth and people are essential. By applying Pieclex, which has high environmental protection and unprecedented performance, to apparel, healthcare, general consumer goods, industrial goods, etc., everyone can create a future that is kind to the earth and people by simply wearing and using it. We will realize a world where we can contribute to the world.
Pieclex HP: https://pieclex.com/
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