[D Clinic Men’s] [Survey survey of 131 AGA treatment patients] The AGA treatment that is considered most effective for hair growth is oral minoxidil, but 1 in 2 people are concerned about side effects! D Clinic Men Press release: September 26, 2024 [Survey survey of 131 AGA treatment patients] The AGA treatment that is considered most effective for hair growth is oral minoxidil, but 1 in 2 people are concerned about side effects! D Clinic’s latest treatment without drinking
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/42910/53/42910-53-802347d28df011ec7185de79894c7471-1653×993.png Minoxidil is a drug that promotes hair growth, and there are two types: a topical drug that is applied directly to the skin, and an oral drug that is administered orally. Oral minoxidil is not approved in Japan, but it is said to have a stronger effect on hair growth than topical drugs. This survey revealed that many patients are aware of its effectiveness and are incorporating it as part of their treatment. Both finasteride and dutasteride are oral medications called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. This drug slows down the progression of hair thinning by suppressing the production of the male hormone
dihydrotestosterone, which causes AGA. The combination rate of oral minoxidil and finasteride was 44%, indicating that many people were treated with a combination of minoxidil, which promotes hair growth, and finasteride, which suppresses the progression of hair thinning. ■One in two people are concerned about the side effects of “oral medicines”! Next, when asked, “Have you ever been concerned about the side effects of AGA treatment drugs (oral medicines)?”, one in two people answered, “Have you ever been concerned about the side effects of oral medicines?” I answered. As for the reasons, “liver
dysfunction (44%)”, “erectile dysfunction (37%)”, and “decreased libido (37%)” were cited as side effects of concern. There have been reports of side effects with any of the oral medications, although the incidence is not high, so it seems that many patients undergo treatment with some degree of anxiety that they may experience side effects themselves.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/42910/53/42910-53-06ca2b4621eec5738f832e3117a33080-2060×1094.png ■Comment from Dr. Koyama, Director of D Clinic Tokyo ~The frequency of side effects is not high! Treatment suitable for each individual ~ There are three drugs approved in Japan to treat AGA: oral drugs finasteride and dutasteride, and topical drug minoxidil. At our clinic, we use oral minoxidil, a drug that has not yet been approved in Japan, and have received positive feedback from our patients regarding its high hair growth effect. All drugs can have side effects, although they are rare, so our hospital places emphasis on medical examinations and blood tests to confirm the presence or absence of side effects. We also adjust the dosage of prescribed drugs to achieve safe and highly effective hair growth for each patient.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/42910/53/42910-53-b4a40d04760fe8622a37e304b435d4d2-800×1091.jpg ■D Clinic’s latest “drink-free” treatment At D Clinic, we provide hair growth treatment using oral medications such as “Finasteride”, “Dutasteride”, and “Minoxidil”. In the unlikely event that any side effects are observed with these oral medications, we will promptly discontinue the medication and suggest other options, or reduce the dose and restart the medication, in order to provide hair growth treatment with an emphasis on safety. This time, we would like to introduce three treatment menus other than oral medications that we offer at D Clinic, and treatments that do not involve taking drugs. By using them together, you can expect more hair growth effects. Non-contact vibration pressure stimulator “Non-contact vibration pressure stimulator” is a new technology developed for the first time in Japan through joint research by three institutions: Nippon Medical University, Pixie Dust Technologies, and D Clinic. It aims to promote hair growth by irradiating the scalp with vibrating pressure stimulation. Treatment details:
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/42910/53/42910-53-adca66de9d6bfacc2bb89ed9f85f3414-314×494.png Scalp needle-free injection of stem cell supernatant Stem cell supernatant liquid, which is expected to have tissue regeneration and anti-aging effects, is injected into the scalp to aim for a better hair cycle. For injection, we will use a “needleless syringe” jointly developed by Nippon Medical University’s Department of Anti-Aging Preventive Medicine, Anfa Co., Ltd., and Igex Pharma Co., Ltd. By injecting the drug subcutaneously using pressure, the pain during injection can be reduced and the drug can be widely dispersed under the skin. Treatment details: