[Towards solving social issues] Developing safety signs from letters wishing for zero traffic accidents Aomori TV and 3 supporting companies launch “Zero Accident Pillar ACTION” Aomori Television Co., Ltd. Press release: September 30, 2024 Developing safety signs from letters wishing for zero traffic accidents Aomori TV and three supporting companies launch “Accident Zero Action” Posted as a telephone pole advertisement from September 30th (Monday) “The day to aim for zero traffic accident deaths” Aomori Television Co., Ltd. (1-4-8 Matsumori, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture) has launched the “Accident Zero Pillar ACTION” aimed at increasing traffic safety awareness among Aomori prefecture’s citizens, where the number of traffic accidents is high. We will start this project with three companies that have agreed to support this initiative: Takken Cooperative, FM Aomori Co., Ltd., and Asia Construction Co., Ltd.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-2c65d08cfef46c961f8f434480f74029-794×800.jpg ■Traffic safety issues surrounding Aomori Prefecture In Aomori Prefecture, the high number of deaths caused by traffic accidents has become a serious traffic safety issue. According to a survey by the Metropolitan Police Department, the number of traffic fatalities in the prefecture in 2023 will rise to 45, which is 3.74 per 100,000 people, the third highest in the country. According to data from the Aomori Prefectural Police (*), the number of traffic accidents in 2023 is as follows: The number of accidents, deaths, and injuries increased from the previous year, and the number of deaths exceeded 40 since 2018. I am. ○ Number of incidents: 2,619 ( 244 cases, 10.3% compared to the previous year) ○ Number of deaths: 45 ( 14 people, 45.2% compared to the previous year) Of these, 25 were elderly ( 10 people, 66.7% compared to the previous year) ○ Number of injured people: 3,099 ( 246 people, 8.6% compared to the previous year) In response to traffic safety issues in Aomori Prefecture, Aomori TV will launch the “Accident Zero Pillar ACTION” with supporting companies as an initiative to improve traffic safety awareness among prefectural residents and take a step toward zero accidents. “Accident 0 Senbashira ACTION” is a telephone pole advertisement with a passage that evokes empathy from a “letter wishing for traffic safety” that was actually sent to a loved one, and the message is used as a “safety sign” to raise traffic safety awareness. This is an effort aimed at making it work. Utility pole advertisements will begin appearing in various locations in Aomori Prefecture from September 30th (Monday), the day to aim for zero traffic accident deaths. Image
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-6bc0dd45e89054c6f40447beee6f7e68-1762×1126.png (Graph) Trends in traffic accident occurrence (2014-2023) (*) From Aomori Prefectural Police traffic accident statistics Regarding the traffic accident situation in Aomori Prefecture during 2020
https://www.police.pref.aomori.jp/koutubu/koutu_kikaku/toukei.html “Accident 0 power pole ACTION” power pole advertisement ■About the safety sign “Accident 0 transmission pillar ACTION” delivered by letter We have the opportunity to come into contact with messages calling for traffic safety on a daily basis, but to what extent are we able to take action based on these messages? On the other hand, we thought that if the words were “words from the heart of the people waiting for you to return home, wishing for your safety,” it might be an opportunity to take action to prevent accidents. Therefore, project members actually send “letters wishing for traffic safety” to their loved ones, and from the contents of the letters, passages and story elements that are likely to resonate are posted on telephone pole advertisements. We have developed a “safety sign made from a letter” that uses “telephone poles” that can be seen while driving to convey messages. We will be posting these signs at various locations in Aomori Prefecture, with the aim of spreading empathy and leading to zero accidents. We plan to continue recruiting new supporting companies and increasing the number of locations for this initiative. 〈Advertisement Overview〉 [Period] From Monday, September 30, 2024 [Location] ・3-7 Okuno, Aomori City, near Fujiseiboen Garden ・Aomori City Hamada Toyota National Route 103 Near the Aomori City Bus “DCM Aomori Chuo Store Mae” stop ・50 Sannai Maruyama, Aomori City, near Yakitori Chiwa ・4-18 Maeda, Namidate, Aomori City, near the Aomori City Bus “Namidate” stop 〈Actual letter sent in hopes of traffic safety〉
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-e912a1cceb1d3aebec289afa3026b595-1240×1754.jpg TVCM
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-4e0206eb0fec35f7ba3525e20c3f1feb-1137×630.png ■Aiming to spread the “Zero Accident Pillar ACTION” that we are promoting together with supporting companies This commercial conveys the message of waiting for your return, wishing for your safety, and asking you to drive safely while keeping in mind the presence of your loved ones. This article was created with the aim of spreading awareness of the “Accident Zero Pillar ACTION” and communicating that it is an initiative that is being promoted together with supporting companies. Title: Starting Accident 0 Den Pillar ACTION Broadcast start date: Late October 2024 (planned) Broadcast area: Aomori prefecture Project members
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-e071c88f988c83bbcfd5bd198bf8b7ae-3900×2925.jpg ■Comment from Aomori TV Project Initiator Hiroo Sasaki Efforts are being made every day to raise awareness of traffic safety. However, after seeing the reality of traffic accidents that will never go away, the team once again faced the issue of “traffic safety.” Of course, TV commercials were the way to go, but just as I was thinking about ways to take an extra approach, I happened to see an advertisement on a utility pole while driving, which gave me a hint for the project. After doing some research, I learned that there were unique telephone pole advertisements that conveyed a strong message to pedestrians and drivers, and I began to think about whether this could be used as a tool to encourage traffic safety. The team discussed and came up with the idea of creating telephone pole advertisements with messages that “feel people’s warmth” and “picture the faces of loved ones.” The first edition was created based on “letters wishing for traffic safety” sent by team members to their loved ones. I’m a little embarrassed, but I hope that this feeling will spread to other drivers, and that each person who comes into contact with the telephone pole advertisement will become more aware of traffic safety. Introducing supporting companies
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-46ea733d7b8fccd4665729f43de5ebcc-1414×2000.jpg ■Cooperative Takken Person in charge comment: I thought it was a new and interesting project that focused on utility poles, which are a familiar part of everyday life. We wish for Aomori Prefecture to be free of traffic accidents, and we would like to work together to promote this goal. Company profile: We contribute to regional revitalization through real estate. Established in September 1992 with the aim of contributing to the development and expansion of the real estate industry in Aomori Prefecture and the revitalization of the local community. Our business is for cooperative members to cooperate with each other to carry out joint purchasing of land and buildings, intermediation, joint advertising, etc. We also carry out projects through public-private partnerships. We, the Takken Group Cooperative, will continue to contribute to the development of local communities and the happiness of the people living there. We promote fair and fair real estate transactions based on these three words: “Challenge,” “Creation,” and “Continuation.” Company site URL:
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-31b73eae64a135c9cabefcb39c7c02c3-2000×435.jpg ■Asia Construction Co., Ltd. Person in charge comment: We decided to sponsor this event in the hope that the advertisement, which conveys a sense of human warmth, will reach someone’s heart and help reduce traffic accidents even just a little. Company profile: We want to deliver peace of mind and comfort to everyone living in Aomori. ASIA HOMES builds homes with the needs of everyone living in Aomori in mind. We offer high insulation performance, high earthquake
resistance, and the creation of one-of-a-kind homes with the floor plan and design you desire. Company site URL:
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-a5ae42a3fd749390756916f375eb554a-2975×1601.jpg ■FM Aomori Co., Ltd. Person in charge comment: We would like people to once again recognize that “life is precious not only to the person in question, but also to those who care for them,” and to cooperate in raising traffic awareness in our prefecture. ” I decided to sponsor this event. Company profile: FM Aomori opened on April 1, 1987 as a broadcasting station covering the entire wide Aomori prefecture. April 2022 will mark the 35th anniversary of the opening of the station. Society has changed significantly since the station opened in 1987. Letters received by fax when we first opened are now sent to email. Nowadays, I post more on SNS, and the way I communicate with listeners has changed. The number of devices for listening to programs has increased, and in addition to radio, you can now listen to them on PCs and smartphones through “radiko”. It reflects the small discoveries and emotions of everyday life, such as “what happened today” and “what I want to do tomorrow”, without changing even in the face of changing times. Today, FM Aomori continues to be close to everyone’s lives through the voices of announcers and personalities. Company site URL: https://afb.co.jp/ About Aomori TV
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150003/1/150003-1-ce77df6d59c80b23c42659e7ae04c816-2000×1414.jpg Aomori Television opened in 1964. With the consistent theme of “A beloved television station that grows together with the people of the prefecture,” we are constantly broadcasting programs that are ahead of the times and developing various business activities. In terms of programming, we are a member of the JNN Network, which has 28 private networks nationwide, with TBS Television as our key station. We always deliver fresh, high-quality information, and as a local commercial station, information that is closely related to the local area to the citizens of the prefecture. Company site URL: https://www.atv.jp/