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Home » Explore » Fusosha Co., Ltd. Survey on “How to eat to avoid aging” among women in their 30s to 50s 60% of respondents say they are “careful about their eating habits to avoid aging.” The thing I am most conscious about is “soybean products.” Also, eat

Fusosha Co., Ltd. Survey on “How to eat to avoid aging” among women in their 30s to 50s 60% of respondents say they are “careful about their eating habits to avoid aging.” The thing I am most conscious about is “soybean products.” Also, eat

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[Fusosha Co., Ltd.] [Survey on “How to eat to keep from getting old” among women in their 30s to 50s] 60% of people say “I’m careful about my eating habits so I don’t get old.” The thing I am most conscious about is “soybean products.” Also, eating foods with a lot of oil can cause health problems ​ Image
URL: Fusosha Co., Ltd. Press release: October 2, 2024 [Survey on “How to eat to avoid aging” among women in their 30s to 50s] 60% of women say they are “careful about their eating habits to avoid aging.” The thing I am most conscious about is “soybean products.” Also, eating foods with high oil content can cause health problems. The November 2024 issue of the lifestyle information magazine “ESSE” that disseminates useful information for daily life based on the concept of “Living carefully makes every day happy!” is now on sale from Fusosha! For the November 2024 issue’s special feature, “How to eat without aging and how to eat to age,” we surveyed “ESSE Friends Reporters” (a total of 448 reader monitors made up of women in their 30s to 50s from all over the country). As a result, 60% of readers in their 30s to 50s answered, “I am careful about how to eat so that I don’t age.” In addition, it was found that “the foods that people are most conscious about eating in order to avoid aging” are “soy products such as natto, tofu, and miso.” We would like to introduce the survey results along with specific opinions from two people from the ESSE Friends Editors (12 people in total), an organization representing ESSE readers.×2700.jpg

“ESSE” November 2024 issue cover Survey overview [Web questionnaire survey of ESSE Friends Reporters] Survey target: Women in their 30s to 50s from all over the country Number of people surveyed: 319 people Survey period: June 15th to June 21st, 2024 Survey method: Internet response Ranking of things I consciously eat to avoid getting old 1st place Soy products (natto, tofu, miso, etc.) 14.7% 2nd place Mushrooms 10.5% 3rd place Raw vegetables 9.2% 4th place Dairy products (milk, yogurt, etc.) 8.4% 5th place Seaweeds 8.0% 6th place Fruits 7.0% 7th place: Cooked vegetables 6.8% 8th place Chicken Chicken 6.2% 9th place: Cooked fish 5.7% 10th place Pork 5.0% *Multiple answers possible (n=319)×1440.png Ranking of things you consciously eat to avoid aging Graph The foods that people are most conscious about in order to avoid aging are “soy products such as natto, tofu, and miso,” followed by “mushrooms.” Many people seem to think that avoiding fat and consuming foods rich in dietary fiber and protein will create a body that doesn’t age. “Raw vegetables” ranked third.
Regarding these results, we gathered some interesting opinions from two ESSE Friends Editors. Comments from Akiko Okuda (50 years old), organizing and storage consultant×2500.jpg Organizing and storage consultant Akiko Okuda “I also try to eat one pack of natto a day.I once read on ESSE that “adding vinegar to natto is good,” so I eat it with vinegared natto.I also eat seaweed about twice a week, and eat vinegared and other foods. I try to eat it with miso soup.Personally, I also try to eat nuts, and I eat 10 roasted almonds a day. On the other hand, it’s instant ramen that I sometimes find myself reaching for, even though I feel guilty about it. It’s so delicious that I can’t stop eating it, and I add vegetables and eggs to make sure it’s nutritionally balanced.” Comment from Yoko Kuze (44 years old), who is familiar with affordable household goods×2500.jpg Yoko Kuze, who is knowledgeable about affordable household goods “I also eat soy products almost every day.I put roasted soybeans in my lunch box and drink miso soup every morning and night.Since I started having miso soup for breakfast, I’ve noticed that my stomach feels better. I feel like my health has improved and I am conscious of eating mineral-rich seaweed, and I eat seaweed and salted kelp with rice. On the other hand, I find myself eating my favorite french fries, even though I know that they are fried and may not be good for my health.” The friends who commented this time also had something in common: “I consciously eat soy products to avoid aging.”
Additionally, the foods that people end up eating because they love them, even though they think they might not be good for them, are foods that use a lot of oil, such as French fries and instant ramen. ●What is “ESSE Friends Editor”? A representative organization of ESSE readers living all over Japan, selected through a rigorous document screening and interviews by the ESSE editorial department. She specializes in a variety of areas, including storage, housekeeping tips, inexpensive goods, saving money, and more. Participates in content creation while being deeply involved with the ESSE & ESSEonline editorial department. We also review new products and popular items. We provide easy-to-understand tips and information from our ears that are useful for busy days, incorporating the perspectives of actual users and readers. *If you have any products or services that you would like to provide information to the ESSE Friends Editor, please contact the editorial department (! We are always recruiting ●“ESSE Friends Editor” member introduction ●ESSE Friends Editor’s blog (updated almost every day!) ◤Contact us◢ ESSE Editorial Department ◆ESSEonline: ◆Fusosha:

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