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Sorajo Co., Ltd. Never give up on medical/nursing care DX! Aiming to improve productivity with “easy DX training” that allows you to experience “I think I can do this”

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[Sorajo Co., Ltd.] Never give up on medical/nursing care DX! Aiming to improve productivity with “easy DX training” that allows you to experience “I think I can do this”

Sorajo Co., Ltd. Press release: October 9, 2024 Never give up on medical/nursing care DX! Aiming to improve productivity with “easy DX training” that allows you to experience “I think I can do this” Sorajou Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fuchu-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture, Representative Director: Satoshi Kitamura, hereinafter referred to as Sorajou), which creates services and systems that make it easy for nursing care sites to introduce and utilize IT, has created a service that is easy to learn even for those who are not good at digital and IT. We have released “Easy DX Training”.×1080.png

■“Productivity improvement” will be increasingly required in the nursing care industry As Japan’s total population continues to decline and is expected to fall below 100 million by 2048, there is a need to use the power of IT to improve productivity and create new value. In recent years, ICT education has been promoted in compulsory education, raising the level of IT literacy, but this is a harsh reality for generations who have not received ICT education or who have not had the opportunity to learn. In the FY2020 revision of nursing care fees, a new “productivity improvement promotion system addition” was established. Additional requirements include clarification and review of work content, utilization of ICT equipment, etc. The aim is to improve the quality of nursing care by increasing productivity and operational efficiency, reducing the burden on nursing care staff, and further preventing turnover and increasing recruitment. Considering these trends of the times, nursing care DX will be a major guide to improving productivity. ■“Easy DX training” born from a sense of the challenges faced by nursing care facilities At the nursing care facility (LILE THE STYLE Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as LILE THE STYLE), which is one of our group companies, information was previously managed on paper. Because there were issues with the management and utilization of the documents created, we aimed to improve the back office operations, which had become complicated, and increase productivity. This is the start of a project to promote nursing care DX.×2234.jpg However, the project faced a series of difficulties. No matter how convenient the system was introduced, it was difficult for it to become widespread. We also experienced a situation where the organization came close to collapsing, including opposition from some employees who were not good at IT and mass resignations. At that time, we were lacking something. These were “organizational skills” and “communication.” [Assignment 1.] The company philosophy, management philosophy, and behavioral guidelines were not fully communicated to each employee. It was necessary for all employees to acquire the mindset and behavior of an organizational person, but there was no training system in place, and it was difficult to say that the organization was moving toward the company’s goals. [Assignment 2.] There was a lack of communication with the field There were not always people on site who were familiar with the system, and the environment was not conducive to saying, “I don’t know,” so on-site staff could not easily ask questions about the system. Therefore, our
representative provided information and established an educational system, and engineers from our group company, a system development company (North Hand Co., Ltd.), provided daily follow-up. Eight years have passed since the project started, and as a result of continued efforts over time, an increasing number of employees are now able to use the system, including LILE THE STYLE’s 75-year-old office worker. If we continue to take on challenges without giving up, we have proven that “DX can be achieved by anyone,” and we were also able to achieve results of approximately double sales and almost zero overtime compared to before the project started. Ta. The “Easy DX Training” released this time was created based on the know-how that our group companies have experienced, including past failures. ■Features of “Easy DX Training” 1. Content that allows even those who are not good at digital or IT to realize that they can do it The government’s DX and reskilling plans, as well as many DX training programs, assume that people are able to use PCs and mobile devices to some extent. We created the training content with the aim of providing easy-to-enter DX training so that even people who are not good at digital or IT can experience the benefits of DX. It is especially recommended for those who have not had the opportunity to learn DX before, and for those who work in workplaces that focus on interpersonal work, such as the medical and welfare industries. 2. Learn not only IT skills but also the theory of organizational structure and communication necessary for DX The most difficult thing in DX is “moving people.” DX cannot be achieved with knowledge and skills alone; it first requires a change in the mindset of the entire organization. Depending on the position of the participant, such as a manager or a general worker, the content is such that you can learn about the mindset necessary for DX, organizational structure theory, communication, etc. 3. An
output-oriented program that aims to improve productivity The most efficient learning method is output. This training is a program that not only provides knowledge input, but also allows participants to repeatedly put into practice what they have learned in a group workshop format, and to improve their skills while actually using no-code tools. This DX training is based on actual work and is more practical, so you can aim to improve your work and productivity. ■An example of the curriculum of “Easy DX Training” 1. Basic training (14 hours) This training is recommended for anyone aiming for DX, regardless of their position. First, in order to work on DX with purpose, we will help you understand the outline, purpose, and challenges of DX, as well as the actual situation in your own industry. You will also learn about organizational structure theory and communication to realize DX, and acquire the mindset that will become the foundation for knowledge and skills. Furthermore, you can easily add desired functions without having advanced system knowledge and learn the basic usage of “no-code tools” that can be useful for your work. 2. Applied training (14 hours) This training is recommended for those who have completed basic training and are aiming to improve their company’s issues through DX. 3. Practical training (14 hours) This training makes full use of the content learned in basic training and applied training, and implements improvements to actual work issues according to a framework.×670.png “Easy DX training” composition image diagram For more information, please see the overview of “Easy DX Training” on our website. ■Company profile Trade name: Sorajo Co., Ltd. Representative: Representative Director Satoshi Kitamura Address: 16-7 Yanagigaoka, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima 732-0033 Established: September 17, 2020 Business content: Nursing care system sales/consulting, DX human resource development program sales Capital: 3 million yen Email: TEL:
082-285-3411 URL : ■Contact information regarding this matter Company name: Sorajo Co., Ltd. Person in charge: Customer Success Department Tae Sorai TEL: 082-285-3411 (head office) 080-8986-7522 (mobile) Email :

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