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Kuradashi Co., Ltd. Additional speakers decided! “Food Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration” Fo rum 2024

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[Kuradashi Co., Ltd.] [Additional speakers decided! ] “Food
Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration” Forum 2024 ​
Kuradashi Co., Ltd. Press release: October 9, 2024 [Additional speakers decided! ] “Food Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration” Forum 2024 ~The forefront of food sustainability! Experts from Ajinomoto Co., Kirin Holdings, Danone Japan Co., Ltd. and others gather in Nihonbashi~×900.jpg

Kuradashi Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, President and CEO: Kohei Kawamura, hereinafter referred to as “Kuradashi”), which operates the social good market “Kuradashi”, will hold an event on October 21st (Monday) and 22nd (Tuesday). At the forum with the theme of “Co-creation and Collaboration on Food Sustainability,” new participants were joined by Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. CSV Strategy Department Manager Go Shimizu, Palace Hotel Co., Ltd. Brand Strategy Office Manager Fumi Yanagihara, and Dentsu BX Inc. We would like to inform you that additional speakers including Creative Center Business Development Director Takahiro Akiyama have been decided. ■Click here for application/special page: ■What is “Food Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration Forum 2024” The “Food Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration” forum is an event specializing in “food” and “sustainability.” In addition to disseminating and deepening understanding of various sustainability issues related to food and agriculture in the world and Japan, as well as examples of collaboration between companies and multi-stakeholders, We aim to create a movement to work together to solve problems, and to create an event where food-related companies themselves can co-create and collaborate on sustainability. In order to solve various food-related issues such as food loss and climate change, we believe that collaboration and collaboration between companies and the public and private sectors is necessary, and in 2022, we will launch the Food Sustainability Study Group. We continue to explore the future of sustainable food through events and other activities. This year, the third time, the event will be held over two days, October 21st (Monday) and 22nd (Tuesday). With the theme of “Co-creation and Collaboration for Food Sustainability,” we will have speakers from Japan and abroad who are leading experts in their respective fields at the forefront of their respective fields. Additionally, this year we will be holding a networking event and the Sustainnovation Pitch, a startup pitch contest that challenges food sustainability issues. Not only people working at food-related companies, people working on SDGs, sustainability, regional revitalization, and innovation in the food industry, people involved in management/organizational development, sustainable design, marketing, etc., but also people who are interested in solving future food issues. We look forward to your participation. ▽Each session schedule [Hall Venue] Schedule
・13:00-13:25 Keynote speech “Ethics Management – Practicing Purpose Management Based on Ethics” Mr. Takashi Nawa, Visiting Professor, Hitotsubashi Business School ・13:25-14:10 Panel discussion “Practice of purposeful management” Mr. Takashi Nawa, Visiting Professor, Hitotsubashi Business School Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Managing Executive Officer Ms. Chika Morishima, Sustainability Communication Officer Japan Activation Capital Chief Sustainability Officer Yuki Isogai ・14:25-14:50 Keynote speech “Towards sustainable use of marine resources” Fisheries Agency Fisheries Policy Department Processing and Distribution Division Certification Promotion Team Assistant Manager Chikage Yoshikawa ・14:50-15:15 Keynote Speech “How Fisheries Eco-Labels Can Be Useful to Society” (One company) MEL Council Chairman Naoya Kakizoe ・15:15-15:50 Panel discussion “The future of sustainable food and agriculture ~ Realization of Nature Positive and Possibility of Regenerative Agriculture- ” Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. CSV Strategy Department/Chief Officer Go Shimizu PwC Sustainability LLC Senior Manager Nankako Ichiki ・16:10~16:50 Panel discussion Mr. Fumi Yanagihara, Manager, Brand Strategy Office, Palace Hotel Co., Ltd. Mr. Kenji Kajiwara, Representative Director of Neal’s Yard Remedies Co., Ltd. Fairfield by Marriott Roadside Station Project Yuji Okamoto ・16:50-17:40 Panel discussion “Creating the future of food – Sustainability and Well-being from B Corp companies” OVGO
Corporation/B Market Builder JAPAN co -representative Yuki Mizobuchi Dannon Japan Co., Ltd. Corporate Affairs Director Eriko Okusu Naoko Nakano, Sustainability Promotion Manager “WIRED” Japan Edition Digital Deputy Editor Daisuke Takimoto ・17:40~18:10 Corporate lecture “Try & error for development, application, sales, and dissemination of environmentally friendly ingredients “Dentsu’s creativity x
Kanematsu’s value chain” Dentsu Inc. BX Creative Center Business Development Director Mr. Takahiro Akiyama Kanematsu Co., Ltd. Climate Change Countermeasures Business Division GX Accelerator Yasushi Hashioka ・18:30-20:00 Networking (planned) *There is a fee for networking. [Conference AB venue] ・13:30-14:15 Panel discussion About &mog’s efforts to create innovation in urban development and food.) Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. Nihonbashi Street Development Promotion Department Group Yoshito Kikunaga Sigmaxis Co., Ltd. Principal Takumi Kawamoto Food culture researcher/Representative director of Shokunokai Co., Ltd./ Vermectes Co., Ltd. CHIEF BRANDING OFFICER Nagauchi Aya Aya ・14:15-16:45 “Sustainnovation Pitch” pitch contest held Challenge to solve issues while challenging the area of ​​”food x sustainability” Five startup companies appear on the final pitch! ■About additional speakers on October 22nd (Tuesday) (*Only some speakers) Mr. Go Shimizu, Chief of CSV Strategy Department, Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.×2663.jpg In 2010, joined Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. Engaged in the development of manufacturing processes for functional materials at the Institute of Production Technology. Since 2015, he has been stationed in Thailand to set up a manufacturing base. Works on manufacturing processes, water treatment processes, and high-level stabilization of quality, and since 2019, has been engaged in management of research and development of manufacturing processes and water treatment processes at the Production Research Institute. Since 2024, he has been in charge of the Natural Capital Team in the Environment Group, CSV Strategy Department, Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. Mr. Fumi Yanagihara, Head of Brand Strategy Office, Palace Hotel Co., Ltd.×2700.jpg Joined Palace Hotel Co., Ltd. in 1999. In 2008, he was selected as a member of the hotel reconstruction project and engaged in the development of Palace Hotel Tokyo. As an overseas sales representative for new and old hotels for a total of 11 years, he has been involved in attracting customers and increasing awareness of wealthy overseas guests. Currently, as the head of the brand strategy department, he is in charge of hotel branding, PR, planning, etc. Mr. Takahiro Akiyama, Business Development Director, BX Creative Center, Dentsu Inc. Image
URL:×1120.jpg After joining Dentsu Inc. as a new graduate, he worked in sales promotions, public relations, and overseas departments, and now focuses on business development. We develop innovative businesses that meet latent demand, mainly targeting domestic and local medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, with a service menu that includes transferring proprietary technology to other industries, building value chains for developed products, and developing new domestic and international B2B/B2G sales channels. in charge. Yasushi Hashioka Kanematsu Corporation Climate Change Business Division GX Accelerator×674.png After joining Kanematsu Corporation as a new graduate, he worked in overseas sales in the steel division and was stationed in the United States. After that, he worked in corporate planning and then engaged in GX promotion. In the Kanematsu Group’s GX focus areas of energy, materials, agricultural foods, and veins, he is in charge of creating new GX businesses through group collaboration and collaboration with other companies, as well as supporting the creation of GX businesses within the group. *Only those who are currently confirmed to be on stage are listed in random order. *Session content and speakers are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding in advance. ■Overview of the 2024 Forum ・Title: “Food Sustainability Co-Creation and Collaboration Forum 2024” ・Date and time: Monday, October 21, 2024 14:00-18:00 (planned) Tuesday, October 22, 2024 12:55-20:00 (planned) *In addition to networking, a startup pitch contest will also be held at the same time ・Number of sessions: 10 or more sessions (planned) ・Venue: Muromachi Mitsui Hall & Conference (3rd floor, COREDO Muromachi Terrace, 3-2-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) ・Participation fee: Free / Paid only for networking ・Capacity: 1,000 people (planned) Networking capacity: 100 people (planned) ・Holding method: Offline event *Archive distribution will be decided at a later date! ・Sponsor: Kuradashi Co., Ltd. ・Sponsored by: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of the Environment ・Sponsor: Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., Dentsu Co., Ltd., ABC Style Co., Ltd., Danone Japan Co., Ltd., TOPPAN Co., Ltd., Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Future Food Fund Co., Ltd. and others ・Media support: Japan Shokuryo Shimbun Co., Ltd., CNETJAPAN, Japan Ryutsu Sangyo Shimbun Co., Ltd., Life Hugger ・URL: *You may enter or leave the room at any time, and the time may change. *Some paid content, such as networking, is limited. ■Simultaneous events 1. October 21st (Monday) 14:00-18:00 Kurachare Pitch Award 2024 ~The future of food and regional revitalization envisioned by generation Z university students~ We will hold a final pitch by students who participated in the social contribution internship “Kuradashi Challenge” run by Kuradashi. Generation Z university students who have considered the current situation and issues of the region as their own through actually visiting the site and doing agricultural work and exchanging opinions with local people will compete to come up with ideas for the future of food and regional revitalization. ・Click here to apply: 2. October 22nd (Tue) 14:15-16:45 Final pitch of startup pitch contest “Sustain(n)ovation pitch” held Startups tackling food sustainability issues gather! Five startup companies have been selected to participate in the final pitch! In this pitch contest, each company will pitch for 5 minutes and compete with their business plans. We are recruiting startup companies that are taking on the challenge of solving problems in the area of ​​”food x sustainability.” We are looking forward to the participation of innovative start-up companies that are leading the way. In addition, the winning company will receive prizes from each of the judged companies, as well as training support from the judge, Egg Forward. After the pitch contest, time will be set aside for interaction with pitching companies, judges, and participants, creating matching opportunities for investment and collaboration. Judge ・Future Food Fund Co., Ltd. Fund Manager Yasuo Murata ・Egg Forward Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Satoshi Tokutani ・Mr. Kaiya Kuroda, Japan Ryutsu Sangyo Shimbunsha ・Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. Mr. Sho Tsugawa, Chief Manager, New Business Group, Health Science Division ・Kaoru Sakagami, Officer, Corporate Planning Department, Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. ・Mr. Takumi Kawamoto, Principal of Sigmaxis Co., Ltd. ・Mr. Kohei Kawamura, Representative Director, President and CEO of Kuradashi Co., Ltd. Sponsored ・Kuradashi Co., Ltd. ・Future Food Fund Co., Ltd. Click here for details: ■What is the Food Sustainability Study Group×235.png The Food Sustainability Study Group was founded by Kuradashi, who wanted to understand social and sustainability issues in the food supply chain in a broader scope, with a focus on food loss reduction, and to consider solutions through collaboration between companies and the public and private sectors. This is a research group that was raised. The aim is to collaborate within and outside the food industry to address issues that are difficult to solve by a single company through information dissemination and networking. ■About Kuradashi Co., Ltd. Representative name: Kohei Kawamura Established: July 2014 Head office location: 5F Meguro Center Building, 3-2-1 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021 URL: [Service introduction] ・Social Good Market “Kuradashi”: ・“Kuradashi Fund” operated by Kuradashi: ・Frozen delivery lunch box “Dr. Tsurukame Kitchen”: [Sustainability of Kuradashi] ・Sustainability site: ・Sustainability report: [Main cumulative results as of the end of June 2024] ・Food loss reduction: 23,993 tons ・Economic effect: 11,673,640,000 yen ・CO2 reduction amount: 63,606t-CO2 ・Total amount of support: 144,184,220 yen ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー “Kuradashi”, “Social Good Market”, “1.5 Level Distribution”, and “Mottainai to Value” are registered trademarks of Kuradashi Co., Ltd.

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