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Hitachi Systems, Ltd. Utilizing 1.3 million pieces of knowledge per year to begin practical application of generated AI in maintenance work

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[Hitachi Systems, Ltd.] Utilizing 1.3 million pieces of knowledge per year to begin practical application of generative AI in maintenance work ​ Hitachi Systems Co., Ltd. Press release: October 9, 2024 Utilizing 1.3 million pieces of knowledge per year, we started practical application of generated AI in maintenance work In order to solve the shortage of human resources in the maintenance industry, we have begun the first step towards turning Hitachi Group maintenance knowledge into a service×378.png

Hitachi Group Maintenance Knowledge service scope Hitachi Systems, Ltd. (Representative Director and President: Setsuo Shibahara, Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo/hereinafter referred to as Hitachi Systems) has recently begun practical application of generative AI in maintenance operations. Through this, we will work to improve the efficiency of maintenance operations provided by Hitachi Systems. In the future, we will promote the development of business support services for maintenance engineers, who are front-line workers, by combining the Hitachi Group’s maintenance knowledge and generated AI, in order to solve the problem of technology inheritance due to the lack of human resources and aging of the maintenance industry. Masu. As a first step, in October 2024, Hitachi Systems applied generation AI to the IT equipment maintenance work and implemented an automatic report creation function. From then on, we will gradually expand the scope of application. Specifically, we will develop and apply various business support applications that combine field knowledge accumulated from 1.3 million cases per year and generated AI, and work to pass on the skills of maintenance engineers and improve work efficiency. Step 2 is to collaborate with companies responsible for maintenance within the Hitachi Group and apply the efficiency know-how that Hitachi Systems has cultivated through streamlining IT equipment maintenance work to maintenance work for non-IT equipment such as OT equipment. By providing this to Hitachi Group companies that perform maintenance work, we will streamline common tasks in maintenance work. As Step 3, we will provide services that combine the “maintenance knowledge” and “generated AI” that have been cultivated within the Hitachi Group in various industries, and aim to resolve issues facing the maintenance industry as a whole, such as the issue of technology inheritance due to a shortage of human resources and an aging population. ■Background The government has announced that there will be a shortage of up to 790,000 IT personnel by 2030*1, and the shortage of personnel is becoming more serious in the maintenance field. Due to the shortage of human resources, issues such as technology inheritance, improving operational efficiency, and preventing human errors have become urgent issues, and countermeasures are urgently needed. In the maintenance industry, although each company has accumulated know-how that is used to pass on technology and improve operational efficiency, the reality is that it is currently difficult for the industry as a whole to share information and to collaborate among companies. *1 Source: “1st Study Group Material 6 “About the IT Field” on the 4th Industrial Revolution Skill Acquisition Course Certification System (tentative name)” (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) ■About this initiative [Step 1] About Hitachi Systems’ application of generative AI to maintenance work In order to address issues such as passing on technology in maintenance operations, improving operational efficiency, and preventing human error, Hitachi Systems is applying generative AI and evolving both people and IT to make maintenance operations more efficient than ever. will become. Specifically, we will apply generated AI to maintenance applications in smart devices owned by Hitachi Systems’ maintenance engineers to inherit technology and streamline operations. Automatic creation of check sheets that identify and list procedures and danger points before work, automation of on-site KY (hazard prediction) that predicts mistakes and accidents that may occur at maintenance sites from photos, and AI that allows you to immediately refer to skilled techniques. Technical support, automatic report creation, etc. are achieved using generative AI*2. Through this, the know-how of experienced engineers will be passed on to younger engineers, raising the level of quality and expected to reduce time by more than 1,100 hours per month. At the same time, we will also acquire know-how on the use of generated AI in maintenance work for IT equipment. *2 In October 2024, we will implement an automatic report creation function, automatic check sheet generation and KY (risk prediction) automation in 2024, and AI technical support in 2025. ■Future initiatives [Step 2] Providing know-how using generated AI for Hitachi Group’s maintenance operations The Hitachi Group has group companies that perform maintenance work that is different from that of IT equipment, such as OT equipment, and although each company has its own expertise in the industry, there are common areas in maintenance work such as creating work plans, allocating work, and creating reports. Business exists. In addition, human resource shortages, technology inheritance, and productivity improvements are common issues facing maintenance operations regardless of industry. Group companies that perform maintenance work have been exchanging information regarding these common issues, and as part of this, we have also been working together to utilize generative AI. In the future, we will collaborate with Hitachi Power Solutions Co., Ltd., which has a rich track record and experience in maintenance services for various facilities and equipment in the social
infrastructure field, and use generated AI to perform maintenance work different from IT equipment such as OT equipment. We will verify the effectiveness of efficiency improvements. [Step 3] About providing Hitachi Group maintenance knowledge services to the entire maintenance industry The knowledge acquired in improving the efficiency of maintenance operations at Hitachi Group companies will not only improve the efficiency of common operations, but will also reflect the expertise of various industries. By combining this knowledge with our basic services (managed services, etc.) and providing them mainly to small and medium-sized maintenance vendors, even vendors who have not yet started DX (digital transformation) can easily inherit technology and improve efficiency. We will support you. We will promote these initiatives as One Hitachi and solve the problem of technology inheritance due to the lack of human resources and aging of the maintenance industry. ■About related news releases Collaboratively create business innovation for customers by automating IT and improving conceptualization through the use of generative AI ■About Hitachi Systems Hitachi Systems’ strengths are human resources with customer business knowledge and know-how cultivated through solving problems in a variety of industries, working together with Hitachi Group companies and business partners to develop the Lumada business under One Hitachi. By doing so, we thoroughly support our customers’ digital transformation. Under the Hitachi Group’s sustainability strategy, by promoting management that takes into account the environment, society, and corporate governance, we will create value that helps solve the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, and achieve the goal of We will continue to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society. For more information, please visit Please see. ■Customer inquiries Hitachi Systems, Ltd. Inquiry Web Form More *Company names and product names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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