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Save the Children Japan Public Interest Incorporated Association Launched “#1120 Motivation Action” campai gn in conjunction with “World Children’s Day” on November 20th

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[Save the Children Japan Public Interest Incorporated Association] Launches “#1120 Motivation Action” campaign in conjunction with “World Children’s Day” on November 20 ​
Save the Children Japan Public Interest Incorporated Association Press release: November 5, 2024 11/20 “#1120 Opportunity Action” campaign launched in conjunction with “World Children’s Day” Daimao Furusaka, Ami Suzuki, Marina Watanabe, J League Kashiwa Reysol players and others agree

Save the Children Japan (Chairman: Junichiro Ida, Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), an international NGO specializing in child support, aims to protect the rights of all children to live, grow, be protected, and participate. We aim to create a world where children’s rights are realized, and we are engaged in activities to spread awareness of children’s rights. To coincide with World Children’s Day on November 20th, which draws attention to children’s rights, the #1120 Trigger Action campaign will be held from November 5th (Tuesday) to November 29th (Friday). This will be carried out on Instagram and the campaign website. A total of five people are involved in this project: Daimaou Furusaka (comedian, producer), Ami Suzuki
(singer/talent), Marina Watanabe (talent), and J1 soccer player Mateus Savio of Kashiwa Reysol and Masahiro Hosoya. With the support of all of you, we will create an opportunity for you to donate to the children. In 1954, the United Nations established November 20th as “World Children’s Day” with the aim of improving mutual understanding and welfare of children around the world, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations on the same day in 1989. . Japan ratified it in 1994, and this year marks the 30th anniversary of its ratification. We believe that it is important now to make more children and adults aware of children’s rights. Save the Children, which works to protect children’s rights, will be running the “#1120 Trigger Action” campaign on Instagram and the campaign website to coincide with this timing. With the cooperation of celebrities such as Daimaou Furusaka, Ami Suzuki, Marina Watanabe, and Kashiwa Reysol players, we will spread the word about “children’s rights” and promote the Save the Children initiative as an
easy-to-take action. We will appeal for donations. In commemoration of World Children’s Day, which falls on November 20th, this campaign will collect donations starting at 1,120 yen per unit, and will continue to work to protect the rights of children both domestically and internationally. [Contents] Save the Children and celebrities’ Instagram accounts will distribute a video in which celebrities look back on their childhood and talk about their feelings for children, appealing for donations. I will. November 20th is World Children’s Day.We want to make more people aware of children’s rights and create an opportunity to make annual donations to children.1 We accept donations starting from 1,120 yen. [Period] November 5th (Tuesday) to November 29th (Friday), 2024 [People who cooperate] (Titles omitted, in no particular order)
Image Daimaou Furusaka (comedian, producer)
Image Ami Suzuki (singer/talent)
Image Marina Watanabe (talent)
Image Shindai Hosoya (professional soccer player, Kashiwa Reysol)
Image Matheus Savio (professional soccer player, Kashiwa Reysol) ◼ Save the Children Instagram account ◼ Save the Children Campaign Page

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