Industry-Academia Collaborative Innovation Human Resources Development Council Active discussions will be held at both universities and companies on the creation and utilization of comprehensive knowledge.
Industry-Academia Collaborative Innovation Human Resource Development Symposium 2022 Decided
The diverse happiness of each individual is the purpose of science, technology and innovation, and there is a need to redesign society as a whole with sustainability and resilience. On the other hand, businesses are also required to commit to responsible business, sustainable economic development, and long-term value creation. In order to provide new solutions to complex social issues that are intertwined with each other and to realize social transformation, we must not only accumulate knowledge about science and technology, but also accumulate diverse knowledge based on an understanding of people and society to draw a picture of the future. , need to create innovation. Generating the vitality of knowledge is one of the major roles of universities, but solving social issues requires not only interdisciplinary collaboration in academia, but also co-creative value creation with various stakeholders such as companies, NPOs, and citizens. It is essential. However, while the co-creation of value by diverse stakeholders makes it possible to always proactively deal with various problems caused by scientific uncertainty, there are also many challenges. In this symposium, four lecturers will give lectures on the theme of comprehensive knowledge, which is currently attracting attention in identifying and realizing the ideal state of science and technology and measures for social implementation, and comprehensive knowledge will be discussed by panelists. Please discuss the effective creation of
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[Web page]
Overview of the event
Event name: Industry-Academia Collaborative Innovation Human Resource Development Symposium 2022
“Thinking of Comprehensive Knowledge from the Perspective of Creating Science, Technology and Innovation”
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023, 14:30-18:00
Venue: Hybrid event
・ Online (using Zoom)
・Real venue: Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Memorial Hall, International Exchange Hall
Real venue website: Part One
14:30-14:35 Opening remarks
14:35-14:45 Guest speech
Keynote Speech “Thinking about Comprehensive Knowledge from the Perspective of Creating Science, Technology and Innovation”
Mr. Denji Kobayashi, Director of JST Social Technology Research and Development Center
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A philosopher of science, former executive director and vice president of Osaka University, former executive director of C-ENGINE.
Dr. Denji Kobayashi, currently Director of JST Social Technology Research and Development Center, will give a lecture on “Why is comprehensive knowledge attracting attention now, and how should it be created and utilized?”
1978 Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, In 1983, withdrew from the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.
1987 Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Fukuoka University of Education, 1990 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Nanzan University, Professor, 2005 Professor, Communication Design Center, Osaka University; After serving as a director and vice president, he assumed his current position in 2021.
Specializes in philosophy of science and science and technology society. 15:30 ~ 15:50
Lecture “ELSI Co-Creation Research as Comprehensive Knowledge” Mitsuo Kishimoto, Director of the Center for Co-Creation of Social Technology, Osaka University
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・October 2021 – Present Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research Senior Researcher (Visiting Researcher)
・April 2021 – Present Osaka University Research and Education Center for Infectious Diseases (Deputy Director)
・May 2020 – Present Visiting Researcher, National Diet Library ・April 2020 – Present Director, Research Center for Social Technology Co-Creation, Osaka University
・April 2017 – Present Professor, Dataability Frontier Institute, Osaka University
・April 2014 – March 2017 Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
・April 2008 – March 2014 Research Group Leader, Safety Science Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
15:50 ~ 16:10
Lecture “Electronic Computers and Foresight Insights – From ENIAC to Quantum Computers”
Mr. Akihiro Haneda, Executive Fellow, BIPROGY Co., Ltd.
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・Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Sociology, Social Theory Course.
・In 1984, joined Nihon Univac (now BIPROGY).
At Nihon Unisys, Business Innovation Office Managing Partner, He is in charge of Advanced Technology Department Manager, General Technology Research Institute Department Manager, and CTO. At BIPROGY, he leads the “MI CoE (Management Innovation Center of Excellence)” project aimed at improving corporate capabilities such as market formation and innovation management.
・He has served as a visiting professor at the Research Center for Public Knowledge, National Institute of Informatics.
・Cabinet Office Strategic Innovation Creation Program “Advanced diagnosis and medical system by AI hospital” Research director 16:10 ~ 16:30
Lecture “Solving Social Issues with Comprehensive Knowledge and Sophistication and Diversification of ‘Towns'”
Mr. Atsunmichi Kushibe, Director and Deputy Director, Future and Advanced Research Department, Technology Research Institute, Takenaka Corporation
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・1994 Joined Takenaka Corporation
・March 1995 Joined the Institute of Technology
He specializes in mechanical engineering and metal engineering, and is engaged in research and development related to advanced materials. He has worked on many open innovations through
industry-government-academia collaboration, including the development of building materials using photocatalyst materials and the
development of high-performance vibration control dampers that protect buildings from earthquakes.
・From March 2020 to current position
Second part
16:45 ~ 16:55 C-ENGINE initiatives
16:55 ~ 17:15 Student experience presentation:
Miwa Tobita, Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Mr. Takayuki Goto, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
17:15 ~ 17:55
Panel discussion: “How to create comprehensive knowledge more effectively” Panelists:
Mr. Denji Kobayashi Director, Research and Development Center for Social Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency
BIPROGY Co., Ltd. Executive Fellow Mr. Akihiro Haneda
Mr. Atsunmichi Kushibe, Director and Deputy Director, Future and Advanced Research Department, Takenaka Corporation Technical Research Institute
Mr. Mitsuo Kishimoto, Director of Center for Co-Creation of Social Technology, Osaka University
17:55 ~ 18:00 Closing remarks
How to apply for participation
WEB form
E-mail (Please include your name and affiliation) Application e-mail address:
About Industry-Academia Collaborative Innovation Human Resource Development Council (C-ENGINE)
“Collaborative Education for Next-Generation INnovators & Exploration of knowledge intersections”. The nickname “C-ENGINE”, which is an abbreviation for this, includes the desire that this project will play a role as an engine for producing innovative human resources in Japan. [Council Overview] General Incorporated Association Industry-Academia Collaborative Innovation Human Resource Development Council
Location: 305 Japan-Italian Hall, 4 Yoshida Ushinomiya-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Representative Director: Takao Hirashima (Kyoto University Executive Vice President)
Established: January 2014
Business description: Many-to-many collaborative activities between universities and companies, aiming to produce highly-skilled human resources with the ability to create innovation
Promotion of research internships for master’s/doctoral
students/Planning and operation of industry-academia
collaboration/Operation of online personnel exchange system
Details about this release: