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Home » Shibuya Ward SDGs Association Soybean Meat Project on Meat Day Cooking class using soybean meat held at Shibuya Center Gai Children’s Cafeteria

Shibuya Ward SDGs Association Soybean Meat Project on Meat Day Cooking class using soybean meat held at Shibuya Center Gai Children’s Cafeteria

Shibuya Ward SDGs Association
[Soybean Meat Project on Meat Day] Cooking class using soybean meat held at Shibuya Center Gai Kodomo Shokudo
The Shibuya Ward SDGs Association (Representative Director: Daisuke Suzuki), a general incorporated association that engages in SDGs activities with businesses and citizens in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, is organizing a special event at the “Shibuya Center Street Children’s Cafeteria” operated in Shibuya Ward. As part of this edition, we held a cooking class using soy meat on November 29th (Tuesday), which was Good Meat Day.
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The “Soybean Meat Project” (Sponsored by Snap Dish Co., Ltd.) was launched with the desire to incorporate the fourth meat, “soybean meat,” into dishes in a delicious and fun way and enrich the options on the dining table.
To commemorate “Good Meat Day” on November 29th (Wednesday), we held a one-day cooking class for elementary school students at “Shibuya Center Gai Children’s Shokudo.”
Since its inception, the Soybean Meat Project, which is comprised of 6 manufacturers + 2 organizations + chefs (Note 1) that lead the soybean meat market, has held a 4th event on Good Meat Day (November 29th). We are holding events to spread the word about meat. This year, we will be holding dietary education and eating experiences using soy meat, which is attracting attention as a sustainable food, for the children who will be responsible for the future.
On the day of the event, soy food researcher Saori Ikegami and student staff members from the Shibuya Ward SDGs Association gave a lecture on the appeal of soy meat to children from the surrounding area who gathered at the “Shibuya Center Street Children’s Shokudo.”
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Lecture by student staff working at the Shibuya Ward SDGs Association [Image 3d90510-4-9263918983c8f5656ef8-0.jpg&s3=90510-4-5c02ce3f0bbd50bebc8ddd4697b9bdcb-2048x1365.jpg
Lecture by soy food researcher Saori Ikegami
After the lecture, we tried making one plate using soybean meat. Each dish, such as the “soy meat hamburger,” has been handcrafted with an original arrangement of soy meat, taking into consideration the nutritional balance.
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Each child will make a plate
Here is the completed one plate. There are three types: original hamburger (Tastable “NIKUVEGE”), tomato stew (Marudai Foods “PlantRECIPE”), and crispy fried soybean meat with vinegar sauce (Marukome “Soy Meat”).
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3 types of plates using soybean meat
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Take a commemorative photo with the finished dish
Once it’s done, it’s time for rice.
Everyone enjoyed the soybean meat meal that they made themselves. [Image 7d90510-4-fd519e4eb3188978fb5c-0.jpg&s3=90510-4-683cf10bcf6b2165ba61a375c96b1d42-2048x1365.jpg
Everyone will have it
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Products provided by manufacturers supporting the “Soybean Meat Project” on Niku Day
(Note 1) Karuna Co., Ltd., Tastable Co., Ltd., Tofu Meat Co., Ltd., Nextmeets Co., Ltd., Marukome Co., Ltd., Marudai Foods Co., Ltd., SOY Shoku Cooking, Japan Soy Food Meister Association, Soy Food Researcher Saori Ikegami, Soy Meat Culinary expert Mariko Bando
Overview of Shibuya Center Street Children’s Restaurant special project “Soybean Meat Project on Good Meat Day”
●Date and time: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 17:00-19:00
●Location: Sponge (6th floor, Shibuya Center Building, 16-8
Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
●Organizer: Shibuya Ward SDGs Association
●Co-sponsored by: Cooking SNS “Snap Dish”
●Support: Shibuya Shimbun, Harajuku Omotesando Shimbun, Manabuya Co., Ltd. ●Cooperation: Taiheiyo Shoji Co., Ltd., Shibutena Co., Ltd., Tastable Co., Ltd., Marukome Co., Ltd., Marudai Foods Co., Ltd., Shibuya Ward Social Welfare Council, E-Smiley Co., Ltd.
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Shibuya Center Street Children’s Restaurant Announcement Flyer About Shibuya Ward SDGs Association and Shibuya Center Street Children’s Cafeteria
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The Shibuya Ward SDGs Association, which has the theme “From child to child” and creates a “place of connection” and “learning” about SDGs in Shibuya, aims to be a “third place for children” and creates opportunities to learn about food loss. We have been holding the “Shibuya Center Street Children’s Cafeteria” on a monthly basis since June 2022 with the aim of creating a diverse community.
In addition, recently, in collaboration with the Shibuya Ward Social Welfare Council, it has become a place for isolated seniors and a place where multiple generations can gather.
The event is being held at the community space “Sponge” in Shibuya Center Gai, with the concept of “a place created by young people where everyone absorbs each other.”
The Shibuya Ward SDGs Association will continue to hold “Shibuya Center Street Children’s Cafeteria” on a regular basis.
Together with businesses and citizens, we will provide opportunities for children to communicate about the environment and food loss issues.
Shibuya Ward SDGs Association General Incorporated Association

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