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Home » Explore » T.O.H. Co., Ltd. T.O.H. Co., Ltd. (human resources service industry) acquired all the shares of Team Ankr Co., Ltd., which operates and manages accommodation facilities, and made it a subsidiary in order to increase the retention rate of human reso

T.O.H. Co., Ltd. T.O.H. Co., Ltd. (human resources service industry) acquired all the shares of Team Ankr Co., Ltd., which operates and manages accommodation facilities, and made it a subsidiary in order to increase the retention rate of human reso

TOH Co., Ltd.
TOH Co., Ltd. (human resources service industry) acquired all shares of Team Ankr Co., Ltd., which operates and manages accommodation facilities, and made it a subsidiary in order to increase the retention rate of human resources in companies.
TOH Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Masato Ozasa), which provides human resources services, has announced that it will acquire all the shares of Team Ankr Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Daisuke Saito) and make it a wholly owned subsidiary. It has been decided
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In order to support “human resources recruitment” and “DX conversion”, which are issues for many companies, we
We are developing our services based on the “Recruitment Advertising Agency Business” and the “System Engineering Service Business.” Nowadays, human resources strategies involve not only recruiting new human resources, but also
The idea of ​​“improving employee engagement” is becoming
increasingly important as it prevents turnover, develops human resources, and contributes to business performance.
And in terms of personal work style values,
Utilize telework, etc. to work in a location different from your usual workplace or home,
The idea of ​​“workation,” which aims to improve productivity by spending time on your own, is also becoming widespread.
This time, Team Ankr Co., Ltd., which manages facilities such as glamping facilities and vacation rentals in various regions, will become a subsidiary.
The aim is to develop new services that match enhanced corporate engagement with improved individual productivity, and to strengthen the competitiveness of existing solutions provided by our company. With this decision, both companies will strengthen their growth foundations and accelerate the stable growth and expansion of the group’s business.
[T.O.H. Co., Ltd. homepage]
[Team Ankr Co., Ltd. Home Page]
[Introduction of some facilities]
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■ANKR VILLAGE KUJUKURI ~Anchor Village Kujukuri~
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