SRA OSS, OSS database PostgreSQL commercial version PowerGres V15 now on sale ……
On December 1, 2023, SRA OSS LLC (Toshima-ku, Tokyo, President: Kari Inaba, hereafter SRA OSS) announced the launch of “PowerGres”, which is fully compatible with the open source database PostgreSQL and provides ease of use and reliable support. We have started selling version 15 (PowerGres V15).
▼For detailed information on PowerGres V15, please visit the PowerGres family site below.
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 and PowerGres on Linux (for Linux), which are available in single configuration and replication configuration, and are based on PostgreSQL 15 from the previous PowerGres V13. This brings many improvements, including:
■ Improved logical replication
New stream transmission and binary transfer modes have been introduced to improve the performance of logical replication. Various features have also been added, such as row filters, column filters, and automatic subscription disablement when an error occurs.
■ Suppression of Btree index size expansion
Btree indexes have been improved to prevent index size growth in certain cases. ■ MERGE statement
The MERGE statement is a SQL statement that can be used as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE depending on the contents of the rows in the target table. Previously, similar processing was possible using PostgreSQL's unique syntax, but now the SQL standard MERGE statement is now supported.
PowerGres V15 price list
product price
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You cannot purchase only the product. First year support contract required. Support price (1 year contract)
[Table 4:
PowerGres V15 sales/shipment date
Product name: PowerGres on Windows V15, PowerGres on Linux V15 Sales start date: December 1, 2023
Shipping start date: December 1, 2023
PowerGres information and purchase
For detailed information on PowerGres V15, please visit the PowerGres family site below.
You can request a quote or purchase PowerGres products from our online shop. Please use the SRA OSS Online Shop below.
About PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is known as a representative open source database and is widely used in Japan, from back-end databases for web systems to mission-critical systems.
SRA OSS aims to popularize and develop open source software
(hereinafter referred to as OSS), and is working on OSS development by providing support services, consulting, and training businesses for everyone who uses OSS. The company was established in June 2022, but started its business in 1999 as a division of SRA Co., Ltd., an independent domestic SI vendor, and since 2005 has expanded its business as the Japanese branch of SRA OSS, Inc. in the United States. We have over 20 years of experience in the OSS business. We support a wide range of OSS middleware, mainly PostgreSQL.
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