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TYPICA appoints four executive officers and establishes a management structure that supports three representative directors in each area

TYPICA Holdings Co., Ltd.
TYPICA appoints four executive officers and establishes a management structure that supports three representative directors in each area The four executive officers will work together to lead business operations and contribute to TYPICA’s growth, leveraging their respective areas of expertise and practical experience.
TYPICA, a global venture company pursuing the sustainability of high-quality coffee, has appointed four executive officers as of November 23, 2023. There are four people: a Technology Officer who drives the dramatic evolution of products, a Social Impact Officer who aims to maximize social impact, an Operating Officer who promotes business planning and organizational implementation, and an
Administrative Officer who oversees the strengthening of the management department. We have built a system to support management under the direction of three representative directors, making use of each of our past practical experiences.
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TYPICA is the world’s first global direct trade coffee online platform. By making it possible to trade green coffee beans in units of one jute bag (approximately 60 kg), which previously had to be carried out in containers (approximately 18 tons), even small and medium-sized producers who find it difficult to export on their own can now trade green coffee beans. , providing an opportunity to sell green coffee beans to roasters around the world.
Because the purchase price of coffee is determined on the futures market, about half of the small and medium-sized producers, who account for just under 70% of the approximately 20 million coffee producers, remain in poverty. TYPICA’s platform is revolutionizing the coffee industry by democratizing direct trade and enabling pricing independent of futures markets, increasing incomes for small producers.
Background of the appointment
In the four years since its founding, the network of producers and roasters using the TYPICA platform has expanded to 71 countries and regions, and to date we have achieved direct trade across 55 countries and regions.
In order to accelerate further growth on a global scale, TYPICA will transition to a three-person representative director system as of November 1, 2023, consisting of the CEO, CQO (Chief Quality Officer), and CFO. Under the direction of these three executive officers, the four executive officers appointed this time will utilize their practical experience in their respective fields to support management and contribute to further increases in corporate value.
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Executive Officer Technology Officer Takasuke Arisawa
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While taking a leave of absence from university, he pursued a career as an engineer, and in 2007 moved to DeNA Co., Ltd. (DeNA). Involved in launching open platform business and genetic analysis business. Joined Raksul Co., Ltd. in October 2016.
The company developed the underlying system and significantly improved the user experience. After that, he promoted the launch of the enterprise business and contributed to business growth as a director of the development team. Joined TYPICA in 2023 and is engaged in new model development.
Comments upon appointment:
He has over 20 years of experience in web engineering, and has been deeply involved in the development and operation of platform systems. Meeting TYPICA was a turning point for me. Listening to the stories of coffee producers and roasters who are involved with TYPICA greatly expanded my horizons and gave me a new awareness of what I can do for people who love coffee. .
We hope our platform brings a little happiness to coffee lovers’ daily lives. I’m excited about leveraging technology to provide a place for people to connect. We sincerely hope that our efforts can have a gentle and positive impact on the world of coffee.
Executive Officer Social Impact Officer Shizuka Funayama
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After graduating from Waseda University, he worked at a trading company specializing in ODA, and then was stationed in Nigeria for about a year to work at an overseas diplomatic mission. After that, he earned a master’s degree at the University of Oxford in the UK, and then joined an international NGO that provides humanitarian aid. He gained experience in business management and business formation, and during his one and a half year stint in Kenya, he served as the local manager and office manager for a refugee support project worth 100 million yen per year using funds from the United Nations and other organizations.
After that, she became a freelancer, and while participating in multiple startups by applying for and managing government-funded projects, she expanded her responsibilities to include public relations, marketing, and research support. Joined TYPICA in 2023 and engaged in research in the ESG field, planning and operation of subsidy projects, and operations in the president’s office.
Comments upon appointment:
I feel that the world of international cooperation, in which I have spent my career, is seen as incompatible with the economic activities of general private companies. However, the world’s social issues symbolized by the SDGs cannot be resolved without corporate
commitment. I feel that TYPICA, which pursues a business model that allows companies to consistently achieve economic growth and social impact, has the potential to overcome this disconnect.
In order to create a future where it is common for companies to improve society through their business activities, as one of the executive officers I will grow TYPICA into a role model for companies in a new era, while also personally working both inside and outside the company. We will work harder than ever to make a positive impact, regardless of the situation.
Executive Officer Operating Officer Taketaku Yasui
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After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, joined Euglena Co., Ltd. As an OEM business manager, he was involved in product launches for major pharmaceutical companies, health food manufacturers, etc., and contributed to sales and profits during the period of rapid growth before and after going public. In addition, we have achieved numerous collaborations with food and beverage manufacturers, and brought materials to market through joint projects with retailers.
In 2019, he was seconded to a major general trading company and engaged in product development for retail. From 2022, head of the Corporate Planning Office of the Healthcare Company. Joined TYPICA in 2023 and is responsible for global planning strategy formulation and overall operational promotion.
Comments upon appointment:
For some time, I have been interested in creating systems that make the world a better place. We are confident that TYPICA will truly change the structure of the coffee trade, provide brightness to the many people involved, and make the future of a cup of coffee even better.
I myself want to become a hero at TYPICA, but first I want to create an environment and structure in which each member of TYPICA can become a hero/heroine and succeed as a team. I have the impression that if the TYPICA members, who have outstanding personalities and strong passion, yet are very honest, can show their best performance, it will be amazing. In the future, as we accomplish our work, we will share the joy with our members and create more and more moments that make us want to give them a high five.
Executive Officer Administrative Officer Higashiakiyo
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After graduating from Kyoto Institute of Technology’s Faculty of Design and Management Engineering in 2010, he worked in accounting and sales for 10 years at an intermediary wholesaler in the Eastern Osaka Central Wholesale Market, while also volunteering to provide emotional education for children and music at five locations. Manages
When I was thinking about changing jobs, I sympathized with CEO Goto’s attitude of always aiming high, and since 2019 I have been
participating in the management of TYPICA as a founding member. Until now, he has concurrently held general back-office and trade/logistics duties, contributing to TYPICA’s growth and global expansion. Currently engaged in building the management department for listing on NASDAQ.
Comments upon appointment:
The future that TYPICA is aiming for is something revolutionary that changes the norm of industry, and we believe that this will change the future of producers, roasters, and everyone involved. Imagining what the future holds is always exciting, and it motivates us to work even harder.
I would like to work with the management team and employees from all over the world to create a system that allows us to think about what kind of innovative things TYPICA can do without taking the obvious for granted, and to create that kind of innovation.
I think there are many things that I am inexperienced with, but I want to work as a team, constantly learning and improving, and working hard to realize the future. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who supports us on a daily basis, and we look forward to new encounters with everyone who will join us in the future.
New management structure
The new management structure is as follows.
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The TYPICA website publishes staff narratives of four executive officers. ・Akiyo Higashi: “It’s fine as long as you’re fully involved in what’s in front of you.” The “battle” with myself that continues in the back office
・Kousuke Arisawa: The Internet creates opportunities. Creating a better world by changing systems
・Shizuka Funayama: To see justice come true. Overcoming division and creating a world where hard work is rewarded
・Taketaku Yasui: Create a happier today than yesterday. Searching for a way to not be wasted
Under the new management structure, TYPICA will continue to take on further challenges to realize its mission of “democratizing direct trade.” We will also focus on creating a management system that allows local subsidiaries in each country and region (Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States) to develop autonomously, and on training base representatives.

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