Aera Home Co., Ltd.
The second Aela Home 60th anniversary product “THE CA” will go on sale from December 2nd (Saturday)!
A dream collaboration between house builders with different
characteristics! Safe and secure “high-performance housing” and “high design” that excites the hearts of residents
Aera Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Aela Home), which operates the sale of custom-built homes, franchise chain business (hereinafter referred to as FC business), remodeling business, real estate business, etc. under the slogan of “environmentally designed homes” Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director Hideyuki Nakajima) is a collaboration product with California Komuten Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as California Komuten Nakano-ku, Tokyo / CEO Taketoshi Nishimura) as a commemorative product for the 60th anniversary of its founding, “THE CA.” (
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Location: 2nd floor, Aoba Daiichi Building, 2-3-1 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Tokyo Head Office)
Representative: Representative Director and President Hideyuki Nakajima california construction company
Name: California Komuten Co., Ltd. (
Location: K.M.T Building, 2-1-16 Arai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director and President Taketoshi Nishimura