Sanyo Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Sanyo Real Estate will hold year-end party during working hours again this year – salary will also be paid
We aim to create a comfortable working environment and create a society where all employees can play an active role.
Sanyo Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Representative Director: Kazuko Mizoiri) holds in-house events such as year-end parties, summer parties, and training trips during employees’ working hours. This makes it easier for staff who are working while raising children or caring for family members to participate in company events, increasing staff participation rates. In addition to increasing team strength among employees, it also makes it possible to build relationships that facilitate collaboration with subcontractors. Furthermore, in terms of management, it is possible to improve the efficiency of operations, and productivity can be expected to improve. Sanyo Real Estate aims to create a society where everyone, regardless of gender, can play an active role by creating a
comfortable working environment for all employees.
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Sanyo Real Estate has been holding summer parties and company events during the day for nine years, but year-end parties were sometimes held at night. However, when we held the event in the evening, we received comments such as, “I really want to participate, but I can’t because it would be difficult to leave my child there,” and “I have one child at home to watch, so I can’t participate.” I received a voice from an employee saying, “I want you to leave.” Hearing these voices, even though the management aims to hold the event with all employees to look back on the past year and have a delicious meal, some employees are unable to participate or some employees participate with some anxiety. I noticed that there is. So I started thinking about what kind of format would make it easier for everyone to participate.
Therefore, we decided to hold year-end parties during daytime work hours to create an environment where everyone can easily participate. By holding events during the day, it becomes easier for staff who are working while raising children or caring for family members to participate in company events, increasing staff participation rates. In addition to increasing team strength among employees, it also makes it possible to build relationships that facilitate collaboration with subcontractors. Furthermore, in terms of management, it is possible to improve the efficiency of operations, and productivity can be expected to improve. Since it is within working hours, the end time is clear, and it not only relieves the worries of participating staff members such as “When will the year-end party end” and “Will I be able to pick up my child in time?”, but also because I will receive a salary. You can also participate with high motivation.
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What is the purpose of holding a year-end party?
Recently, I’ve heard that more and more people say they don’t want to attend year-end parties, but I feel it’s important for business owners to clarify the purpose of holding a year-end party.
Up until now, drinking parties have been held outside of working hours as a matter of course, and the younger generation participates with a wry smile as they watch their bosses and older people getting drunk, saying things like “drinking party.” Is this something we must continue to do in the future?
“Who is the year-end party for?” “What is the purpose of holding a year-end party?”
At year-end parties, we can talk about things we don’t usually talk about with our valued employees, and we can interact with
subcontractors that we don’t have many opportunities to interact with during work hours, which increases team strength and collaboration within the company, and improves employee self-confidence. I would like them to participate with the aim of creating an environment that is easy to work in. Everyone, regardless of age, whether they drink alcohol or not,
It is important to make the meeting easy for people to participate and have fun. I also believe that the purpose of holding a year-end party for business owners is to increase team strength and improve work efficiency, leading to improved productivity. For this reason, we hold the event during working hours because we believe that the first condition is that all participants are able to participate without worrying about their time.
I think it’s important to change and evolve year-end parties to fit the current era, rather than just adapting them to the traditional way of doing things.
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I’m not denying holding drinking parties.
People who express such opinions are still in the minority in today’s world, so people ask, “Are you against drinking parties?” “Drinking parties are important!” “Year-end parties should be held at night, so people who don’t want to come shouldn’t come.” We sometimes receive feedback that it’s only for drinking parties, but we do not deny drinking parties. And since it is expected that the number of year-end parties will be reduced in the future, I think it would be better to hold one.
Some companies may hold the event at night, while others may hold it during daytime work hours. Our method only increases the number of options, and we believe that those who wish to keep the current method should do so.
Since employees decide whether or not to work for a company, we believe it is important for a company to create various ways of doing things. At our company, events are held during the day during working hours, but some staff members go home immediately after working hours, while others go out for drinks in the evening as an after-party. I think holding events during the day will not reduce the number of people going out for drinks, but on the other hand, including an after-party will increase the number of people going out for drinks, which will have a positive impact on restaurants.
We believe that what is needed for future year-end parties, New Year’s parties, etc. is an environment where everyone can participate with peace of mind and options that employees can choose from.
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Internal training bus trip
Sanyo Real Estate’s training trips are also held during working hours. I have to leave at 8:30 in the morning and return to work by 5:00 pm, so the places I can go to are limited. For this reason, I chartered a bus to enjoy the time I was on the road. Collaborators such as house builders, banks, judicial scriveners, and tax accountants also participate.
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Some people even dress up in costumes to make the event more exciting. The photo echoes the sounds of everyone laughing, saying things like, “We played a survival game today, right?” “Huh? We went swimming in the sea today, right?” “No, I heard there was a baseball
We are also planning to hold a company bus trip and a year-end party this month, so I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of party it will be.
What is Sanyo Real Estate Ltd.?
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Sanyo Real Estate Co., Ltd. was founded in 1969 by Fusako Fujisaki (passed away at the age of 101) to support her family in place of her sick husband. The company has since been run by three generations of female managers, with their eldest daughter, Kazuko Mizoiri, becoming the second president, and her grandson, Chizuru Tsunoda, currently serving as vice president. Sanyo Real Estate aims to create a society where everyone can play an active role while caring for a family member or raising a child, as the founder started the business while caring for a family member.
In addition, we have created an environment where young people can easily take on challenges, and have set a vision of “making Fukuyama City the city of choice for the next generation,” and have supported the challenges of the next generation through our real estate and SOHO businesses. Currently, we operate five young entrepreneur support buildings called “DioPorte” in Fukuyama City, and support young entrepreneurs by holding start-up events. Furthermore, since 2021, we have been the top sponsor of local league soccer teams, and are actively hiring young people who aspire to become professional soccer players.
Currently, 45% of Sanyo Real Estate employees work while raising children or caring for family members, and 63% of employees are women. For this reason, Sanyo Real Estate tries to hold in-house events during working hours.
What Sanyo Real Estate aims to do
Sanyo Real Estate is a company located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, with a population of approximately 460,000. Hiroshima Prefecture is currently experiencing an unstoppable outflow of young people. Similarly, Fukuyama City in Hiroshima Prefecture is currently in a situation where it is difficult to say that it is a city chosen by young people. Our vision is to make Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture the city of choice for the next generation, and we will contribute to society through our real estate business.
To this end, we aim to create a society where everyone, regardless of gender, can play an active role by supporting the challenges of young people through our Young Entrepreneur Support Project and by creating an environment where employees can work comfortably.
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TV commercial currently airing☆
Hiroshima Prefectural Governor (7) No. 7160
Member of Hiroshima Prefecture Real Estate Transaction Association Member of the National Real Estate Transaction Guarantee Association Sanyo Real Estate Co., Ltd.
3-10-5 Higashimachi, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture 720-0052 TEL (084) 921-2778 (main)
FAX (084)932-3555