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Home » Explore » Toyoshima Co., Ltd. Ron Herman will release 8 types of knitwear using Toyoshima’s “TRUECOTTON” and Spiber’s next-generation fiber “Brewed Protein (TM) fiber” from Ron Herman on Friday, December 1, 2023.

Toyoshima Co., Ltd. Ron Herman will release 8 types of knitwear using Toyoshima’s “TRUECOTTON” and Spiber’s next-generation fiber “Brewed Protein (TM) fiber” from Ron Herman on Friday, December 1, 2023.

Toyoshima Co., Ltd.
Ron Herman will release 8 types of knitwear using Toyoshima’s “TRUECOTTON” and Spiber’s next-generation fiber “Brewed Protein(TM) fiber” on Friday, December 1, 2023.
Toyoshima Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naka-ku, Nagoya, President: Hanshichi Toyoshima), which proposes comfortable lifestyles, offers safe and secure Turkish organic cotton “TRUECOTTON” and biomass venture company Spiber. A total of 8 types of knitwear using a material mixed with the artificial protein material “Brewed Protein (TM) fiber” developed by Spiber will be released at Ron Herman stores from Friday, December 1, 2023. .
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“TRUECOTTON” developed by Toyoshima is an environment where people who work on cotton farms can lead healthy and cheerful days, and people who work at spinning factories that spin cotton to make yarn can work energetically tomorrow. It is safe and secure organic cotton made in a proven location. We aim to spread the values ​​of valuing producers, methods, and land into the world of fashion.
Ron Herman has set the goal of “shifting the main materials of the original brand to sustainable materials” in its sustainability vision, and is working towards realizing it. In 2021, the company developed “the BEAUTIFUL,” a project that produced items by reducing environmental impact and moving to the Japanese production background while maintaining simple and beautiful designs.Toyoshima’s TRUECOTTON and waste ingredients are reused as dyes. The fabric from FOOD TEXTILE was used.
A total of 8 types of knitwear (4 types for women, 4 types for men) that will be released at Ron Herman stores from Friday, December 1, 2023, will be made from plant-based products developed by TRUECOTTON of Toyoshima and Spiber, a bioventure. The mixed material used is Brewed Protein(TM) fiber, an artificial protein material made from biomass as the main raw material and using a microbial fermentation process. Brewed Protein(TM) fiber is said to be the most revolutionary material since polyester, and enables sustainable production that does not rely on depleted resources or animal resources as the main raw material.
As the importance of fashion’s impact on the environment is growing, we hope that by adopting TRUECOTTON, we will be able to expand the use of materials that are produced in a way that is considerate of the global environment and people’s lives, and will be a step towards creating a better future. I hope.
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▲Simple and high-quality zip-up hoodies, pants, and beanies for both women and men.
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▲ Crew neck pullover with the same design
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Organic cotton yarn that allows identification of “farms and spinning mills”. Toyoshima Co., Ltd. was born after signing an exclusive sales contract for Japanese companies with Turkish organic spinning group “UCAK TEKSTIL”.
Choosing organic cotton actually protects the producer from health hazards such as pesticides. This organic cotton yarn is made in a place that provides an environment where everyone working in the spinning factory, who spins cotton to make yarn, is encouraged to work energetically tomorrow.
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Lifestyle proposal trading company
■Toyoshima Co., Ltd.
Founded in 1841. Based on over 180 years of experience, we have expanded our business areas in response to the changing times. We are comprehensively responsible for the fashion industry’s supply chain, from global raw material arrangements to final product planning, production management, and delivery. In addition, as a company that proposes sustainable lifestyles, we are developing sustainable materials and functional products toward a Society 5.0 society, and providing services that utilize information technology through investments in and partnerships with tech ventures. We will proceed with this. Since 2019, we have adopted “MY WILL” as a statement to express our company’s stance.

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