Styleport Co., Ltd.
Styleport CTO Kimura will be on stage at the “8th JAPAN BUILD TOKYO – Advanced Architecture Technology Exhibition -” seminar ~Discussion on cutting edge utilization of generative AI in the real estate industry~ ……
Styleport Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Akihiko Madokoro, hereinafter referred to as Styleport), which develops and provides the 3D communication platform “ROOV
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The appearance of ChatGPT is attracting attention as a savior for the Japanese economy, which is facing concerns about declining labor productivity. In the real estate industry, real estate tech services that have focused on AI technology have existed for some time, but the emergence of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, is expected to lead to further operational efficiency and productivity improvements in the industry. In this seminar, three experts who were among the first real estate tech companies to adopt generative AI technology will discuss the basics of ChatGPT and generative AI, which we can’t hear about anymore, and what effects and future it will bring to the real estate industry. I would like to talk about the prospects for utilizing generative AI in “ROOV”.
■Event overview
・Date and time: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 – Friday, December 15, 2023 10:00-18:00 (ends at 17:00 on the last day)
・Venue: Tokyo Big Sight
・Cost: Free (advance registration required)
・Sponsor: RX Japan Co., Ltd.
・Click here for details and application: -What is the spatial communication platform “ROOV”-
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The appearance of ChatGPT is attracting attention as a savior for the Japanese economy, which is facing concerns about declining labor productivity. In the real estate industry, real estate tech services that have focused on AI technology have existed for some time, but the emergence of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, is expected to lead to further operational efficiency and productivity improvements in the industry. In this seminar, three experts who were among the first real estate tech companies to adopt generative AI technology will discuss the basics of ChatGPT and generative AI, which we can’t hear about anymore, and what effects and future it will bring to the real estate industry. I would like to talk about the prospects for utilizing generative AI in “ROOV”.
■Event overview
・Date and time: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 – Friday, December 15, 2023 10:00-18:00 (ends at 17:00 on the last day)
・Venue: Tokyo Big Sight
・Cost: Free (advance registration required)
・Sponsor: RX Japan Co., Ltd.
・Click here for details and application: -What is the spatial communication platform “ROOV”-
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This article was partly generated by AI. Some links may contain Ads. Press Release-Informed Article.