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View by annual household income! Investigating home purchase circumstances

Starts Corporation Co., Ltd.
View by annual household income! Investigating home purchase circumstances Regular distribution of surveys regarding housing and lifestyle ……
“Clamore”, which is operated by Weave Co., Ltd. (location: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Aki Wakabayashi), a group company of Starts Corporation, targets 3,884 people who have experience in purchasing a home. We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding.
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Purchasing a home is a major purchase in one’s life, so many people are confused about the timing of their purchase, such as “Should I buy now?” and “Which is better, an apartment or a detached house?” Therefore, we conducted a survey of 3,884 people who had purchased their own home to find out the reasons for their purchase by annual household income. In addition, for those who have purchased their own home twice or more, we will inform you of the results of a survey regarding home purchase circumstances by annual household income, including whether they currently purchased an apartment or a detached house.
Percentage of annual household income for people who have purchased their own home
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Among those who have purchased items, the most common annual household income was “10 million yen or more” at 26.2%. The second place was “5 million to less than 7 million yen” at 25.9%, but when looking at the overall annual household income ratio, there was not that much of a difference, and each accounted for around 20%.
[By annual household income] Ranking of reasons for purchasing a home Nowadays, when the “mortgage deduction” system is expected to deteriorate and “interest rates will rise” in 2024, what were the reasons why people all over the world bought their own homes? Let’s take a look at the deciding factors that led to the purchase. [Image 3

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Looking at the overall percentage, “Changes in family and children’s life stages” ranked first, accounting for approximately 30%. The second place was “meeting a good property” (25%), and the third place was “marriage” (17%).
When looking at annual household income, it appears that there are no major differences depending on annual income.
A characteristic feature of this is that when looking at the percentage of housing loans (low interest rates and those that want to take advantage of deductions), the higher the annual household income, the larger the percentage.
The higher the annual income, the higher the income tax rate, so there may be some people who purchase with the intention of reducing their taxes as much as possible.
[By annual household income] How many times have you purchased your own home? We asked people who have purchased their own homes how many times they have purchased one.
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Looking at the proportion of households who have purchased products twice or more, the annual income of households that accounted for the highest percentage was “10 million yen or more” (29%), 2nd place was “less than 5 million yen” (21%), and 3rd place was “less than 5 million yen” (21%). “Less than 7 million yen” (15%)
This is the result.
Many people who have purchased their own home multiple times may have the impression that their annual household income is high, but it turns out that it is actually not proportional to their annual income. . It seems that a surprisingly large number of people, regardless of their annual income, flexibly move their homes in response to changes in their lifestyle.
Current residence type of people who have purchased their own home multiple times
Finally, we asked people who have purchased their own home multiple times whether they currently live in a detached house or a
condominium. After purchasing several homes, which one do you currently live in?
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The results showed that 57% of respondents who had purchased their own home twice accounted for a detached house and 43% of condominiums. Those who had purchased their own home three or more times accounted for 55% of single-family homes and 45% of condominiums.
Although both results are close, the number of people living in detached houses is about 10% higher.
This time, we conducted a survey regarding home purchases among 3,884 people who have experience in purchasing their own homes. Although there is not a big difference, there is also no difference in purchasing from the second time onward, indicating that people are flexibly making purchases based on changes in their lifestyle. We will continue to conduct surveys from various perspectives regarding housing and daily life and report the survey results. I hope this will be helpful to those who are considering purchasing a home.
Survey overview
Survey target: Starts Group point service “YumeNavi” members who have experience in purchasing their own home
Survey period: September 12-21, 2023
Research institution: Starts Group point service “YumeNavi”
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of valid responses: 3,884 people
■About the “Clamore” site
“Clamore”, operated by Weave Co., Ltd., is a web media that supports a better life with useful content related to housing and daily life, with the theme of “A more personal lifestyle.” Available on smartphones and PC sites.
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▼About Clamor
▼About Starts Group
▼About Weave Co., Ltd.

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