Municipal DX Promotion Council, General Incorporated Association Local Government DX Promotion Council (GDX) launches seminar service using ChatGPT – Looking for free monitor local governments (This press release was created using ChatGPT)
The Local Government DX Promotion Council (hereinafter referred to as GDX) will launch a new online seminar service using ChatGPT to support the digital transformation (DX) of local governments. This service is actively recruiting local governments to participate as free monitors. The main purpose of the seminar is to spread interest in AI
technology, especially ChatGPT, and knowledge about how to apply it to actual work. By providing local government DX staff with an
opportunity to utilize the latest technology while facing budget constraints, it will contribute to efficient business operations and improved service quality.
We also plan to share success stories from other local governments at the seminar, with the aim of providing a forum for the exchange of useful information on issues faced by many local governments. If you are a local government representative who is considering participating as a free monitor, please feel free to contact us. Let’s work together with GDX to promote the digitalization of local communities and create a better future.
The seminar will be held online, and each local government will be responsible for making the necessary technical preparations for participation. We also ask for your cooperation in completing the survey after the seminar.
Number of participants: The seminar is expected to have at least 5 participants from within the ministry.
Event format: Online (if held on-site, actual expenses such as transportation expenses will be charged)
Preparation: Each local government is responsible for making the necessary technical preparations to participate in the seminar (internet connection, installation of necessary software, etc.). Providing Feedback: After the seminar, we ask that the participating staff complete a survey.
*This guide was created using ChatGPT.
Apply here
ChatGPT introduction seminar for local governments
[Contact information regarding this matter]
General Incorporated Association Local Government DX Promotion Council (GDX) Secretariat
Phone: 03-6683-0106 Email: