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Home » MS-Japan Co., Ltd. This year’s “hometown tax” implementation rate was “60%”, and due to the stricter system, “30%” changed their donation destination Survey on hometown tax payments conducted

MS-Japan Co., Ltd. This year’s “hometown tax” implementation rate was “60%”, and due to the stricter system, “30%” changed their donation destination Survey on hometown tax payments conducted

MS-Japan Co., Ltd.
This year’s “hometown tax” implementation rate was “60%”, and due to the stricter system, “30%” changed their donation destination [Hometown tax survey] conducted
Only 52% of respondents said they would like to continue paying hometown tax in the future. MS-Japan Co., Ltd. announces the results of the “Hometown Tax Tax Survey”
MS-Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, Chairman, President and CEO: Takahiro Arimoto/MS-Japan Stock Code: 6539) operates a comprehensive job change service for
administrative departments and professionals, “MS Career”. We would like to inform you that, in response to the stricter hometown tax payment rules scheduled for October 2023, Career has announced a survey on the experience of hometown tax donations in administrative departments and professionals. This survey was conducted by Manegy, a business media for management departments and professionals, targeting 304 people in management departments and professionals nationwide. [Image 1 [Survey summary]
“40%” have never experienced hometown tax payment
Younger people are more active
Experience rates tend to increase as income increases
“30%” “changed their donation destination” due to the stricter system in October Tax amount “less than 50,000” accounts for 40%
The most chosen return gift was “seafood/seafood” at 48%.
14% of those who have donated without receiving a return gift The number one reason for not paying hometown tax is “the amount eligible for deduction is small/no”
52% said they would like to continue
[40% of Hometown Taxpayers have never experienced it]
[Image 2

Regarding the hometown tax donation program that started in 2008, when surveying people about their past donation experience, 61% (more than half) said they had “I have made hometown tax payments,” while “I have never done it.” ” also reached 40%, 38%.
[Image 3

In addition, the results of a survey of hometown tax donation experience by job type, age group, and income are as follows. The occupations with the highest experience rate were “legal affairs (71%)” and “general affairs (70%),” and around 60% of those in multiple occupations. The experience rate for “office work” was 30%, which resulted in a large difference.
By age group, 60% of people in their 40s and over 50s are both active in paying hometown tax, compared to 68% of people in their 30s and 67% of people in their 20s and under. I understand.
By income, there is a tendency for the experience rate to generally increase as income increases, with the experience rate for those in the “10 million to 14.99 million” group being 82%, while the experience rate for “2 million to 3.99 million” was 42%, “Less than 2 million” accounted for 35%, which revealed a correlation between the experience rate and annual income.
[With stricter rules in October 2023, “30%” will change to donation destinations]
[Image 4

The rules for the hometown tax donation system were tightened in October 2023. Therefore, we conducted a survey on this year’s hometown tax implementation status and the impact of the stricter system on how to choose donation recipients.
The results showed that 58% of people are paying hometown tax this year, and 30% of them have changed their donation destination due to the stricter system, while 70% have not changed the way they choose their donation destination.
[The most popular return gift was “seafood/seafood” at 48%]
[Image 5

This year’s survey on hometown tax payments revealed that while 40% of people pay less than 50,000 yen, more than 30% pay 100,000 yen or more.
[Image 6

In addition, in a survey regarding return gifts, the most common response was “fish and seafood (48%),” accounting for nearly half of the respondents, followed by “meat (43%),” “fruit (34%),” and “rice, bread, and noodles.” Foods ranked in the top five, with “26%” and “Sweets (12%)”.
[14% of those who have donated without receiving a gift in return] [Image 7

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of types of hometown tax donations that do not involve receiving gifts in return, such as projects that contribute to society, but in a survey on whether or not people have experience with this, 14% of respondents had experience with it. Looking at the donation rate by income, 33% of respondents said they made “15 million yen or more,” which is more than a 10-point difference from the donation rate for those with less than that amount.
[The number one reason for not paying hometown tax is “the amount eligible for deduction is small/no”]
[Image 8

This survey revealed that 40% of people will not pay hometown tax this year, but when asked about the reasons for not paying hometown tax, they found that “the amount eligible for deduction is small/ “No (24%)” was the most common reason. This was followed by “procedures are complicated/troublesome (22%),” “I’m not interested (21%),” “I want to pay taxes in the area where I currently live (20%),” and “Other” included the following. A response has been received.
[Table 2:”>

There were other opinions.
Furthermore, by age group, 30% of people under 30 answered that “procedures are complicated/troublesome,” and the percentage of respondents who “donate other than hometown tax (14%)” was also higher than for other age groups. I found out that there are many. Among people in their 40s, a higher proportion of people in their 40s said “I don’t know how to do it” than in other age groups, and among people in their 50s and above, a higher proportion of people in their 50s said “I feel that it deviates from the purpose of supporting the community” and “I don’t agree with the system.” It turns out that there are more.
[52% say they want to continue hometown tax payment]
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In a survey regarding their intention to continue hometown tax donations, approximately half of the respondents, 52%, said they would like to continue doing so.
In addition, there are large differences by income, with less than 40% of those in the “less than 4 million” category wanting to continue, while half (50%) in the “4 to 7 million” category want to continue, and half of those in the “4 to 7 million category” want to continue. It was found that the higher the annual income, the higher the level of satisfaction with hometown tax payments, at 70%.
Check out the full survey results here.
[Survey overview]
Survey method: WEB survey
Survey target: Management departments and professionals nationwide Survey theme: “Survey on the experience of “hometown tax donation” in administrative departments and professionals”
Number of valid responses: 304 people
Survey implementation date: November 14th to November 20th, 2023 Research entity: MS-Japan Co., Ltd. ( *The composition ratios in the graphs of this survey are rounded to the first decimal place, so the total may not necessarily add up to 100.
■■Request regarding reproduction and use of this release■■
If you wish to publish or use the results of this survey, please clearly indicate the source: “MS-Japan research
[About MS Career] (
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