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Home » Explore » MyVoice Survey on how to decide on meal menus 70% of women choose their own dinner menu, while just under 60% of men say their family members decide. Approximately 35% of people who make dinner choose the menu in advance, using ingredients they alr

MyVoice Survey on how to decide on meal menus 70% of women choose their own dinner menu, while just under 60% of men say their family members decide. Approximately 35% of people who make dinner choose the menu in advance, using ingredients they alr

[Survey on how to decide on meal menus] 70% of women choose their own dinner menu, while just under 60% of men say their family members decide. Approximately 35% of people who make dinner choose the menu in advance, using ingredients they already have at home.
MyVoicecom Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhisa Takai) conducted its fifth internet survey on “How to decide on a meal menu” from November 1 to 5, 2023. We will inform you of the results of the investigation.
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■When thinking about meal menus, the information they referred to in the past year was “recipe sites and apps” for just under 50% of people, “TV programs” for 30%, “family opinions” and “cooking recipes”. A little less than 20% each of “Books I wrote,” “SNS, and YouTube.”
■About 35% of people who make dinner decide on the menu “in advance, using ingredients I have at home,” and just over 20% choose “while going shopping and looking at the products.” 70% of women choose their own dinner menu, while just under 60% of men choose their family members.
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[Survey method] Internet survey [Survey target] MyVoice survey monitor [Survey period] November 1st to November 5th, 2023 [Number of respondents] 9,727 people
[Details of survey results]

frequency of cooking meals
Just under 80% of people prepare meals at home, approximately 65% ​​of men and just over 90% of women. Regarding the frequency of cooking, 44.0% said they make it “almost every day,” with just under 30% of men and just under 70% of women.

Reference information when considering menus
When thinking about meal menus, the information they referred to in the past year (multiple answers allowed) was 47.3% of people who prepared meals from “recipe sites or apps,” 29.8% from “TV programs,” and “opinions from family members.” Books with cooking recipes, SNS, and YouTube accounted for just under 20% each. “SNS, YouTube” is popular among women and young people, and ranks second after “recipe sites and apps” among people in their teens to 30s.
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When to decide on the dinner menu
Regarding the timing of dinner-cooking decisions, 34.6% said, “I decide in advance based on the ingredients I have at home,” 22.3% said “I go shopping and decide on the menu while looking at the products,” and 22.3% said “Before I go shopping.” , 20.2% said “decide the menu.” Among women in their teens to 30s, the preference for “deciding right before making” was slightly higher.
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