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Home » Japan 1EdTech Association The Japan 1EdTech Association, which works to spread international technology standards related to learning, will hold the “1EdTech Japan Conference 2024” online. (July 31st to August 2nd)

Japan 1EdTech Association The Japan 1EdTech Association, which works to spread international technology standards related to learning, will hold the “1EdTech Japan Conference 2024” online. (July 31st to August 2nd)

[Japan 1EdTech Association, General Incorporated Association] The Japan 1EdTech Association, which works to disseminate international technology standards related to learning, is “1EdTech Japan Conference 2024 will be held online. (July 31st to August 2nd) *Japan 1EdTech Association, General Incorporated Association* Press release: July 18, 2024
The Japan 1EdTech Association, which works to disseminate
international technology standards related to learning, holds the 1EdTech Japan Conference.
2024” will be held online. (July 31st to August 2nd)
*Many programs are available, including domestic and international learning digital ecosystems, practical use of learning data, lectures by experts and ministries, and hands-on activities. *
Some sessions can also be viewed at the lecture venue.
The Japan 1EdTech Association, which works to disseminate
international technology standards related to learning, holds the 1EdTech Japan Conference.
2024” will be held online. (July 31st to August 2nd)

This conference will invite many domestic and international experts and government officials to discuss the latest trends in learning environments and technology standards overseas, as well as the latest trends in informatization of education in Japan, and application examples of 1EdTech technology standards. We will introduce you to many practices.

Through this event, please experience the latest trends in education and learning, which are undergoing major changes, and the education DX and digital ecosim that support them.

Keynote speech/Invited speech:

 Curtiss Barnes  1EdTech Consortium Inc. CEO
 Colin Smythe  1EdTech Consortium Inc. Chief Architect
 Keith Osburn  Georgia Department of Education Deputy Superintendent for Technology Services/Chief Information Officer
Keith R. Kruger CoSN CEO
Hans-Otto Sterling Director of Global Assessment Solutions, Open Assessment Technologies
Zenharu Hisayoshi Digital Agency Citizen Service Group Planning Officer (Education Team Leader)
(Currently coordinating speakers) Education DX Promotion Office, Comprehensive Educational Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Yukio Noguchi Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University
Masahiro Inoue Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
Yoshiko Ikeda Professor, Department of International Affairs, Kansai University, Deputy Director, Global Educational Innovation Promotion Organization
Hiroaki Ogata Professor, Academic Information and Media Center, Kyoto University Yuichi Fujimura Professor, Graduate School of Naruto University of Education Haruo Takemura, Deputy Director, Osaka University Student Lifecycle Support Center, Specially Appointed Professor
Masayuki Murakami Professor, Education and Learning Support
Department, Organization for the Promotion of University-wide Education, Osaka University Professor, Academic IR/Academic Data Infrastructure Department, Student Life Cycle Support Center (Deputy Center Director)
Hiroshi Kida Director, School ICT Promotion Center, Kagoshima City Board of Education, School DX Strategy Advisor, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Event summary

The idea of ​​realizing educational digital transformation
(educational DX) through a digital ecosystem is steadily spreading in Japan. For example, in Japan, this is beginning to bear fruit in the social implementation of the government’s GIGA School Project, which is unprecedented in the world. Achieving fair and individually optimal learning (learning that is optimal and comfortable for each
individual) means that learners have the right to choose, and the educational resources of various providers can respond to their diverse needs. must be collected and combined.
Although the conclusion has not yet been reached as to whether this will ultimately contribute to overall optimization, the development of future learning environments will not only focus on interoperability within the product groups of one institution and one company, but also on social systems. It can be said that the question is whether it is possible to design with interoperability in mind.

“AI digital ecosystem” is a question that has been asked but no answer has been found yet. 1EdTech
In other words, can AI (artificial intelligence) be considered a tool? 1EdTech Consortium Chief Architect ,Colin
According to Smythe, the use of AI in education is still in its infancy, and it will be two to three years before the market need for technical standards materializes, but we need to start preparing. Japan 1EdTech
This is also the year when the association’s internationalization will finally get into full swing. 1EdTech Japan Society in 1EdTech Consortium
Product Steering
Japan is expected to play an active role in establishing committees and international collaboration in creating regional response profiles (for example, OneRoster in Norway).
  Japan 1EdTech Association Director and Steering Committee Chair / 1EdTech Japan Conference 2024 Executive Committee Chair Tsuneo Yamada

*For details on the 3-day program and to apply, please check the link below.

Date and time: July 31st (Wednesday) – August 2nd (Friday)
Venue: Online
Capacity: 1000 people *Registration will be closed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Japan 1EdTech Association
Sponsored (in no particular order):
Open Badge Network General Incorporated Foundation
International Education Research Consortium
General Incorporated Association Japan Open Online Education Promotion Council NEW EDUCATION EXPO Executive Committee
General Incorporated Association ICT CONNECT 21
General Incorporated Association University ICT Promotion Council General Incorporated Association Japan IT Association Federation Japan Moodle Association
Japan Online Education Industry Association (JOTEA)
Certified Non-Profit Corporation (ACPA)
Digital Learning Consortium (DLC), a specified non-profit organization

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