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Home » There’s still time to settle the bill! “Tax Saving Seminar” by a group of 55 national tax alumni on February 6th (Tuesday) Online participation is free!

There’s still time to settle the bill! “Tax Saving Seminar” by a group of 55 national tax alumni on February 6th (Tuesday) Online participation is free!

Sustainable Planning Co., Ltd.
There’s still time to settle the bill! “Tax Saving Seminar” by a group of 55 national tax alumni on February 6th (Tuesday) Online
participation is free!
2nd ENGO Executive Club Seminar Application:
If you are a small business owner who has made a profit this fiscal year, do you know that there are some important points to keep in mind when taking tax-saving measures just before the end of the fiscal year? One of the things that the tax office always checks for companies that are subject to a tax audit is “tax-saving measures just before closing.” In this free online seminar, we will teach you the secrets of tax-saving measures just before closing, which only an alumnus who has also served as a national tax official can know. We are pleased to announce that the 2nd ENGO Management Club Seminar will be held on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.
We will have a total of 55 lecturers from a group of national tax alumni who will introduce you to “There’s still time! Tax saving measures for small and medium-sized businesses that can be taken even just before closing”, such as points to consider before closing and items that the tax office will check.
Sustainable Planning (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Zen Fukui) connects “companies that want to sell their products and services = seller companies” and “companies that want to solve problems = buyer companies.” We provide a relationship sharing service “ENGO”.
★Only held online
★Advisory contracts with national tax alumni groups are also possible through ENGO!
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Event overview
■Title: Special lecture by a national tax alumnus “Wise Man’s Tax” It’s not too late yet! ! Tax-saving measures for small and medium-sized enterprises that can be taken even just before the end of the fiscal year
■Date and time: Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 16:00-18:00 (Registration starts at 15:45) ■Location: Online
■Target: Limited to corporate managers and officers (including executive officers) ■Cost: Free invitation (pre-registration required) ▼Click here to apply▼
Lecturer introduction
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Representative Director, Tax Research Study Group, General
Incorporated Association
Tsuneo Takeda Tax Accountant
Born in Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture.
Former Director of the Research and Development Division of the National Taxation Bureau, Director of the Data Research Division of the National Taxation Bureau, Deputy Director of the National Taxation Bureau, and Chief of the Tax Bureau. I would like to take advantage of my past experience and demonstrate my abilities as a professional in conducting tax audits, while keeping in mind the revised Act on General Rules for National Taxes.
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Chief Researcher, Tax Research Study Group, General Incorporated Association Hideo Fukasawa Tax Accountant
Born in Tokyo.
In addition to spending more than half of my 38 years of tax experience in the Investigation Department of the National Taxation Bureau, I have also deepened my knowledge at the National Tax Appeals Tribunal and the National Tax College. I would like to utilize my experience investigating large-scale corporations and my knowledge of hearings to the fullest to be of use to you.
“ENGO” will solve your company’s problems!
[Engo], a relationship sharing service, solves the problems of companies such as human resource introduction/advisor introduction, cost reduction, management consulting, subsidy application support, office supplies, DX tools, store customer attraction tools, etc. We have established relationships with a variety of service providers. ★It is also possible to make an “advisory contract” with the national tax alumni group who will be the lecturer at this seminar!
Please feel free to contact us!
Click here for details▶︎
【Company Profile】
Sustainable Planning’s main business areas are healthcare business (=health) and business activation business (=activation), and we aim to realize a sustainable culture and industry. ■Healthcare business / Testing service “Check Station” / Health management support service “Healthy Stand” ■Business activation business / Connection sharing service “ENGO” / Store customer attraction service “MEO Success” / Cookie consent management tool + LINE chat Bot “Cookie LINE” Company name: Sustainable Planning, INC.
Sustainable Planning Co., Ltd. Establishment date: December 22, 2010 Representative: Representative Director Fukui Location: Ebisu Garden Place Center Plaza B1F, 4-20-7 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Capital: 100 million yen Permits, etc.: Pharmaceutical sales business Permit number No. 5313230270
Paid employment placement business License number 13-YU-315456URL:
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