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Home » SDGs TCB Tokyo Central Cosmetic Surgery awarded the TCB Award to “Hand-drawn Lettering Nico Nico Trump “Dr eam” 3216 Characters” at the “Para Art” International Exchange Exhibition

SDGs TCB Tokyo Central Cosmetic Surgery awarded the TCB Award to “Hand-drawn Lettering Nico Nico Trump “Dr eam” 3216 Characters” at the “Para Art” International Exchange Exhibition

Medical Frontier Co., Ltd.
[SDGs] TCB Tokyo Central Cosmetic Surgery awarded the TCB Award to “Hand-drawn Lettering Nico Nico Trump “Dream” 3216 Characters” at the “Para Art” International Exchange Exhibition
A “letter picture” depicting many smiling faces in hopes that my mother’s illness would be cured.
TCB Tokyo Central Cosmetic Surgery, a beauty clinic with 109 clinics across Japan (as of December 2023, including those scheduled to open) (representative clinic: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, TCB Group representative: Takeshi Aoki, advertising agency/distributor: Medical Co., Ltd. 2023 Para Art, an exhibition of artistic works by people with disabilities held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theater (Toshima Ward, Tokyo) for five days from December 20th (Wednesday) to December 24th (Sunday), 2023. TOKYO 10th International Exchange Exhibition” (sponsored by Japan Charity Association), the “Hand-drawn Character Painting Nico Nico Trump “Dream” 3216 Characters” depicting many smiling faces with bright colors and the word “Dream” was exhibited. We were awarded the TCB Award. This work embodies TCB’s goal of creating a world where happiness blooms through beauty, and was chosen because of its high affinity with the brand’s bright rainbow colors. This work, which contains the thoughts of my mother who was battling illness, will be displayed at clinics and will be used to further publicize para-art activities.
TCB Award “Hand-drawn character picture Niconico Trump “Dream” 3216 characters” [Image 1

Handwritten character picture Niconico Trump “Dream” 3216 characters [Image 2

3216 characters of “dream” are spread out
The “2023 Para Art TOKYO 10th International Exchange Exhibition”, an exhibition of “Para Art” for which TCB Tokyo Central Plastic Surgery is a diamond supporter, will be held from Wednesday, December 20, 2023 to Sunday, December 24, 2023, and will be held as a diamond supporter for people with disabilities. TCB, which works to support
self-reliance, selected from among more than 230 domestic and international works on display at the exhibition, the “Hand-drawn Picture Nico Nico Trump “Dream” 3,216 Characters” featuring many smiling faces using the word “Dream.” was awarded the TCB Award. This work uses the technique of “moji-e,” in which the color of each letter is delicately drawn using a face brush, and a large image emerges as a collection. Reina took about seven months to complete it. Mr. Hanamatsu has been calling his mother “Nico-chan” for about 10 years, and the painting depicts a smiling “Nico-chan” in hopes that his mother, who has been suffering from an illness, will get better. Masu. Hanamatsu-san’s mother, who is battling an illness, accompanied her to the International Exchange Exhibition and was delighted to receive the TCB Award along with Mr. Hanamatsu. In the future, we plan to use this work to further publicize para-art activities, including displaying it at clinics.
[TCB Award]
Title of work: Handwritten character picture Niconico Trump “Dream” 3216 characters
Author: Reina Hanamatsu
[Image 3

Author Reina Hanamatsu
Born in 1978. Although he has an autism disability, he is currently active as a letter and picture artist mainly in the Kansai region. To date, he has created over 40 character pictures.
-Selection and review-
This work has an impressive “niconico” smile and gives energy to the viewers. It is made with a “character picture” that is a small colored “dream” character. This work embodies TCB’s goal of creating a world where happiness blooms through beauty, and the deciding factor in its selection was its high affinity with the brand’s vibrant rainbow colors.
-Reina Hanamatsu’s comment-
I have loved kanji since I was little. The first time I drew a text picture was when I applied to an exhibition with the theme “What is your dream?” At the time, I didn’t understand the meaning of dreams, so I decided to draw the word “dream” on a sheet of paper in many colors. Now that I am able to understand the meaning of dreams, this work incorporates my current “dream” of “I hope my sick mother gets better soon.” . It took about seven months and a lot of time to create, but I hope that this work will bring smiles to everyone’s faces. I would be happy if many people could see it.
[Image 4

Scenes from the day of the international exchange exhibition [Image 6

Award ceremony scene
At this year’s International Exchange Exhibition, the award ceremony, which had been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, was held for the first time in four years, and Toshima Ward Mayor Miyuki Takagiwa and Bae Eun-joo, permanent representative of the Korean Federation of Cultural and Artistic Organizations for Persons with Disabilities, were in attendance. It was attended. At the award ceremony, the authors of the award-winning works gathered together to receive their awards, and a Bunraku performance by deaf and hearing people was performed as a commemorative performance.
In the “2023 Para Art TOKYO Virtual Gallery”
(, award-winning works including “Hand-drawn character picture Niconico Trump “Dream” 3216 characters” are on display. For those who were unable to visit the venue, please take a look at the artwork that will bring smiles to your face in the virtual gallery.
Paraart and TCB
[Image 7

Para art works exhibited at clinic
[Participating in the workshop]
TCB doctors participated in the “2022 Para Art TOKYO” workshop held in Tokyo last November, and created Christmas wreaths while interacting with people with disabilities. The workshop was also streamed online, with a total of 35 participants.
[Image 9

From left: Dr. Mochizuki, two participants, Dr. Imai
[Donating picture frames to the exhibition]
The frame was donated to the Japan Charity Association and was used at the “37th Para Art School Student Works Exhibition” held in Tokyo in April of this year. The donated picture frames highlighted the unique works of the Para Art School students.
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[Image 11

Works using donated picture frames
What is para art?
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“Talent transcends disabilities and borders”
Paraart is the name of art for people with disabilities advocated by the Japan Charity Association. This activity aims to discover and develop the sensitive and unique expressive power of people with disabilities as well as their wonderful talents, deepen society’s understanding of people with disabilities, and aim to realize a cohesive society.
*The initiatives in this release contribute to “3, 10, 16, and 17” of the 17 SDGs. 3 Health and well-being for all10 Eliminating
inequalities between people and countries16 Peace and justice for all17 Achieving our goals through partnership
[Image 13
TCB TV commercial “Aesthetic medicine becomes fashion.”
“Cosmetic medicine goes into fashion.”
[Video 2:] Fashion is the taste of time and the taste of people. TCB’s aim is to adapt to changes over time and provide aesthetic medicine to patients of all ages and with all tastes to dress up your ideal self. The “opening of double eyelids”, which is the result of pursuing the patient’s ideal, is expressed by superimposing it on the “blooming flowers of aesthetic medicine”, which is one of the clinic’s designs. [To those looking for sponsors/sponsor companies]
TCB Tokyo Central Cosmetic Surgery will take the initiative in cooperating with companies, organizations, and individuals seeking sponsorship. Please feel free to contact us. ■Inquiries regarding this matter
Medical Frontier Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Officer Haruna Ishida

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