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Home » CNS Co., Ltd. Companies that are implementing DX consulting are 4 times more likely to say they “talked to a DX consultant every day” compared to companies that have canceled their contracts. “Survey on the actual situation regarding the introducti

CNS Co., Ltd. Companies that are implementing DX consulting are 4 times more likely to say they “talked to a DX consultant every day” compared to companies that have canceled their contracts. “Survey on the actual situation regarding the introducti

CNS Co., Ltd.
Companies that are implementing DX consulting are 4 times more likely to say they “talked to a DX consultant every day” compared to companies that have canceled their contracts. “Survey on the actual situation regarding the introduction of DX consulting companies” The results suggest that the high level of satisfaction with DX consulting companies is influenced by the amount of communication during the contract.
CNS Co., Ltd. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Masahide Sekine; hereinafter referred to as CNS) is an IT solutions company that creates new value that moves society forward. We conducted a “Survey on the actual situation regarding the introduction of DX consulting companies” with a total of 400 people.
As stated in the 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “DX Report – Overcoming the IT system “2025 cliff” and full-scale deployment of DX, DX is currently considered an urgent need in Japan. Under these circumstances, demand for consulting companies that focus on DX support is increasing as a means to promote DX even as the shortage of DX human resources and literacy within the company is becoming more serious.
Therefore, this time, we conducted a survey to find out the specific objectives of companies that have actually introduced DX consulting, and how satisfied they are after implementing it. Ta.
Survey summary
■When introducing a DX consulting company, more than 70% of managers answered that they “placed importance on the opinions of management.” On the other hand, it was revealed that approximately 60% of managers and general employees responded that their opinions were reflected when the system was introduced.
■Regarding the purpose of introducing a DX consulting company, all positions said, “Business processes based on digitalization” “Improvement/efficiency” was the most common response.
Regarding specific expectations, “developing a digital strategy” was ranked first across all positions.
■Half of companies that do not currently have a relationship with a DX consulting company cancel their contract less than 3 years after introducing it.
It was clear that he had done so.
■Companies that are currently using DX consulting companies are more likely than companies that have ended their contracts.
At the time of introduction, 4 times as many people answered that they were communicating every day.
In addition, between companies that are currently implementing it and companies that have terminated their contract, there is a difference in the perceived effectiveness of introducing a DX consulting company. It was also revealed that there was a difference of more than three times. ■When asked if they would like to continue using DX consulting companies in the future, they answered “I strongly agree.”
There are four times as many companies currently implementing the contract as there are companies that have completed the contract. Differences in evaluations of contracted DX consulting companies are due to “amount of communication during the contract”
As a result, it is possible to infer that.
Overview of “Survey on the actual situation regarding introduction of DX consulting companies”
■Survey period: October 20th (Friday) to October 24th (Tuesday), 2023 ■Survey method: Internet quantitative survey
■Survey target: 400 company employees and executives who have introduced a DX consulting company into their company
*Survey targets are men and women in their 20s to 60s.
*When using the survey results in this release, please indicate [CNS research] Decision-making and purpose of introduction when introducing a DX consulting company
Q1. I would like to ask a manager (management class). When introducing a DX consulting company,
Whose opinion did you value? (n=100 – management 100 – single answer) When introducing a DX consulting company, about half of managers (management class) place importance on “their own opinions” and more than 20% place importance on “consensus at management meetings, etc. (management level other than their own)” The results showed that more than 70% of managers valued the opinions of management.
[Image 1:×393.png ]
Q2. I would like to ask someone who is not a manager (management class). When a DX consulting company was introduced,
 To what extent did you feel that your opinions were reflected? (n=300 – managers 150, general employees 150 – single answer)
Similar to Q1, when we asked managers and general employees about their decision-making at the time of implementation, approximately 60% of them answered that their opinions were reflected. These results suggest that when introducing a DX consulting company, there are many companies that are able to communicate regardless of position, or that executives, managers, and general employees have similar issues when promoting DX. You can guess.
[Image 2:×392.png ]
Q3. What is the purpose of introducing a DX consulting company?   Also, what specifically did you expect from the introduction of a DX consulting company?
(n=400 – management 100, managers 150, general employees 150 – multiple answers) Regarding the purpose of introducing a DX consulting company, the top answer for all positions was “Improving business processes and increasing efficiency based on digitalization.” When asked what they specifically expected from the implementation, the most common response across all positions was “developing a digital strategy.” The results show that there is not a large difference in awareness between positions before the introduction of DX, and that there is a strong tendency for DX consulting companies to help build the foundation necessary to efficiently handle existing operations before developing new business or transforming business through DX. It became clear.
In addition, current Japanese companies are currently following the definition of DX in the DX report published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: “Companies utilize data and digital technology to transform their business models and secure competitive advantage.” DX promotion has stopped at this stage, and it can be inferred that there are still very few companies that have achieved “true DX.”
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Regarding the number of years of DX consulting company contract and amount of communication during implementation
Q4. We would like to ask those who have introduced a DX consulting company but are not currently using it.
Approximately how long did it take to cancel the contract after introducing it? (n=107 – Companies that have introduced DX consulting in the past 5 years but do not currently do so 107 – Single answer)
When we asked companies that had introduced a DX consulting company in the past five years, but not currently, about the length of their contracts, the majority answered that they canceled their contracts after less than three years. From this result, it can be inferred that it is difficult to realize the effects of DX in a short period of time, and that it takes about three years for a DX consulting company to know whether it is effective or not.
So, what are the differences between companies that continue to introduce DX consulting companies and companies that have terminated their contracts in terms of how they interact with DX consulting companies?
[Image 5:×448.png ]
Q5. How often do you communicate with people from the DX consulting company that has been introduced to your workplace?
  Did you take a vacation? (n=400 – management 100, managers 150, general employees 150 – single answer)
When asked about the frequency of communication with the DX consulting company during the contract, divided into companies that are currently using a DX consulting company and companies that have canceled their contract, companies that are currently using a DX consulting company answered that they communicated with them every day. Compared to 12% of companies who canceled their contracts, only 3% of companies canceled their contracts, revealing a fourfold difference in the amount of communication that took place during implementation. Furthermore, when looking at the percentage of people in each position who communicated daily, there was a difference of 3 times as much for managers and 3.5 times as much for general employees.
From this result, we found that while communication with management who has decision-making authority is important when working with a DX consulting company, it is also important to have close cooperation that listens to the opinions of managers and general employees working in the field. It can be assumed that this will have an impact on
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Satisfaction level after introducing DX consulting company
Q6. Do you feel that the DX consulting company produced satisfactory results? (n=400 – management 100, managers 150, general employees 150 – single answer) In Q5, it was revealed that there was a difference in the amount of communication during the contract between companies that currently introduced DX consulting and those that did not. So, is there a difference in satisfaction levels after implementation between companies that are currently implementing the system and those whose contracts have ended?
When asked whether they felt they had achieved satisfactory results after introducing a DX consulting company, 32% of companies currently using a DX consulting company answered “strongly agree,” while 32% of companies that had already canceled their contract The result was that only 8% of respondents said that they were satisfied with their products, which revealed a four-fold difference in satisfaction.
[Image 9:×472.png ]
The results of this survey revealed that there are many commonalities in what each position is looking for in a DX consulting company. Additionally, among DX consulting companies, it can be inferred that there is a high demand for consulting companies that can provide detailed and close communication during implementation and support that is tailored to each company’s DX issues.
Comments regarding this research release
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CNS Co., Ltd. Executive Officer
Mitsutoshi Yasuda
It is said that communication is essential in DX, and that DX will be successful if communication is smooth. In DX, communication plays the role of “sharing goals and strategies” and “gathering feedback and making improvements,” so not only the quality but also the frequency and quantity of communication are important. The results of this survey show how important the frequency and amount of communication are. This can be said to be the result of re-verification.
“Management consulting perspective x SIer perspective that is close to the field” are important for DX support
The results of this survey show that many companies seek DX consulting to improve business processes and increase efficiency based on digitization, and that DX consulting companies are increasing the amount of communication not only with management but also with front-line employees such as managers and general employees. The results suggest that this is influenced by the level of satisfaction. Therefore, consulting companies these days are required to provide DX support that improves business processes from an on-site perspective.
[Image 11:×674.png ]
However, when a company promotes DX, it is the management who has decision-making authority, and if DX is promoted based only on the opinions of the management, it may lead to the introduction of a system that does not meet the needs of the field, causing confusion, etc. There is also a possibility that the DX will fail due to pressure.
In order to reform the structure of DX promotion, which is completely focused on the management’s perspective, it is important to have a Sier’s perspective, which can always grasp the systems that the site really needs from a developer’s perspective.
[Image 12:×675.png ]
By developing a consulting business that utilizes our knowledge as an SI company, CNS Co., Ltd. combines both the management perspective (consulting perspective) and the field perspective (SIer perspective) to propose the optimal DX from a company-wide perspective. is possible.

About CNS Co., Ltd.
Company name: CNS Co., Ltd.
Established: July 4, 1985 (Showa 60)
Representative: Masahide Sekine (Representative Director and President) Address: 9th floor, JR Ebisu Building, 1-5-5 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0022

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