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Home » Headwaters Co., Ltd. Supported Asahi Kasei’s conference DX project with “architecture introduction using Azure PaaS” and “UX development of Microsoft Teams”

Headwaters Co., Ltd. Supported Asahi Kasei’s conference DX project with “architecture introduction using Azure PaaS” and “UX development of Microsoft Teams”

Headwaters Co., Ltd.
We supported Asahi Kasei’s conference DX project with “architecture implementation using Azure PaaS” and “Microsoft Teams UX development” ……
Headwaters Co., Ltd. (Headwaters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yosuke Shinoda, hereinafter referred to as “Headwaters”), which is involved in the AI ​​solution business, is Asahi Kasei Corporation (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Koshiro Kudo, hereinafter referred to as “Headwaters”). We supported the
“Introduction of Digital Apps architecture that fully utilizes Azure PaaS” and “Development of UX Digital Apps for Microsoft Teams” in the conference DX project promoted by Asahi Kasei.
[Image 1:×486.png ]
■Background of meeting DX support
Asahi Kasei established the Digital Co-Creation Headquarters in April 2021, and is accelerating DX through the two pillars of “DX of the entire company to advance and transform business” and “strengthening the foundation to promote DX of working individuals.” This time, in promoting the conference DX project (*1) aimed at improving meeting efficiency as part of the latter initiative, Headwaters was selected as a partner based on its track record (*2) of “DX support using Azure PaaS.” did.
■Support overview
1. Headwaters fully utilizes Azure Kubernetes Service and various Azure services (Azure PaaS)
We provided a modern Digital Apps architecture.
[Image 2:×453.png ]
2. Headwaters’ UX specialist team has created a “meeting support” app for Teams meetings (“Question related”, “Voice related”)
We added aspects of appearance and operability to the “Timeline” and “Time Management” functions. This improves productivity
We have realized a UX that makes it possible.
・Question-related: We post questions and answers in pairs and sort them by agenda or number of likes, so we can ask and answer questions efficiently. In addition to “likes”, there is also a “solved” checkbox to indicate that the problem has been resolved through a chat post, and an “anonymous response” function to ensure the psychological safety of the poster.
[Image 3:×815.png ]
・Audio-related: As a way for presenters to be aware of and improve the ease with which they can be heard by the audience, we have metered speaking speed and volume.
I set it to display.
[Image 4:×858.png ]
・Timeline: By allowing the audience to express their understanding through reaction patterns (e.g., “nod,” “agree,” “Hate?”), it encourages an increased awareness of participation in the meeting. In addition, presenters can devise ways to proceed with their
presentations while monitoring the audience’s level of understanding in real time. After the meeting, all reaction pattern data can be used for review and follow-up.
[Image 5:×553.png ]
・Time management: We have adopted a UI design that allows you to check the remaining time on the current agenda and the progress status of all agendas at a glance, allowing not only the facilitator but also all participants to understand the overall progress status.
[Image 6:×811.png ]
■About the future
Headwaters aims to improve its technical capabilities related to “architecture implementation using Azure PaaS” and “Digital Apps development based on UX that pursues ease of use,” and strengthens collaboration with Microsoft Japan to improve organizations and individuals through business DX. We support our client companies in their efforts to improve productivity.
Comments from Satoshi Asano, Executive Officer, Managing Director, and Head of Partner Business Headquarters, Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. Microsoft Japan would like to express our sincere gratitude to Asahi Kasei, with the support of Headwaters, for introducing a system that fully utilizes Azure’s PaaS product group.
Mr. Headwaters has been engaged in architecture design and UX-based application development using our PaaS for a long time. Recently, we have been focusing on low-code development using the Power Platform, allowing us to quickly demonstrate the creation of new business for our customers and support them until production implementation. I would like to thank you for presenting a case study that symbolizes your achievements to date.
We look forward to continuing to work with Headwaters to help improve the productivity of all organizations and individuals in Japan. Please note that the impact of this matter on our company’s business results for the current fiscal year is minimal. If any matters that require disclosure arise in the future, we will promptly notify you. that’s all
*1: Data shows that meetings generally account for 40% of business. (Reference source: Book “Super time-saving techniques that will definitely eliminate waste” at work)
*2: Regarding Microsoft Teams app development
■About trademarks Proper nouns such as product names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
■Company information
Company name: Asahi Kasei Corporation
Address: Hibiya Mitsui Tower, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006 Representative: Koshiro Kudo, Representative Director and President Established: May 25, 1922
Company name: Headwaters Co., Ltd.
Address: 4th floor, Shinjuku Island Tower, 6-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1304
Representative: Representative Director Yosuke Shinoda
Established: November 2005

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