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Home » Sony Music Labels, Inc. Legacy Plus “Shigin Isuiryu Iemoto” Junko Ishihara will hold the annual “Hatsugi nkai 2024” in Tokyo and Osaka!!

Sony Music Labels, Inc. Legacy Plus “Shigin Isuiryu Iemoto” Junko Ishihara will hold the annual “Hatsugi nkai 2024” in Tokyo and Osaka!!

Sony Music Labels Inc. Legacy Plus
“Shigin/Isui-ryu Iemoto” Junko Ishihara will hold the annual “Hatsuginkai 2024” in Tokyo and Osaka!!
Junko Ishihara is an enka singer who received strict guidance from the age of 4 from her father, who was the head of the Shigin school, and became a teacher at the age of 12. In 2018, he inherited the Isuiryu school and became the head of the school, and now, in addition to his busy career as a singer, he is even more passionate about poetry.
[Image 1:×889.jpg] Junko Ishihara is also the head of the Shigin school.
Enka singer Junko Ishihara held a first singing session sponsored by “Isui Ryu Junpuukai,” a poetry school opened in Tokyo and Osaka as the head of the Isui Ryu school. It was held at the Osaka venue on January 22nd and at the Tokyo venue on January 24th.
At the poetry class taught by Junko Ishihara as headmaster, there is a “hobby/health class” where students chant to maintain their health, an “improvement class” where students improve their singing ability, and a “nurturing class” where students aim to become masters. It was a meeting where students from the newly established “remote class” and “beginner class,” which were newly established as face-to-face classes were no longer possible, presented the results of their daily lessons.
Approximately 80 people, including students and spectators, gathered at both venues. Ishihara says, “I think some people are nervous about chanting in front of a large group of people, but the more you do it, the more it becomes a great experience.”It’s a great way to feel comfortable and confidently demonstrate the results of your daily practice.” “Let’s have fun while we sing,” he encouraged the students, and the students showed off their proud throats.
[Image 2:×537.jpg] A large number of disciples gathered
Kozo Matsumoto, who participated in both the Osaka and Tokyo venues, said of the poetry class, “Five years ago, I started speaking out loud because I thought it was good for my health, so I started it casually, but once I tried it, I started singing it.” I started to enjoy it, and the more I practiced, the more interesting it
became.Iemoto Junko Ishihara taught me the details and carefully.In the future, I hope that Junfukai will develop even further, and that we will be able to hold larger venues. I want to do my best so that I can be scrutinized.”
Looking back, Ishihara says, “As Isu-ryu/Jinfu-kai is celebrating its fifth anniversary since its founding, we were able to provide many opportunities for presentations last year, such as the First Ginkai, the Dan Promotion Examination, and the Gindo Tour. We started a training project, and since last year, a 4-year-old girl and a high school boy have joined, and we are focusing on training younger members.I am learning and teaching along with the students.Female The number of students has increased, and the students have become more active.I can see that everyone is eager to improve, and I would like to continue to create more places where they can demonstrate the results of their daily practice.”
[Image 3:×969.jpg] The dignity of an iemoto
-Shigin Biography-
1975: Winner of the 19th Chubu Nine Prefecture Poetry Contest, Chubu Children’s Division
1975: Winner of the 20th Chubu Nine Prefecture Poetry Competition for Boys 1978: Winner of the 21st Chubu Nine Prefecture Poetry Competition for Boys 1978: Winner of Japan Columbia Shigin Concert Chubu Children’s Division Nippon Colombia Shogin Music National Tournament Winner
Appointed Deputy Teacher in 1981
1981: Winner of the Japan Poetry Contest Boys’ Division Gifu District; Winner of the Chubu region of the Japan Poetry Contest for Boys 7th place in the Japan Poetry Contest Boys’ Division National Competition National Gindo Festival Chubu District Representative
1981: Winner of Gifu Prefecture, Youth Division of the Nippon Ginmeikai Foundation
3rd place in the Chubu region of the Nippon Ginei Tournament Youth Division 2018 Succession of Isui-ryu headmaster
《Yuko Ishihara Profile》
Born in Gifu Prefecture. Born as the eldest daughter of the iemoto of the Shigin Isui school, she became a master teacher at the age of 12. Debuted as an enka singer in 1988. He has won numerous awards, including the Cable Music Award, and has twice participated in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen with his hit songs “Mirensake” and “Futari Kasa.” “Goto Tsubaki,” a “happy enka song” written and composed by himself, is now on sale. In addition to her singing career, she holds poetry classes in Tokyo and Osaka. He is also active as Gifu Prefecture’s “Hida Mino Tourism Ambassador,” Hokkaido’s “Esashi Town Tourism Ambassador,” Nagasaki Prefecture’s “Goto City Hometown Ambassador,” and “Shinkamigoto Town Tourism and Products Ambassador.”
Junko Ishihara Isuiryu Junfukai official website
Shigin Project Album “Ginfu ~The World of Ginei~” Junko Ishihara latest information

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