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Home » Tokyu Bunkamura Co., Ltd. “art by side – Print works that can be enjoyed in everyday life” will be held. A wide variety of prints, including new works by a total of 13 artists.

Tokyu Bunkamura Co., Ltd. “art by side – Print works that can be enjoyed in everyday life” will be held. A wide variety of prints, including new works by a total of 13 artists.

[Tokyu Bunkamura Co., Ltd.] “art by side – Print works that can be enjoyed in everyday life” will be held. A wide variety of prints, including new works by a total of 13 artists.

*View in browser* *Tokyu Bunkamura Co., Ltd.*
Press release: January 30, 2024
“art by side – print works that can be enjoyed in everyday life -” will be held. A wide variety of prints, including new works by a total of 13 artists.
*As if it were close to your daily life. Introducing prints that you can easily display in your room – 13 artists in total, including the first half and the second half. This is a rich variety of works, including new works. *
* Bunkamura Gallery 8/
(Shibuya Hikarie 8F) will exhibit and sell prints by a total of 13 artists from February 23rd (Friday/holiday) to March 4th (Monday). We propose a lifestyle that enjoys art. *
Spend precious moments sitting comfortably in your usual chair and relaxing in your room. Drink carefully brewed coffee, reread your favorite novel, or indulge in a hobby. At that moment, what do you see on the wall or shelf that suddenly catches your eye? Houseplants, favorite furniture, photos taken with important people. What if there was a special piece of art in that corner?
Japan is an art-loving country that is said to be among the top in the world in terms of the number of museums and the number of visitors to exhibitions. However, why do I feel a bit nervous when I display it in my room? Art isn’t just framed and displayed in front of a security guard. There are many pieces around us that can be displayed in important places in your room.
The prints we will be introducing this time are one such approachable art form. Each piece is a size that is easy to decorate in the home of a single person, and is filled with the artist’s reliable technique and particular worldview. Each print is carefully printed, allowing you to fully enjoy the originality of each artist, and will transform the impression of your usual room into something much more flavorful. “I like art and often go to museums, but I have never imagined displaying it in my room.”
“I want to make my room stylish, but I don’t know what kind of pictures to display.”
This exhibition offers opportunities for people like you to start a lifestyle of enjoying art. Please come and see the work that suits you perfectly from a wide variety of works, including new works by a total of 13 artists in both the first and second periods.

* art by side – Print works that can be enjoyed in everyday life – * Venue: Bunkamura Gallery 8/ (Shibuya Hikarie 8F)
Period: 2024/2/23 (Friday/Holiday) – 3/4 (Monday)
First half: 2024/2/23 (Friday/Holiday) – 2/27 (Tue)
Second period: 2024/2/29 (Thursday) – 3/4 (Monday)
*Closed on Wednesday, February 28th due to replacement.

view the details
* Exhibiting artist *
First half|2024/2/23 (Friday/Holiday) – 2/27 (Tue)
Create a warm atmosphere in your room with colorful colors. We also introduce stylish works with high design.
[Exhibiting artist]
Rui Ito, Katamari, Saki Kitamura, Chika Koyagi, Katsuyo Takezaki, Saki Tanaka Rui Ito “Foam” Woodblock print
Katamari “sotetsu” Cyanotype
Saki Kitamura “Paraiso: Distant Mountain (Gray)” Oil-based woodblock print Chika Koyagi “shibuya_part5” water-based woodblock print
Saki Tanaka “COLORS” Cloud skin hemp paper, woodblock print, collage on panel Katsuyo Takezaki “quiet life” woodblock print
Second semester|2024/2/29 (Thursday) – 3/4 (Monday)
Works with a unique worldview. It gives me a lot of inspiration. [Exhibiting artist]
Tetsuo Aoki, Takumi Obata, Minako Kuroishi, Azumi Takeda, Sho Naganuma, Aya Hatanaka, Haya Murakami

Tetsuo Aoki “Watakushitachi G” Woodblock print
Obatakumi “The Smell of Dinner” Copperplate print
Minako Kuroishi “Parade” copperplate print
Azumi Takeda “Minor things of the week Thursday” Copperplate print Sho Naganuma “#Talpa” Copperplate print
Aya Hatanaka “02.10 “That is life.”” copperplate print
Haya Murakami “Rush into the rose field of life, among the flowers and thorns” copperplate print

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