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OBC releases “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model”

Obic Business Consultant Co., Ltd.
OBC releases “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model”
SaaS ERP for medium-sized group companies aiming to strengthen group management ……
Obic Business Consultants Co., Ltd. (President: Seifumi Wada / Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo / hereinafter referred to as OBC), which develops and sells core business systems such as Kanka Bugyo and Bugyo Cloud, is a company that develops and sells core business systems such as Kanka Bugyo and Bugyo Cloud. From January 31st, we will be releasing the new service “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model” for medium-sized group companies aiming to strengthen their
[Image 1:×363.jpg] ■Development background and value provided
◆In order for group companies to continue to grow in an era of rapid change, they need a system platform that can utilize data from the entire group.
The environment surrounding companies continues to change
significantly in a short period of time, including the rapid development of technology and changes in work styles and business due to the coronavirus. In order for companies to continue to grow under these circumstances, they need to optimize their business and earnings while adapting to changes in the environment, making it even more important than ever to make speedy management decisions.
In particular, group companies need to make management decisions that maximize the profits of the group as a whole, rather than that of each individual company, so it is important to shift to a system that can immediately utilize the financial status and human resources data of the entire group for management decisions. You will be asked for it. Additionally, it is important to have a system infrastructure that can quickly respond to business splits, consolidation, and abolition that may occur due to management decisions.
◆Supporting speedy management decisions of group companies through a unified SaaS platform
OBC will release the SaaS ERP for group companies, “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model,” as a foundation for medium-sized group companies to make speedy management decisions and reliably adapt to future changes. By visualizing the financial and human resources data of all group companies in real time through a unified SaaS platform, you will be able to make necessary management decisions quickly. Furthermore, we can respond flexibly and quickly to personnel changes and group resource allocations due to changes in the business environment.
■What “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model” achieves
1. Unify the group infrastructure with SaaS-type ERP and respond flexibly and quickly to changes in the business environment
“Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model” provides a licensing system that allows the entire group to contract for resources such as the number of licenses used and data capacity, and to freely allocate them to each company.
[Image 2:×554.png ]
As a result, we can quickly respond to changes in the business environment that may occur in the future, such as the establishment of new companies, business divisions/consolidations,
secondments/transfers between group companies, etc.
2. Aggregate financial information from all group companies, including overseas subsidiaries, in real time to achieve smooth consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated balance sheet that aggregates financial information of all group companies in real time, including not only “Kankabugyo V ERP Cloud” but also “Kankabugyo Cloud Global Edition” for overseas subsidiaries and other companies’ accounting systems, and reflects consolidated elimination journal entries. You can create up to Furthermore, since it allows cross-sectional comparisons and analyzes of all group companies based on segments such as business and region, it can be used to understand the performance of all group companies and formulate management strategies.
[Image 3:×388.png ]
3. Quickly visualize human resource information through group-wide human resource management and support effective human resource utilization
Since human resources information can be centrally managed and extracted across the entire group, the entire group can quickly find the necessary human resources for cross-company transfers, selection of project members, selection of management candidates, etc. In addition, since it is possible to manage secondments and transfers between groups, it is possible to improve the efficiency of operations caused by transfers and to manage careers across companies.
[Image 4:×852.png ]
■Click here for “Bugyo V ERP Cloud Group Management Model”

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