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Home » Qlipper Ranking “2024 Problem” Web News Ranking (January 2024)

Qlipper Ranking “2024 Problem” Web News Ranking (January 2024)

Todo Onada Co., Ltd.
[Qlipper Ranking] “2024 Problem” Web News Ranking (January 2024) Rakuten’s “non-urgent delivery” consideration has high PV, trend is Yu-Pack delivery delay and Isuzu’s truck that can be driven with a regular license
Todo Onada Co., Ltd. (President: Yasuyuki Matsumoto) investigated and analyzed web news related to the “2024 Problem” from January 1st to 31st, 2024. These are survey results based on data from Qlipper (, a PR effectiveness measurement service that can monitor over 4,000 web media sites.
▼For more information about this report, or for more information about Qlipper, click here
[Image 1:×670.png ]
▼This release is an excerpt from the report. If you would like the full report, including details such as the article PV, please click here.
Considering Rakuten Market “Non-urgent delivery”
Yu-Pack: Postponing delivery days for more flexibility
Responding to the 2024 problem with a truck that can be driven with a regular license
Qlipper article transition for “2024 problem”
Total number of articles: 8,904 (+22% last month)
PV (*): 112,465,973 (-7% last month)
Press release: 215 (+33.5% last month)
Number of articles with “2024 problem” in the headline: 2,143 (+19.8% last month)
*PV = Virtual PV: A number predicted and calculated by an original engine to predict and calculate article page views based on the site structure obtained by Qlipper.
[Trends in the number of articles]
Blue indicates articles that include “2024 problem” in the headline or text, and green indicates changes in articles that include the same word in the headline.
[Image 2:×560.png ]
Trends in articles containing the term “2024 problem”
[PV trends]
[Image 3:×560.png ]
PV trend of articles containing the word “2024 problem”
Articles with the highest number of PV/article tweets
*For information on articles and PVs that are not included in the excerpts below, please read the full report from the link below.
・Article with the highest number of virtual PVs
It has been reported that the Rakuten Group is considering introducing “No-Hurry Delivery” (tentative name) on “Rakuten Market” by the end of this year.
It is a system that awards points to users who delay delivery dates during the sale period, and is said to be aimed at distributing deliveries and reducing the burden on logistics sites.
“Yahoo! Topics”, which reprinted the January 1st “Yomiuri Shimbun Online” article with this content, received high PV.
・Most tweeted articles
Regarding the report that Japan Post will delay Yu-Pack and express delivery, which will be discussed later, an article from the major internet news site Impress Watch received the most tweets.
“2024 Questions” Qlipper Trend Word Ranking
[Image 4:×952.png ]
2024 Questions January Trending Word Rankings
*Qlipper’s AI makes decisions based not on the simple number of articles, but also on the time axis, etc.
■Yu-Pack, delivery days are postponed, giving you more space “Yu-Pack” in second place and “Japan Post” in 5th place have announced that starting in April, the delivery of Yu-Pack and express mail will be delayed by half a day to one day in some areas. As the 2024 problem approaches, the aim is to stabilize the service by allowing more leeway in delivery days.
Starting with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the number of articles, including reprints, rapidly increased as national newspapers, news agencies, television, and major internet news outlets reported on the matter all at once.
■Compatible with the year 2024 problem with a truck that can be driven with a regular license
The strongest topic related to the 3rd place “labor shortage” and the 4th place “truck” was the small EV truck “Elfmio EV” that Isuzu Motors has started selling. The aim is to address the driver shortage caused by the 2024 problem by having a lighter total vehicle weight than conventional vehicles and making it possible to drive with a regular driver’s license.
It has been featured in national newspapers, news agencies, automobile specialty news sites, and industrial trade papers, and has received PV.
■Survey overview Survey period: January 1st to 31st, 2024 (Qlipper article confirmation date and time) Research institution: In-house research Survey target: Articles that include the words “2024 problem” in the text or headline. Survey method: Qlipper collected web news from major domestic news sites during the survey period, and counted the number of articles targeted for the survey, the number of virtual PVs, and the number of tweets about the articles. *Virtual PV: Qlipper, which monitors more than 4,000 web media in Japan, uses its own engine to predict and calculate article page views based on the acquired site structure. (Patent No. 7098122) ■About Qlipper Qlipper (URL: is a PR effectiveness measurement tool that supports public relations work. Equipped with functions such as web news monitoring, PR analysis, and automatic creation of press releases using ChatGPT, it is possible to plan and improve PR strategies efficiently and in real time, enabling effective PR activities. We offer a free trial, and our consultants will be on hand to assist with initial service setup and optimization. [Click here for past research reports and useful materials for public relations/PR]
[Todo Onada Co., Ltd.] Representative Director and President: Yasuyuki Matsumoto 2F, Mita 43MT Building, 3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073 Company establishment date: January 20, 2020 Japanese Capital: 5.8 million yen [Inquiries regarding press release] Qlipper Management Secretariat: Endo Email:

This article has been partially generated with the assistance of AI.