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Home » Intimate Merger, Representative Director and President Ryoji Yanashima will be on stage at an event hosted by Plaid on February 14th (Wednesday)

Intimate Merger, Representative Director and President Ryoji Yanashima will be on stage at an event hosted by Plaid on February 14th (Wednesday)

Intimate Merger Co., Ltd.
Intimate Merger, Representative Director and President Ryoji Yanashima will be on stage at an event hosted by Plaid on February 14th (Wednesday)
~ How to improve “data comprehension and utilization ability” to improve customer resolution ~
Intimate Merger Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Ryoji Yanashima; hereinafter referred to as the Company), a data platform company that provides Japan’s largest public DMP, is a subsidiary of Plaid Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo). We would like to inform you that our CEO, Ryoji Yanajima, will be on stage at the online event “INSIGHT DAY – A day to learn true customer understanding” hosted by Kenta Kurahashi, Representative Director and CEO.
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At “INSIGHT DAY,” we invite professionals with extensive marketing knowledge and track records to dig deeper into concrete approaches to improving the resolution of “true customer understanding,” which leads to business results rather than vague understanding. Masu. As various analysis and research methods evolve due to technology, what kind of practices are required to connect customer understanding to concrete business results? A professional will explain in each session. At 11:20, our president and representative director, Ryoji Yanashima, spoke with Mr. Kei Yoshihara, manager of the Strategic Research Department of Neo Marketing Co., Ltd., on the theme of “How to improve your ability to read and utilize data to increase customer resolution.” More sessions. Please take this opportunity to participate.
■ Event overview
INSIGHT DAY A day to learn true “customer understanding”
・Sun/Time: February 14, 2024 (Wednesday) 10:00-15:00
*Ryoji Yanajima will appear from 11:20 to 12:00.
・Cost: Free *Advance application required.
・Target participants: Those who understand the importance of understanding customers, but are overwhelmed with implementing measures at hand in the field.
Those whose knowledge about customers is not reflected in company-wide initiatives and brand strategies
Those who want to review their marketing strategy by hearing the latest success stories and best practices
・Application URL: ■About Intimate Merger (
A data marketing company whose mission is to “improve efficiency using data in various areas of the world” and owns the data utilization platform “IM-DMP”, which has the No. 1 market share (*4) in the domestic DMP market. We provide and build support for the data utilization platform “IM-DMP”, which combines approximately 470 million audience data (*5) with advanced analysis technology, and provide consulting services regarding data utilization. In addition, as an initiative to protect privacy, we support the “Declaration on Management of Appropriate Use of Personal Data” advocated by the Japan Business Federation. In the future, we will expand our business into X-Tech areas such as Sales Tech, Fin Tech, and Privacy Tech, and aim to become a “data business producer group.”
*1 Source: “Teach me URL Web Service Survey Report 2021.2”
*2 Indicates the number of unique browsers measured within a certain period of time. Cookies are often used to identify browsers and indicate the number of unique cookies measured within a certain period of time.
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