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Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews of whitening products do you refer to? 1st place was “whitening effect”!

Review Co., Ltd.
[Research Report] What kind of reviews of whitening products do you refer to? 1st place was “whitening effect”!
Sublogg (, an information media useful for daily life operated by Review Co., Ltd. (, is aimed at people aged 10 and older across Japan. We conducted a questionnaire survey asking, “What kind of reviews about whitening products do you refer to?”
We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey target: Men and women in their teens and older
Survey date: December 2023
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of people surveyed: 100 (84 women, 16 men)
Investigation report: *When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “Sublogg” URL (
Survey results summary
When we conducted a survey to find out what kind of reviews about whitening products people take into consideration, the number one answer was “whitening effect.”
We will also introduce other items in ranking format.
[Image:×768.jpg] The “whitening effect” came in first place.
The second and subsequent rankings were “feel of use” and “price,” followed by “fragrance,” which came in 6th place.
1st place: Whitening effect
・How effective is it? There are some things that don’t change even after using it for a long time, so if you don’t see results as soon as possible, you may stop buying it. (Female in her 40s)
・Since this is a product designed to whiten teeth, the first thing you should be concerned about before purchasing is the whitening effect. Also, if you can find out about it through word of mouth, it would be very helpful as it is the opinion of someone who has actually used the product. (female teenager)
・Whitening products are quite expensive, so when you buy something expensive, look for something that has a strong whitening effect before purchasing. Since you are purchasing whitening products yourself rather than going to the dentist, I think it is very important to have a taste and feel that you can continue to use. (Female in her 30s)
1st place was “whitening effect”.
I don’t think the whitening effect will be obvious immediately after using it, so many people would like to see how effective it was from people who have actually used it.
2nd place: Usability
– If your pursuit of whiter teeth weakens the quality of your teeth, they may become more susceptible to staining or sensitivity. (Female in her 30s)
・Refer to reviews to see if the texture is clean. I don’t like the rough texture, so I want to buy something that gives a refreshing finish. (Female in her 20s)
・Although the whitening effect is important, I think it is especially important that the product is suitable for you and that you want to continue using it. (Female in her 40s)
2nd place was “Usability”.
While the whitening effect is important, there were also opinions that they were concerned about whether the product would stain their teeth or be too irritating, making it easy to continue using the product. 3rd place: Price
-If something you use frequently is too expensive, you won’t feel like using it repeatedly. This is because it puts pressure on household budgets. (Female in her 50s and up)
・Since I continue to use it for home care, I thought that the price was the best option for me to continue using it. It’s best to get it as cheap as possible. (Female in her 20s)
・I don’t think the effect will be seen after a few uses, so I’m concerned about whether the price will allow me to continue using it for a long time. (I would be happy if it was around 10,000 yen per month. (Female in her 30s)
4th place: Dirt removal
・I’m most curious and would like to know how much of a difference people have seen after using it. If the product makes a noticeable difference, I would want to buy it even if I don’t like the taste or aroma. (Female in her 40s)
・I’m having trouble removing stains from coffee and tea just by brushing them with toothpaste, so I always refer to reviews about stain removal. (Female in her 40s)
・Since I drink coffee every day, I am most concerned about whether the colored stains will be removed, and since I am a smoker, I am most concerned about whether the stains will be removed. (Female in her 40s)
5th place: Ease of use
・When it comes to whitening that you do yourself, there is an impression that the results will be more effective if you keep doing it, rather than seeing it in one go. I’m very concerned about ease of use, because I don’t think I’ll be able to continue using it unless it’s easy to use. (Female in her 50s and up)
-It’s highly effective and easy to use, so I think if you improve the things you don’t notice and fill in the holes every day, you’ll end up with something you can rely on. (Female in her 20s)
・Some celebrities feel uncomfortable because their teeth and skin color are too different after whitening, so it would be great if they could adjust the color of their teeth to a point where it doesn’t look unnatural. (Female in her 20s)
6th place: Fragrance
・I don’t like anything with a strong mint flavor, so I think whitening products with a mild scent are best. (Female in her 40s)
・Due to chemical sensitivity, I cannot use products with too strong a scent. I would like to refer to the reviews regarding the scent. (Female in her 40s)
“Fragrance” came in 6th place.
Since the product is used in the mouth, there were also comments that the scent was a concern.
When we surveyed 100 people, 73.0% of them answered that it had a “whitening effect.”
There were also a number of respondents who answered that they were concerned about whether it would actually whiten the skin or how long it would take for the product to be effective.
The whitening effect is not something you can immediately see after using the product, so reviews from people who have actually used it are very helpful.
If you are considering using whitening products, please refer to this. ■About Review Co., Ltd.
Our company operates the information site “Sublogg
(” that is useful for daily life.
We also manage YouTube channels, own media, and personal gyms. ■Company overview
Company name: Review Co., Ltd.
Address: GS Sakae Building 3F, 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Satoru Toda
Established: January 5, 2022
Capital: 1 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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