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Diamond Chain Store February 1st issue on sale!

Diamond Chain Store February 1st issue on sale!

*View in browser* *Diamond Retail Media Co., Ltd.*
Press release: February 8, 2024
Diamond Chain Store February 1st issue on sale!
*The special feature is “Create a ‘value pattern’ and accelerate! Retail media”! *
Retail media initiatives are rapidly expanding in the domestic retail market, just as the US market is approaching 7 trillion yen. Some of the companies that are leading the way are taking various measures to evolve it from being just an advertising medium to a “media” that can be of value to both customers and advertisers. How can we develop retail media into a tool that can transform the entire distribution business without ending it as a temporary boom? We looked at the current status and future prospects of retail media, focusing on the efforts of retail companies.
In addition, this issue’s The
Fuji Yamaguchi, president of Fuji Retailing (Ehime Prefecture), appeared in the interview. With the birth of a new company, Fuji, due to the business integration with Maxvalu Nishinippon, how do you foresee the future business environment? He also revealed new initiatives such as the direction of community-based merchandising and new food and drug concepts.
In addition, we will deliver a special report titled “Yaoko Summit 2024 Strategy.” What do the leaders of two major supermarket companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area think about this year? This is also something you can’t miss.
We will be sending you a lot of content in this issue, so please subscribe! *Table of contents of this issue*

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Diamond Retail Media Co., Ltd.
Diamond Retail Media Co., Ltd. is a business magazine publisher that started in April 1970 as a member of the Diamond Inc. Group. Currently, we regularly publish three magazines: “Diamond Chain Store,” “Diamond Home Center,” and “Diamond Drugstore.” In the business field, we create and publish various media, plan and produce sales promotion support tools, plan and manage business seminars, publish books, and deliver customized high-value-added content to key persons in the distribution business.
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