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Home » Aidemy supports Nichirei’s company-wide digital human resource development with Aidemy Business / Aidemy Practice

Aidemy supports Nichirei’s company-wide digital human resource development with Aidemy Business / Aidemy Practice

IDEMY Co., Ltd.
Aidemy supports Nichirei’s company-wide digital human resource development with Aidemy Business / Aidemy Practice
~ Providing content according to the level of the digital human resource development plan divided into three steps ~
IDEMY Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, Executive Officer, President Satohiko Ishikawa, hereinafter referred to as “IDEMY”), which is accompanying the digital
transformation, is Nichirei Corporation (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President Kenya Okushi, hereinafter referred to as “IDEMY”). As part of Nichirei’s company-wide digital human resource development initiative, the online DX learning “Aidemy Business” will be provided to approximately 4,000 employees across the company starting in May 2022, with the aim of helping them acquire digital literacy. However, in December 2023, almost all eligible participants completed the first step after completing the designated learning period. We have started offering “Aidemy Practice” as part of the next step applied training to those who have completed the program and who have requested it.
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In 2021, Nichirei is formulating a group DX strategy (*1) centered on five pillars: “value creation DX,” “production/logistics DX,” “sustainability DX,” “human resources DX,” and “management
infrastructure DX.” To achieve this, we will conduct company-wide training for approximately 4,000 group employees starting in May 2022, with the aim of “encouraging each and every employee to master data and technology and continue to provide new value to the earth and people.” has started. “DX Bronze” is a human resource who has acquired the digital literacy essential for work, “DX Silver” is a human resource who can utilize data and digital technology in actual work and business, and “DX Silver” is a human resource who can apply data and digital technology to work and business. We are developing digital human resources in three steps: DX Gold, which is human resources who can take concrete actions such as planning and verifying the application.
Since May 2022, IDEMY has been providing the online DX learning “Aidemy Business” to approximately 4,000 employees across Nichirei as basic training equivalent to DX Bronze. In December 2023, almost all subjects will have completed the basic training after the specified learning period, and DX is an applied training aimed at applying practical work essential to accelerating DX for those who wish to do so. Silver is starting. As part of Nichirei’s applied training, DX Silver, IDEMY has gradually started offering DX practical training, “Aidemy Practice,” and is supporting Nichirei’s further development of DX human resources. Nichirei plans to further develop human resources through DX Silver and DX Gold, select digital leaders who will lead DX promotion in the field from those who complete the training, and accelerate DX promotion.
IDEMY not only provides tools, but also proposes the optimal curriculum for Nichirei, which combines over 230 learning courses and over 20 DX practical training, and measures for continuing learning according to the learning status of employees. We support Nichirei’s DX promotion and the development of DX human resources for business development.
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*1: Nichirei Group’s DX strategy
[Aidemy Practice Overview]
A training program that incorporates workshops and hands-on formats, with an emphasis on acquiring digital skills and know-how that can be used immediately in the field. We support human resource development through a variety of services, including in-house training, open training, customized training, and consulting for the use of digital technology.
Open training
In-house training -Contact information-
Aidemy Practice Office
Application URL:
[Overview of Nichirei Co., Ltd.] Nichirei Co., Ltd. is a holding company that oversees the entire Nichirei Group, and each operating company is responsible for the processed food business, fisheries and livestock business, low-temperature logistics business, and bioscience business. In the processed food business, we are ranked No. 1 in sales among frozen food manufacturers (*2), and in the low-temperature logistics business, we are ranked No. 1 in Japan in terms of refrigerated warehouse facility capacity (*3). Promoting business innovation through digital utilization, such as the systems we have introduced this time, is a priority measure set out in the Nichirei Group’s new medium-term management plan, “Compass Rose 2024,” and will be an area we will focus more on going forward.
*2: Shokuhin Sangyo Shimbun Co., Ltd. “Frozen Food Daily Report” published on August 22, 2023 *3: Calculated based on Japan
Refrigerated Warehouse Association November 2021 materials
[Refrigerated Warehouse Statistics]
Company name: Nichirei Co., Ltd. Location: Nichirei Higashi Ginza Building, 6-19-20 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Representative: Kenya Okushi, Representative Director and President Established: December 1942 URL: /
[Overview of IDEMY Co., Ltd.]
We are a venture company founded in 2014 with the corporate philosophy of “economically implementing cutting-edge technology.” Currently, we are mainly providing services for corporations, and we provide comprehensive services from DX/GX training to theme selection, PoC development, system development, and operation for in-house production of corporate AI/DX projects and GX projects. Through our business, we are working to remove “barriers that prevent cutting-edge technology from being implemented in society.”
Company name: IDEMY Co., Ltd. (TSE Growth 5577)
Address: 6F Otemachi One Tower, 1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Representative: Representative Director, Executive Officer, President, Satohiko Ishikawa
Established: June 2014
Business content: We are developing a product solution business related to AI/DX. For corporations, we offer “AI/DX Products,” which provides online DX learning and training to support the development of digital human resources, and “AI/DX Solutions,” which provides consulting-type support for digital transformation, as well as digital human resource development in the individual domain. We provide “AI/DX reskilling” as support.

Aidemy Free (
Aidemy Premium (
Aidemy Business (
Aidemy Practice (
Aidemy GX (
Modeloy (
Lab Bank (
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