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Home » Isamiya Co., Ltd. A Japanese confectionery shop in Kesennuma, an area affected by the 3.11 disaster, is taking on the challenge of being a fan!

Isamiya Co., Ltd. A Japanese confectionery shop in Kesennuma, an area affected by the 3.11 disaster, is taking on the challenge of being a fan!

[Isamiya Co., Ltd.] A Japanese confectionery shop in Kesennuma, an area affected by the 3.11 disaster, is taking on the challenge of being a fan!

*View in browser* *Isamiya Ltd.*
Press release: February 8, 2024
A Japanese confectionery shop in Kesennuma, an area affected by the 3.11 disaster, is taking on the challenge of being a fan!
*We would like to send our gratitude back to the Wajima-nuri producers who were affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake from Kesennuma, an area affected by the 3.11 earthquake! *
Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture “Okashi Tsukasa Isamiya” CEO and couple Okashi Tsukasa Isamiya (Representative Director: Noriyuki Hatakeyama), a long-established confectionery shop in Kesennuma, an area affected by the March 11 disaster, suffered devastating damage in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2020, but is now opening its doors to the world in an effort to turn the crisis into an opportunity. We are taking on the challenge of crowdfunding (CAMPFIRE) to send money to Taya Lacquerware Store, which is trying to spread the word about Wajima lacquerware, to rebuild its business.
Taya Lacquerware Shop, Subaru Taya and his family
* Background of project launch *
The images of the Noto Peninsula, the disaster-stricken area, and especially Wajima City, which became a sea of ​​fire in the
pitch-black darkness that was shown on TV early in the New Year, reminded me of myself, who lives in Kesennuma, which was also covered in a sea of ​​fire on 3.11. It was a very heart-wrenching video that overlapped with those days. During this time, I learned that my friend Shinnosuke Fujima of the Nihon Buyo Shiha Fujima School in Ishikawa Prefecture, who was the reason my wife and I met, was supporting Wajima lacquer producers from Kanazawa. We decided that now is the time to repay the support we received, so we decided to launch this project.
* Crowdfunding (CAMPFIRE) public page *

* Supported by Taya Shikki Store Co., Ltd. *
Taya Shikkiten Co., Ltd.
55-6 Ezoana, Sugihira-cho, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa 928-0011
Representative Director and President Akihiro Taya (father of Subaru Taya)
* Message from support recipient Subaru Taya of Taya Lacquerware Shop * I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Hatakeyama for thinking of Wajima. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, I was in Tokyo, not a working adult.
The images of the tsunami shown on TV were shocking and something I will never forget.
After entering the workforce and taking over the job at a lacquer shop, I started going to Kesennuma on business trips more often. Recently, I have been impressed by the revitalized streets of Kesennuma.
The food culture and scenery are so wonderful that for some reason, every time I go to Kesennuma, I always associate it with my hometown of Wajima. Wajima will also have to rebuild in the future.
I want to make it a place that many people can come to after reconstruction. Also, when we are able to recover, we want to be able to think about the people around us who are suffering from the disaster, precisely because we have experienced the earthquake. I respect Mr. Hatakeyama’s past experience and support this time.
We will also overcome the earthquake disaster and aim to become stronger and more useful to society and people. thank you.

Taya lacquerware store Mr. Subaru Taya
* About Isamiya Confectionery *
“Okashi Tsukasa Isamiya” has continued to make sweets in Kesennuma Motoyoshi since its establishment in 1945. Our signature product, “Nadai Oshima Manju,” has been loved by everyone in the area as a specialty of Kesennuma. By the way, in Kesennuma, the time when you drink tea at home is called “Ochakko,” and when you visit other places, “Ochakko ni de Iigai” (meaning “Please drink tea
drinking”) is always used as a password. . “Famous Oshima Manju” has been a valued accompaniment to Kesennuma’s “Ochakko”. In addition, while preserving this tradition, there are also products from that era such as “Hoyaboya Monaka” modeled after Kesennuma’s tourist character “Hoyaboya, the sea cub” and “Shioan Pudding” made with Kesennuma’s natural salt. Three generations of parents and children have created sweets that make use of local treasures. Isamiya Co., Ltd.
Noriyuki Hatakeyama, Representative Director, 12-3 Tsuya Tateoka, Motoyoshi-cho, Kesennuma-shi, Miyagi 988-0307

Okashi Tsukasa Isamiya Representative Director Noriyuki Hatakeyama Famous Oshima Manju
*About return gifts*
As a return gift, we have prepared a collaboration product “DORA” between our company “Okashi Tsukasa Isamiya” and “Restaurant Chianti” in Iikura, Tokyo. “DORA” is a product that was the brainchild of Mr. Kawazoe, the owner of Restaurant Chianti, who has been caring for the disaster-stricken areas since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Please see the message from Mr. Kawazoe for more details.

Return gift “DORA”
* Project collaborator *
Restaurant Chianti Owner Ryutaro Kawazoe
Iikura Katamachi Main Store 3-1-7 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo

* Message from Mr. Kawazoe *
[Birth of DORA] In 1960, Chianti founders Hiroshi Kawazoe and Kajiko created Restaurant Chianti, thinking that if they didn’t have a restaurant to go to, they should start one.
When you think of Chianti, you think of basil.
“Basilico” is a pasta dish that my grandmother, Kajiko Kawazoe, created using shiso leaves and parsley at a time when basil leaves did not exist in Japan.
I love dorayaki so much that I went to Kyoto to train in dorayaki in the past. We planned “DORA” with a fusion of Japanese and Western ideas, similar to basil.
Therefore, we used “elegantly sweet caramel cream” inspired by “The World’s Best Pudding,” which continues to be loved at Restaurant Chianti.
“DORA” has been completed.
Through the introduction of my friend Fuminori Makihara (Goyo Shokai Co., Ltd.), who will be helping me with this package, I met Noriyuki Hatakeyama of the Japanese confectionery shop Okashishi Isamiya in Kesennuma. Speaking of Kesennuma, I am reminded of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011.
According to Mr. Hatakeyama, there are many issues to be solved before the city can regain its vitality after the earthquake.
Therefore, we decided to team up with Okashishi Isamiya to help revitalize Kesennuma.
Although the booklet is long, please simply enjoy the future-oriented “DORA”!! Restaurant Chianti Owner Ryutaro Kawazoe
* lastly *
Wajima lacquerware producers are in a very difficult situation as their lacquerware workshop has been completely destroyed. I hope that this project can help revive Wajima lacquerware, a traditional culture in the Noto region. I also hope that the people in the Noto region who were affected by the disaster and are forced to live a painful and inconvenient life will be able to return to a peaceful life as soon as possible.
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