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Home » TRAPE Co., Ltd. Play a role in reforming nursing care sites with high job satisfaction in Aomori Prefecture! Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center Project

TRAPE Co., Ltd. Play a role in reforming nursing care sites with high job satisfaction in Aomori Prefecture! Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center Project

[TRAPE Co., Ltd.] Play a role in reforming nursing care sites with high job satisfaction in Aomori Prefecture! Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center Project

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Press release: February 9, 2024
Play a part in reforming nursing care sites with high job satisfaction in Aomori Prefecture! Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center Project
*Aomori Prefecture Social Welfare Council and TRAPE Co., Ltd. sign an advisory service agreement*
TRAPE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, President: Daihiro Kamata) has been playing a central role in creating various measures to improve productivity in the national nursing care business since 2017, including the creation of guidelines for improving productivity in nursing care. We provide nursing care facilities with “Sociwell,” a service that provides online support for organizational development and human resources development through dialogue. As an advisor to the recently opened “Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center” in Aomori Prefecture (consigned by Aomori Prefecture to the Aomori Prefecture Social Welfare Council), I provide consultation support at the center’s counter and provide support to model business establishments. We will be providing escort support. [What is the Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Promotion Comprehensive Project?]
Business details
1. * Holding a meeting to solve problems in nursing care settings * Presentation of the formulation of prefectural response policies that contribute to solving issues in nursing care settings
2. * Nursing Care Site Improvement Comprehensive Consultation Center (tentative name) *
Implement one-stop comprehensive support that connects support and measures that contribute to productivity improvement with appropriate support for business operators* 1. Comprehensive counter business related to nursing care productivity improvement*
・Cooperation with various support projects related to securing human resources and improving productivity
・Productivity improvement support (dissemination and enlightenment through seminars, etc., model events for nursing care field issue resolution meetings)
2. Nursing care robot/ICT introduction support project*
・Clerical work such as accepting applications for support for introducing nursing care robots and ICT, holding seminars, etc. Business image
Published on the Aomori Prefecture website Partial quotation from the 1st Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Site Problem Solving Conference in 2020 (July 26, 2020) Document 1 Attachment

[*What is Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center in 2021*]
Implementing entity
Social Welfare Corporation Aomori Prefecture Social Welfare Council support
– Consultation support to improve productivity (including
introduction of nursing care robots and ICT)
– Supporting efforts to improve productivity at nursing care facilities – Dissemination, enlightenment, and information dissemination (holding seminars, etc.)
– Exhibition of nursing care robots, etc., reception of subsidies, etc. From the Aomori Prefectural Social Security Association website [Support details of TRAPE Co., Ltd.]
– Signed an advisory service contract for the consultation center with the Aomori Prefecture Social Welfare Council
– * Conducting seminars and training sessions *
– Planning, proposals, and document creation for training sessions – Answering questions from lectures, instructors, and
participants at training sessions, etc.
– *Accompanying support to nursing care facilities*
– Provided support for the improvement efforts of nursing care facilities selected by the Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Site Issue Resolution Council.
– * Logistical support for Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center *
– Support for the launch and maintenance of the center’s consultation function
– Advice to center staff regarding consultations from nursing care establishments and direct response to nursing establishments, etc.

[Current status and challenges of Aomori Prefecture]
・There is expected to be a shortage of approximately 2,450 nursing care workers in 2025.
・From 2025 to 2040, the population aged 85 and over will rapidly increase, while the working-age population will decrease.
A sharp decline is expected, leading to a shortage of nursing care personnel ・The turnover rate has been maintained at a lower level than the national average (*reversed due to the coronavirus pandemic) ・The number of nursing care workers who feel that there is a shortage of manpower is on the rise
 H27 52.4% → R354.4%
・Reasons for leaving include interpersonal relationships at work, dissatisfaction with the company, plans for the future, income, etc. can be mentioned
・Concerns include labor shortages, treatment issues, and mental and physical burdens.
・While business operators are struggling to secure and develop human resources, they do not have the time and financial resources to respond.
There seems to be no
・Many businesses are working to improve working conditions, but the percentage of businesses that are introducing nursing care robots, ICT, etc. is not high = 10.5% of businesses that have introduced robots and ICT nationwide
Aomori prefecture 9.2%
・Lack of nursing care personnel is a factor that restricts the supply of nursing care services.
・It is necessary to reduce the burden on staff, create an environment where nursing care staff can continue to work while making use of their expertise, and ensure a sustainable service provision system. (From Document 1 of the 1st Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Site Problem Solving Conference in 2020)

[Direction of Aomori Prefecture’s initiatives/Aim for the future] – Considering the current labor shortage and the future supply and demand situation for services, a certain level of efficiency and labor-saving aspects will be essential for nursing care operations in the future. On the other hand, the essence of nursing care is to “deal with each person individually,” and this is the basis of the appeal and reward of nursing care as a profession. Therefore, simply emphasizing the need to improve efficiency will not be enough for managers and caregivers in the field. Contrary to people’s
sensibilities, they are not understood and efforts do not progress. Therefore, when promoting support for efforts to improve productivity, it is important to understand that this ultimately improves the quality of nursing care, benefits users, and leads to securing (acquiring and retaining) human resources as a more attractive occupation. Please note that it is important to penetrate to the field level.

・Due to their nature, it is difficult to quantify clearly in the form of sales or profits the achievement of “improved productivity” through nursing care, securing human resources (acquisition/retention), and improving the quality of services. We will consider ways to make it possible to numerically evaluate the effects of various support measures as much as possible.
(Excerpt from Document 1 of the 1st Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Site Problem Solving Conference in 2021)

Aomori Prefecture HP Aomori Prefecture Nursing Care Site Problem Resolution Council is here

[Why are efforts to improve productivity in the nursing care industry necessary?]
From our lecture materials
Currently, Japan is facing an unprecedented transition to an aging society with a declining birthrate and a declining population. Under these circumstances, the biggest challenge facing nursing care sites is the lack of human resources, and various problems related to this are emerging. Caregivers are faced with worries and anxieties, and the situation continues to be difficult not only in securing human resources but also in retaining them. It has been pointed out that the turnover rate of nursing care workers is particularly high, and that not enough time is being devoted to human resource development. As the nursing care industry is labor-intensive, improving the value of the experience for staff and users is the key to development. We are required to provide an environment where employees can have a good experience, improve the job satisfaction of employees, and provide high-quality nursing care services. To achieve this, improving productivity is essential. By confronting issues, utilizing management functions, and proactively utilizing technology, it is possible to organize, interpret, and re-design the current situation and achieve the desired state.
It is difficult for nursing care facilities to undertake initiatives that they have not undertaken before. Therefore, it is desirable for local governments to provide support tailored to the conditions of business establishments. By playing an important role in this support, the Nursing Care Site Improvement Comprehensive Consultation Center is expected to help nursing care facilities improve and provide high-quality services.

[*Comment from Aomori Nursing Care Site Improvement Comprehensive Consultation Center*]
Social Welfare Corporation Aomori Prefecture Social Welfare Council Welfare Human Resources Section Manager
Director of Welfare Human Resources Center
Director of Nursing Care Awareness and Welfare Equipment Dissemination Center Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center Mr. Toshie Aota
This time, in launching a productivity improvement consultation center in Aomori Prefecture, we will develop and develop nursing care robots. We have decided to ask TRAPE, whom we met through the demonstration and dissemination platform project, to act as an advisor. At first, we were quite apprehensive about setting up a consultation desk for improving productivity, since there was no such case nationwide. However, by asking TRAPE to act as an advisor, we were able to receive not only escort support to the model nursing care facility, but also logistical support for consultation at the counter, and TRAPE’s support even when we had highly specialized consultations. I am very relieved that I will be accepted. Although the Aomori Nursing Care Productivity Improvement Consultation Center has just been launched, we will continue to work to meet the expectations of business establishments in the prefecture.

* [To everyone in charge of prefectures and municipalities] * TRAPE Co., Ltd. has been conducting the following activities since 2017, when the term “improving productivity in the nursing care industry” was first used.

We were involved in the formulation of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “Productivity Improvement Guidelines” for business establishments in 2018 and the “Productivity Improvement Guidelines” for local governments in 2019, as well as creating case studies. –
In 2019, we collaborated with Kumamoto Prefecture at Japan’s first regional nursing care site innovation conference, providing all-in-one support such as secretariat management, grand design of the entire project, and implementation of accompanying support for actual facilities, and achieving results. I have produced it.
– During these activities, we have listened to the thoughts of managers and middle leaders of over 2,000 nursing care facilities and have had repeated conversations with them.

We provide support for nursing care facilities, from a wide variety of facility services to home services, and as a result of our efforts, we are constantly producing three things at the same time: nurturing autonomous human resources, improving productivity, and increasing job satisfaction, and we have developed a system for this method. It has become

In order to disseminate the productivity improvement guidelines, we have been giving lectures and workshops at national seminars on productivity improvement for nursing care facilities sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for four years from 2020 to 2023.

In 2022, ICT will serve as a business advisor for 6 of the 17 robot consultation centers nationwide, and in 2023, it will serve as a business advisor for 6 of the 16 robot consultation centers
nationwide.・We provided escort support for the introduction and utilization of robots.

From 2017 to 2023, our representative, Mr. Kamata, will be working on a variety of projects related to productivity improvement in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, including “creation of productivity improvement guidelines,” “nursing care productivity improvement comprehensive consultation center,” “care plan data linkage system,” and “productivity improvement and management.” I am deeply involved as a member of several committees.

[*About TRAPE Co., Ltd.*]
Representative: Daiki Kamata
Head Office: Shin-Osaka Nakazato Building 3F, 5-11-9 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
Established: September 2015
Business details:
・Online support service for organizations that want to achieve three things at once: developing autonomous human resources, improving productivity, and increasing job satisfaction * “Sociwell” * ・A membership-based community where managers can interact and share knowledge beyond organizational boundaries* “Nursing Care Managers Club”*
– An all-in-one customs clearance business partner that the elderly support section, which is responsible for commercializing productivity improvements and securing human resource retention, can rely on with peace of mind* “Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/local government related projects”*

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