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Home » SIGNATE Co., Ltd. We asked a person in charge of human resources, education, and DX promotion at a large comp any! Among the DX promotion skill standards, the number one role to focus on developing is “Business Architect”

SIGNATE Co., Ltd. We asked a person in charge of human resources, education, and DX promotion at a large comp any! Among the DX promotion skill standards, the number one role to focus on developing is “Business Architect”

[We asked a person in charge of human resources, education, and DX promotion at a large company! ] Among the DX promotion skill standards, the number one role to focus on developing is “Business Architect”
~ Reasons for wanting to focus on developing business architects include “It will help accelerate new business development” and “It will serve as a bridge between technology and strategy” ~
SIGNATE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Hide Saito, pronunciation: SIGNATE, hereinafter referred to as SIGNATE), which provides total support for corporate DX from development to training, is a large company that emphasizes the development of DX human resources. We conducted a preliminary survey targeting 562 managers, executives, and personnel/education/training/digital strategy/DX promotion personnel (with 1,000 or more employees). As a result, the number one role in the “DX Promotion Skill Standards” for which people would like to strengthen their training was “Business Architect (23.7%),” followed by “Data Scientist (22.6%).”
We would like to inform you that we then conducted an in-depth survey on the 110 people who selected “Business Architect,” which was the most popular answer, in an “awareness survey regarding business architects in large companies.”
Survey summary
[Image 1:×1080.jpg] ▼Click here to download the report of this survey
Survey overview
Survey overview: A survey on the attitudes of business architects at large companies
Survey method: Internet survey planned by research PR “Respy (R)” provided by IDEATECH
Survey period: November 16, 2023 to December 2, 2023
∟Preliminary survey: November 16, 2023 to December 1, 2023
∟This survey: November 29, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Number of valid answers
∟Preliminary survey: Survey of large companies (1,000 or more employees) that emphasize the development of DX human resources. Management/executive, human resources/education training/digital strategy/DX promotion staff 562
∟This survey: We want to strengthen the development of business architects based on DX promotion skill standards
Management/executive of large companies (more than 1,000 employees), human resources/education training/
110 people in charge of digital strategy/DX promotion
*The composition ratio is rounded to the second decimal place, so the total does not necessarily add up to 100.
Preliminary investigation part
Among the roles that people would like to develop in the “DX Promotion Skill Standards,” the first role is “Business Architect (23.7%),” and the second is “Data Scientist (22.6%).”
“Q. What kind of DX human resources do you particularly want to strengthen in your company? Please select one from the five roles (human resource types) of the DX promotion skill standard.” (n =562), 23.7% answered “Business Architect” and 22.6% answered “Data Scientist.”
[Image 2:×800.jpg] Q. What kind of DX human resources would you particularly like to strengthen in your company? Please choose one from the five roles (human resource types) of the DX promotion skill standard.
・Business architect: 23.7%
・Data scientist: 22.6%
・Software engineer: 16.5%
・Cyber ​​security: 13.7%
・Designer: 6.6%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 12.3%
・Nothing applies: 4.6%
-Five human resource types of DX promotion skill standards-
“DX Promotion Skill Standards” defines five main human resource types, roles, and necessary skills to promote digital transformation (DX).
[Image 3:×800.png ]
1. Business architect
Responsible for new business development and the advancement of existing businesses in DX, and has the role of promoting everything from goal setting to implementation and effectiveness verification. Coordination of the people involved is important.
2. Designer
We formulate policies and development processes for products and services by comprehensively considering business, customer and user perspectives. Based on this, we will be responsible for the design of products and services.
3. Data scientist
In promoting DX, we aim to transform operations and create new businesses through data utilization. We collect and analyze data, and design, implement, and operate the system.
4.Software engineer
Responsible for designing, implementing, and operating systems and software for providing products and services using digital technology. Technical knowledge and skills are required.
5.Cyber ​​security
We manage cybersecurity risks in the digital environment and take measures to support business processes.
Main research part
The most common reason for wanting to strengthen the training of “business architects” in promoting DX was “because it will help accelerate new business development” at 61.8%.
 Q1. Please tell us why you would like to particularly strengthen the training of “business architects” among the human resources necessary to promote DX in your company. (Multiple answers)” (n=110), 61.8% answered “Because it will accelerate new business development,” 56.4% said “Because it acts as a bridge between technology and strategy,” and 56.4% said “Because it will help accelerate business process development.” 55.5% of respondents answered, “Because it allows us to objectively make improvements and increase efficiency.”
[Image 4:×800.jpg] Q1. Of the human resources needed to promote your company’s DX, please tell us why you would like to particularly strengthen the training of “business architects.” (Multiple answers)
・Because it leads to acceleration of new business development: 61.8% ・Because it acts as a bridge between technology and strategy: 56.4% ・Because we can objectively improve and streamline business processes: 55.5% ・Being responsible for building relationships between different departments: 41.8%
・Because we need human resources who can promote from the perspective of the entire business rather than individual departments: 33.6% ・Because we need human resources who can verify the effects after implementation: 32.7%
・Because you can smoothly analyze risks and identify issues: 28.2% ・Others: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 4.5%
Reasons such as “I want to improve my corporate strength” and “clarify my needs” are also included.
For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q1, I asked them, “Q2. In addition to what you answered in Q1, why do you want to particularly strengthen the training of “business architects” among the human resources necessary to promote DX? If you have any, please feel free to let me know. (Free response)” (n=105), we received 51 responses, including “I want to improve my corporate capabilities” and “I want to clarify my needs.”
-Free answers/partial excerpts-
・40 years old: Because competitors are also strengthening their capabilities. ・63 years old: We want people who can think about business reform through DX, not just promoting IT.
・60 years old: There is a real need for human resources who can handle DX conversion over a long period of time.
・59 years old: Because we need cross-border human resources. ・48 years old: I want to improve my corporate capabilities.
・48 years old: Human resources who can give form to customer requests are valuable and will continue to be sought after.
・58 years old: Business model innovation.
Regarding the current status of business architect training, approximately 30% of respondents answered, “We are implementing measures, but the training has not yet produced results.”
“Q3. Please tell us about the current situation regarding the training of “business architects” in your company. ” (n=110), 26.4% answered, “We are implementing measures, but they have not yet produced training results,” while 26.4% answered, “The training environment has been improved, and some training results have been achieved.” 22.7% of respondents answered, “Overall, the training environment is in place, and results are being produced.” was 10.9%.
[Image 5:×800.jpg] Q3. Please tell us about the current situation regarding the training of “business architects” in your company.
・Not yet considering implementation: 12.7%
・There is a plan for implementation, but the measures are not progressing: 21.8% ・Measures are being implemented, but they have not yet resulted in training results: 26.4%
・The training environment has been improved and some training results have been achieved: 22.7%
・The overall training environment is well-developed and results are being produced: 10.9%
・Nothing applies: 0.9%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 4.5%
More than 80% of respondents answered that there are “issues” in training business architects.
 Q4.Are there any challenges in promoting the development of “Business Architects” at your company? ” (n=110), 50.0% answered “very much” and 34.5% answered “somewhat”.
[Image 6:×800.jpg] Q4.Are there any challenges in developing “business architects” at your company? ・Very much: 50.0%
・Somewhat: 34.5%
・Not much: 9.1%
・Not at all: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 6.4%
Many of the issues related to business architect training are related to training plan design, such as “lack of necessary skills and knowledge,” “unable to find optimal training,” and “difficult to measure and evaluate.”
For those who answered “Very much” or “Somewhat much” in Q4, please respond with “Q5. Please tell us about the challenges faced by your company in training business architects”. (Multiple answers)” (n=93), 59.1% said “I lack the necessary skills and knowledge,” 52.7% said “I can’t find the best education to develop practical skills,” and 52.7% said “I don’t have the necessary skills and knowledge.” 52.7% of respondents said it is difficult to measure and evaluate their business skills.
[Image 7:×800.jpg] Q5. Please tell us about the challenges faced in training “business architects” at your company. (Multiple answers)
・Lack of necessary skills and knowledge: 59.1%
・Can’t find the best education to develop practical skills: 52.7% ・Difficulty measuring and evaluating human resources’ business skills: 52.7% ・I don’t know how to take specific measures: 44.1%
・Difficult to select the most suitable personnel: 40.9%
・Lack of budget or time: 23.7%
・Others: 2.2%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 0.0%
There are also issues related to training such as “lack of human resources” and “effects are not immediate”
For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q5, please ask “Q6. In addition to what you answered in Q5, if there are any issues in the training of business architects in your company, please feel free to tell us. (Free response)” (n=93), we received 48 answers, including “Lack of human resources” and “Effects will not be immediate.”
-Free answers/partial excerpts-
・40 years old: Shortage of human resources.
・61 years old: Personnel system, evaluation system.
・48 years old: I don’t know where to start, and I can’t find the man-hours to spend due to other work commitments.
・54 years old: The concept itself has not penetrated within the company. ・44 years old: Effects are not immediate.
・46 years old: No one in the upper management understands this in the first place.
・44 years old: There are few employees who can keep up with
technological advances.
What I would like to focus on when training business architects: 1st place: “Building/reviewing internal systems”, 2nd place:
“Introducing and implementing an educational system specific to business architects”
“Q7. Please tell us what you would like to focus on in the future in developing your company’s “business architects.” (Multiple answers)” (n=110), 60.9% said “Building/reviewing internal systems,” 52.7% said “Introducing/implementing an educational system specialized for business architects,” and “The latest digital 51.8% of respondents answered “Learning skills related to technology and tools”.
[Image 8:×800.jpg] Q7. Please tell us what you would like to focus on in the future in developing your company’s “business architects”. (Multiple answers) ・Internal system construction/review: 60.9%
・Introduction and implementation of an educational system specialized for business architects: 52.7%
・Learning skills related to the latest digital technologies and tools: 51.8% ・Improvement of literacy throughout the company: 44.5%
・Learning leadership skills: 34.5%
・Strengthening communication skills for internal collaboration: 25.5% ・Others: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 6.4%
Some companies want to focus on “increasing the number of qualified personnel” and “training procedures”
For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q7, I asked them, “Q8. In addition to what you answered in Q7, if there is anything you would like to focus on in the future in developing your company’s business architects, please feel free to tell me.” please. (Free response)” (n=103), we received 47 responses, including “increasing the number of qualified personnel” and “procedures for training.”
-Free answers/excerpts-
・60 years old: Establishment of a specialized department and creation of a system for making regular proposals to owners.
・41 years old: Leadership.
・63 years old: Establishment of training procedures.
・61 years old: Utilize external human resources.
・58 years old: Improve the literacy of management.
・61 years old: Increase the number of suitable people.
・48 years old: Learn the latest digital technology.
This time, we conducted a preliminary survey targeting 562 managers, executives, and personnel/education/training/digital strategy/DX promotion personnel at large companies (1,000 or more employees) that place emphasis on developing DX human resources. . As a result, the number one role in the “DX Promotion Skill Standards” for which people would like to strengthen their training was “Business Architect (23.7%),” and the second place was “Data Scientist (22.6%).”
In addition, as an in-depth survey, we conducted an “awareness survey regarding business architects in large companies” among 110 people who responded that they particularly wanted to strengthen the training of “business architects.” The most common reason given for wanting to strengthen the training of business architects was “It will help accelerate new business development” at 61.8%.
Regarding the training status of “Business Architects,” respondents answered, “We are implementing measures, but the training has not yet produced results” (26.4%), and “The training environment has been improved, and some of the training results have not yet been achieved.” “Yes” (22.7%) was the top answer. Furthermore, 84.5% of companies have issues with training business architects, and about 60% of them cited “lack of necessary skills and knowledge” as the issue. Furthermore, as for what they would like to focus on in developing business architects, the first place was “building/reviewing internal systems” (60.9%), and the second place was “introducing and
implementing an educational system specialized for business
architects” (52.7%). ) is the result.
This survey revealed that large companies place importance on strengthening the training of business architects. On the other hand, it has become clear that many companies are facing challenges in training business architects. By introducing an appropriate training program, you can develop business architects and improve your company’s DX promotion skills.
▼Click here to download the report of this survey
“SIGNATE Cloud” for human resource development for DX
[Image 9:×370.png ]
《What is SIGNATE Cloud? 》
It is a DX education platform that provides total support for corporate digital transformation, from raising company-wide DX literacy to discovering and training DX promotion personnel, and implementing AI.
《Features of the service》
1. Complete skill assessment
Skills are measured through various assessments that are fully compliant with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Digital Skill Standards.”
2. Certification programs by skill
We offer certification programs that are fully compliant with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Digital Skill Standards” to suit the level of your employees.
3. Business efficiency app “DXCopilot(R)️”
 ChatGPT-based business efficiency apps are also available. From DX planning to data analysis, apply what you have learned to your own company’s case study.
  Practice immediately.
*For details, please contact us below. What is SIGNATE (
SIGNATE Co., Ltd. is a startup that promotes DX for society and companies, from development to human resource development, and is committed to improving productivity and growth in Japan. At a time when data and digital technologies, including generative AI, are rapidly advancing, DX initiatives are essential for companies to establish competitive advantage and achieve sustainable growth. To address these issues, we provide solutions through Japan’s largest DX talent member base, human resource development platform, business support tools using generative AI, etc.
Company Profile
Company name: SIGNATE Inc. (English SIGNATE Inc.)
Established: May 1, 2017
Representative: Hide Saito, Representative Director, President and CEO Location: 2-2-1 KANDA SQUARE WeWork, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Business details: AI development, development competition management, big data analysis, data science education training, data science                                                        “
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