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Home » Chatwork Co., Ltd.: Press Release Chatwork announces medium-term management plan 2024-2026

Chatwork Co., Ltd.: Press Release Chatwork announces medium-term management plan 2024-2026

Chatwork Co., Ltd.
Chatwork announces medium-term management plan 2024-2026
Along with the change to a new company name, we are promoting three strategies to become the “No. 1 BPaaS company for small and
medium-sized enterprises”
Chatwork Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Masaki Yamamoto (hereinafter referred to as “Chatwork”) announced that it has formulated a three-year “Medium-term Management Plan 2024-2026” with the final year ending in December 2026. Masu.
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Background of the formulation of medium-term management plan 2024-2026 At Chatwork, we have been implementing the medium-term management plan 2021-2024 from 2021 to 2024.
By 2024, we will establish the position of “No. 1 business chat for small and medium-sized enterprises”, and from 2025 onwards, with an overwhelming share of the business chat market for small and medium-sized enterprises, we will become the “business version super app” that will be the starting point for any business. Our goal is to turn it into a platform.
For this reason, we have set the period from 2021 to 2024 as the most important phase in gaining a share of the business chat market, and have set an average annual growth rate of 40% for Chatwork segment sales as our goal for this period, and have been promoting our strategy.
As a result, we have made steady progress toward achieving our goals, with an average annual growth rate of 43.5% from 2021 to 2023. Furthermore, we focused on BPaaS (Business Process as a service) as a new business model that can realize essential DX for small and medium-sized enterprises, and developed a business model that combines SaaS products and business staff from multiple areas, centered on the back office. , M&A of Minagin, which owns SaaS products and staff specializing in the human resources and labor field. In 2023, we will launch Chatwork Assistant, a business process agency service that commercializes BPaaS for small and medium-sized businesses. Sales are growing steadily.
While continuing to promote the medium-term management plan 2021-2024 and growing sales of business chat, we will continue to implement new initiatives overlapping this year, the final year, in order to further strengthen BPaaS-related businesses as the next pillar of growth. , we have formulated the medium-term management plan 2024-2026.
Concept of medium-term management plan 2024-2026
While maintaining the long-term vision of a “business version super app,” we have set a new medium-term vision of becoming “the No. 1 BPaaS company for small and medium-sized businesses.”
The business chat market has reached a penetration rate of over 19% (*1), and is moving from a tool used only by a limited number of people to a phase where it is used by the majority and is touched by many people.
On the other hand, while providing DX solutions, we have found that it is difficult for the majority of users, who are busy working in the field and have few IT-savvy employees, to use different SaaS products with different usability. I’m here.
Therefore, in order to promote essential DX for small and medium-sized businesses, we have decided to make BPaaS the next pillar of growth and promote the realization of this as a group.
In addition, as a declaration of our intention to contribute to our customers and society by expanding the value we provide with the aim of becoming the “No. At the board of directors meeting held today, it was decided to change the company name to Kubell Co., Ltd. (May 27th). financial goals
・Average annual growth of 30% or more in consolidated sales from 2024 to 2026 ・Consolidated sales in 2026: 15 billion yen, EBITDA: 1.5 to 2.25 billion yen Strategy for achieving medium-term management plan 2024-2026 We will promote the following three strategies to achieve the medium-term management plan 2024-2026.
[Image 2:×1410.png ]
(1) Communication platform strategy
We will continue to promote Product-Led Growth (PLG), which involves acquiring users through the “Chatwork” product, and expand the number of “Chatwork” users.
We will also evolve the product into “the easiest business chat for BPaaS” in line with BPaaS, which will be the next pillar of growth. In providing BPaaS, we will create an experience that allows you to seamlessly use BPaaS on business chat, including enhanced functions that allow you to efficiently manage tasks and schedule adjustments that occur in business processes.
(2) BPaaS strategy
In order to become the “No. 1 BPaaS company among small and
medium-sized enterprises,” we will fully deploy BPaaS, which involves the business processes of client companies and performs essential DX. In addition to building business operations, we will also advance the use of technology such as AI tools, with the aim of providing efficient and stable services.
In addition, with the aim of expanding the business areas that we can provide, we will not only promote in-house development but also alliances with other companies.
In order to quickly realize these goals, we will establish Kubell Partner Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary that will be responsible for the development and operation of the BPaaS business.
(3) Incubation strategy
Utilizing the knowledge and data that our group has accumulated while promoting our business, we will promote business development that goes beyond our previous targets.
We will utilize the customer data that our group has held to date and advance the use of AI and technology with the aim of maximizing the value of business chat.
In addition, by utilizing the “overwhelmingly high-value platform” owned by Business Chat and the “large-scale operation engine that hybridizes technology and people” cultivated while promoting the BPaaS strategy, new business We aim to create added value that will become the third pillar of discontinuous growth after business chat and BPaaS.
For details on the medium-term management plan 2024-2026, please refer to the financial results briefing materials released today. (*1) Research by a third-party organization requested by our company, survey conducted in December 2023, n=30,000
About Chatwork Co., Ltd.
Chatwork Co., Ltd., whose corporate mission is to “make work more fun and creative,” operates Chatwork, the business chat service with the largest number of users in Japan (*2), which has been introduced and utilized mainly by small and medium-sized enterprises. We are developing this as our main business. Starting in 2023, we will launch the BPaaS concept, which aims to improve productivity and promote DX for small and medium-sized businesses, and will begin providing the business process agency service “Chatwork Assistant,” which we have positioned as a pillar of growth. Subject to approval at the general meeting of shareholders to be held on March 27, the company name will be changed to Kubell Co., Ltd. from July 1, 2024.
(*2) Nielsen NetView and Nielsen Mobile NetView Customized Report Monthly Active User (MAU) survey conducted in May 2023. Chatwork Inc. selected 44 services to be surveyed, including Chatwork, Microsoft Teams, Slack, LINE WORKS, and Skype.
Representative Director and CEO: Masaki Yamamoto
Company establishment: November 11, 2004
Business content: Provision of business chat “Chatwork”
Provision of business process agency service “Chatwork Assistant” Corporate site:
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