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BTM Collaboration with Yajuni Bank Group on matching of leading talent

BTM Collaboration with Yajuni Bank Group on matching of leading talent ……
BTM Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, President and CEO: Masanori Taguchi, hereinafter referred to as the Company) is the 82 Bank, Ltd. (Director and President: Masaki Matsushita) and the 82 Staff Service Co., Ltd. (Representative Director and CEO: Masaki Matsushita). We have decided to collaborate with both companies regarding the Cabinet Office’s “Leading Talent Matching Project,” for which Masayuki Kurosawa (Masayuki Kurosawa) has been selected as an indirect subsidy provider.
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Our company has bases in 11 locations nationwide, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south, and we utilize human resources hired throughout the country to carry out development work, and we provide development services to companies in various locations that are short of development personnel. We are developing a business that introduces people and engineers. In Nagano Prefecture, where Hachijuni Bank is based, we established a development base in Komoro City in 2021, and the following year, we also became a policy advisor for the city. Last year, we also entered into a “business matching agreement” with the bank, with the aim of responding to DX-related consultations received from local companies.
Hachijuni Bank and Hachijuni Staff Service have been selected as indirect subsidy operators for the Cabinet Office’s “Leading Human Resource Matching Project”* (hereinafter referred to as the Project) for five consecutive years, and are helping to resolve management issues of local companies. We support the growth of local companies by introducing them to the management personnel they need.
*What is the leading human resources matching business?
As part of the “Regional Return of Digital Human Resources Strategy Package” included in the “Basic Policy for the Digital Garden City National Plan” (Cabinet decision on June 7, 2020), we engage with local companies on a daily basis and clarify their management issues. Support for efforts by regional financial institutions, etc., which are the main actors in research and analysis, to investigate and analyze the human resources needs of local companies, and to continuously match high-level management human resources, etc. by collaborating with employment agencies, etc. something that does
*Press release from Hachijuni Bank regarding selection
By collaborating with our company in this project, both companies will be able to expand the range of human resources that they can introduce to local companies. This is expected to contribute to the
revitalization and revitalization of the local economy.
■Company overview
Company name: Hachijuni Bank, Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Masaki Matsushita
Head office: 178-8 Nakagosho Okada, Nagano City
Hachijuni Bank is a regional bank headquartered in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture. Our management philosophy is to firmly maintain sound management and thereby contribute to the development of local communities, and through our medium-term management vision 2021: “Support customers and local communities through “financial x non-financial x relationships””, we aim to contribute to the development of local communities. We are proceeding with initiatives. Company name: Hachijuni Staff Service Co., Ltd.
Representative: Masayuki Kurosawa, Representative Director and President Head office: 178-2 Okada, Nakagosho, Nagano City
Hachijuni Staff Service Co., Ltd. is a trust-based comprehensive human resources service company that is 100% owned by Hachijuni Bank. In addition to Hachijuni Bank and its affiliated group companies, we introduce and dispatch human resources to many of Hachijuni Bank’s business partners, as well as provide outplacement support services. Company name: BTM Co., Ltd.
Representative: Masanori Taguchi, Representative Director, President and CEO Established: August 2011
Business content: DX promotion business
Head Office: 5th floor, Token International Building Annex, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
With the mission of “revitalizing all generations of Japan,” we are conducting DX promotion projects that utilize hidden human resources in rural areas. We operate a DX solution service in which development is handled by “autonomous full-stack engineers” trained with our unique know-how, and an IT engineering service that introduces the best human resources by creating a database of the network with development companies nationwide that we have built since our establishment. I’m here.
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