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ELSOUL LABO B.V. Skeet, an open source TypeScript serverless framework, supports multiple SQL database configurations

Skeet, an open source TypeScript serverless framework, supports multiple SQL database configurations
Build apps by combining multiple SQL databases + API servers ……
ELSOUL LABO B.V. (Headquarters: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Representative Director and CEO Fumitake Kawasaki) has added a new feature that supports multiple SQL database configurations to the open source TypeScript serverless application development tool “Skeet”. announced. With this enhancement, developers can centrally manage disparate SQL databases, choose the right cloud infrastructure to build
applications, and focus on application logic.
Skeet allows developers to choose the most appropriate database solution and API according to their project requirements for efficient and flexible data management.
[Image 1:×1080.jpg] You can now build apps by combining multiple SQL databases + API servers
[Image 2:×582.png ]
Skeet makes it possible to integrate and manage multiple SQL databases in a single project. This new feature allows developers to easily combine multiple databases and efficiently distribute data loads while building applications. The result is an energy-saving and manageable project progression.
Traditionally, managing data with multiple lifecycles in a single database or API server has tended to complicate management and make mistakes more likely. However, by using Skeet, you can select the optimal database according to the characteristics and lifecycle of the data, and manage each highly related data. This approach increases management and development efficiency as well as project quality. Furthermore, under Skeet’s management, all of this data can be integrated through the HTTPS API, and integration with Firestore is also supported. This enables flexible data design and the
implementation of various measures. Even when developing applications that utilize blockchain, off-chain data processing can be streamlined and functions like Indexer can be easily implemented. Setting up separate SQL databases and API servers provides great development flexibility and scalability.
With this new feature in Skeet, developers can now build more advanced applications efficiently and with higher quality. It also helps reduce overall development costs by making it easier to manage complex data structures and optimizing the use of cloud resources.
Hono – A compact and super-fast web framework for the edge
[Image 3:×1714.png ]
To build an API server for each SQL database, we use Hono, a compact and super-fast web framework for the edge.
It has become a hot topic because it is simple, easy to write code, and provides a good developer experience.
It is written assuming TypeScript, and development can be done by taking advantage of thorough type checking and editor completion functions.
It has the following features:
Super fast: The router does not use linear loops and works super fast. Ultra-lightweight: hono/tiny is less than 14KB in size, has no dependencies, and uses pure web standard APIs.
Multi-runtime: It runs on any JavaScript runtime, including Deno, Bun, and various FaaS, so you can write code once and move it anywhere. Abundant middleware: A wealth of middleware normally required for Web API development is available and can be easily used by developers. Great developer experience: First-class TypeScript support and an extremely easy-to-use API for lightning-fast development.
Hono official documentation:
APIs built with Hono can be easily deployed and managed on the cloud using Skeet. By default, it is connected to Google Cloud’s load balancer, allowing secure access over https.
Skeet – TypeScript serverless framework
[Image 4:×1080.jpg] Skeet is an open source serverless app development tool using TypeScript with the following features:
Eliminates infrastructure design and management: Reduces
infrastructure preparation and worry, allowing developers to focus on application logic.
Rapid application development: Achieves fast development cycles and allows even small teams to operate services.
What you need, only in the amount you need: From API servers to web, iOS, and Android apps, quickly develop what you need, in the amount you need.
Extensive AI support: In addition to integrating AI into the apps you develop, Skeet also has AI support built into the tools themselves, allowing you to start developing apps before you even know the framework.
Supports dApps and Web3 apps: Designed as a modular and extensible modern application framework, it also supports blockchain-based application development.
Please see the official documentation for details. Additionally, in the official Discord community, Skeet developers gather to publish and discuss the latest information on a daily basis. Please join us. Skeet official documentation:
Discord community:
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