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AZWAY Co., Ltd. Ranking of things I would like to do if I lived in Tokyo Questionnaire survey of 514 respondents

[AZWAY Co., Ltd.] [Ranking of things I would like to do if I lived in Tokyo] Questionnaire survey of 514 respondents

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Press release: February 12, 2024
[Ranking of things I would like to do if I lived in Tokyo]
Questionnaire survey of 514 respondents
*Research on what you want to do if you live in Tokyo*
Tokyo is a cultural center that is at the cutting edge of trends and is home to a variety of facilities and shops. Some of you may be thinking, “I want to live in Tokyo,” or “I wonder what other people would like to do in Tokyo.”

This time, AZWAY Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Azumi Iguchi), which operates the real estate media “Happy Home Plan,” is targeting 514 people ranging from teenagers to people in their 60s and older with the “If you want to live in Tokyo… We conducted a survey asking people what they would like to do.

*Survey overview*
Survey target: People from teens to over 60s
Survey period: December 13, 2023 to December 26, 2023
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of valid responses: 514 people (330 women / 178 men / 6 others) Age of respondents: 2.1% in their teens, 20.8% in their 20s, 34.8% in their 30s, 24.5% in their 40s, 13.6% in their 50s, 4% in their 60s and above

*Summary of survey results*
・The number one thing you want to do if you live in Tokyo is to enjoy gourmet food
・80% say their ideal place to live is within Tokyo’s 23 wards, and more than half want an apartment
・Tokyo’s appeal is “convenience,” and “convenience of
transportation” is the number one thing people look for in a place to live.

*The number one thing you want to do if you live in Tokyo is to enjoy gourmet food*
When 514 respondents ranging from teenagers to those in their 60s and above were asked to choose from among multiple candidates what they would like to do if they lived in Tokyo, 120 people said “Enjoy gourmet food” in first place, and 120 respondents said “Enjoy gourmet food” in second place. 100 people answered “Immerse myself in my hobbies,” and 91 people ranked 3rd place for “Career advancement/Skill improvement.” We can see that many people think that Tokyo is home to delicious food, trends, core things, technology, and people.

* -1st place: Enjoying gourmet food-*
・“I have the impression that the latest shops, commercial facilities, restaurants, etc. are concentrated near the capital.As I am a gourmet foodie, I would definitely like to live in Tokyo, but I would also like to live in Tokyo to some extent. I would like to have a friendly environment, so I would like to live in Mitaka, where I can easily get there by train.What I want to achieve in Tokyo is to open more and more stores that are opening in Japan for the first time.” (Female in her 20s)
・“There are a lot of delicious restaurants and everything is available.If I were to live in Tokyo, I would definitely want to enjoy sightseeing spots and famous restaurants.I am not completely satisfied with where I currently live. However, I would like to live in the big city of Tokyo at least once.There is nothing specific that I would like to try or achieve, but I would like to purchase a detached house.” (Male, 30s) )

120 people chose “Enjoy gourmet food,” and you can see that they had a strong impression that “Tokyo = lots of cutting-edge restaurants.” In fact, there are many stores opening in Tokyo for the first time in Japan, and it can be said to be a stimulating environment for those who are sensitive to trends.

* -2nd place: Immersed in hobbies-*
・“I have an artist that I like, and they hold concerts in Tokyo and Osaka every year, but Fukuoka Prefecture is not where the concerts are held.Therefore, I want to live there so I can go to the concerts of my favorite artists. Also, since I am currently studying to become a designer, my goal is to live in Tokyo and be successful as a designer.I am also thinking about starting my own business someday.” (Teenage female) )
・“There are many museums in Tokyo, which are useful when you want to deepen your knowledge.Furthermore, the library is large, so if you live in Tokyo, you want to read a variety of books.And also at work. Moving to Tokyo will save me commuting time because it’s close to Tokyo.I’d like to make effective use of the time I save and attend an English conversation school.” (Male in his 40s)
・“First of all, I want to go to a lot of plays and musicals, which is my hobby.There are a lot of performances that are only in Tokyo, and I haven’t been able to go to all of them, so I want to go.Also, I’ve always wanted to work in the entertainment industry. So if I have a chance to live in Tokyo, I would definitely like to try that route.It’s not like there aren’t any in Nagoya, but there are far fewer types of jobs compared to Tokyo, so I’d like to give it a try.” (Female in her 20s)

The next most popular answer was “Immersed in my hobbies,” with 100 votes. There are many live performances and theater events held in Tokyo, and people who actually go to see them say that it will be easier to attend if they move here. There are many museums and art galleries, so it is perfect for people who want to deepen their knowledge.

* -3rd place: Career improvement/Skill improvement-*
・“I was working as a babysitter, and I got a lot of requests from people in Tokyo.However, it was too far away so I couldn’t go there often.In reality, I stayed at the same house for a long time. I wanted to go to work.If I could live in an area with good transportation in Tokyo, I would be able to take care of people until early in the morning or late at night and come home.My goal is to do work that better meets the needs of customers. (Female in her 50s)
・”I work in the food and beverage service industry, and the number of service businesses in Tokyo is on a whole other level, and the salaries are higher. The amount of products that can be collected is incomparably large, so I’m looking forward to improving my skills at work. .I want to test my skills in a place where things and people gather, and I want to take on challenges.Also, it’s a place where new things are always born, so I want to get a feel for what’s trending.” (Female in her 30s)

The next most common response was “career advancement/skill
improvement,” with respondents saying they would like to further hone their current skills in a privileged environment. Tokyo has a large population and a variety of needs and demands, so it can be said that it is an environment where you can gain more experience.

* -4th place: Tourist spots-*
・”I want to go to a lot of tourist spots. Usually when I go to Tokyo, I only stay for two nights at most, so I can’t go to all the places I want to go.It’s a big city, so new facilities are coming up one after another, so I decided to go here. I’ve never run out of places I want to go to.The festivals and events are different from other places, they’re gorgeous and large-scale, so I think once you go there, you’ll have an unforgettable memory, so I definitely want to go there again and again and make more memories.” (20) male)
・“Culture such as museums, art, and concerts are very accessible, so I would like to visit such tourist attractions.I am also interested in gourmet food, so I would like to try out the gourmet foods that are currently popular in Tokyo. I would like to go to a restaurant that has been loved for a long time and enjoy a variety of flavors.I also think that they hold various events, so I would like to participate in them regardless of genre and expand my knowledge.” (Male in his 20s)

The next most popular response was “visiting tourist spots,” with respondents wanting to experience various cultures and arts such as art museums, museums, and concerts. Tokyo is a rapidly changing city, with new tourist attractions popping up one after another, so it can be difficult to see everything in one trip. If you want to enjoy things at your own pace, it might be a good idea to sit down in Tokyo.

* -5th place: Childcare/Education/Academics-*
・When I think about my child’s lessons and further education, I think there are limited options in rural areas, and unlike rural areas where it is difficult to go shopping without a car, transportation is convenient, so I think you can go out with your kids a lot. It looks like there will be more options for part-time jobs, and there aren’t many skill-up classes for adults in rural areas, so I would like to attend classes and improve my skills.My goal is to let my children take on various challenges. ” (Female in her 30s)
・“I think the level of education in Tokyo is high, so I would like to raise my children in Tokyo.I also think that there are more jobs available in Tokyo than in other areas, and considering the future, I would like to raise my children in Tokyo.” Other than that, my personal goal is to enjoy Tokyo’s gourmet food, sightseeing spots, shopping, and enjoy life in Tokyo to the fullest.” (Male in his 40s)

The next most common response was “childcare, education, and schoolwork.” There are voices saying that they have high expectations for the level of education in Tokyo, that there is ample childcare support, that there are many lessons available, and that there are advantages to attending. This shows that there is a strong need to raise children in an environment with more options.

* -6th place: New human relationships-*
・“In Tokyo, you can meet a lot of diverse people, so I think you can broaden your horizons. Also, by meeting a variety of people, you can take advantage of the new values ​​that come with it. I would like to continue to grow. I think the appeal of Tokyo is that it is always at the forefront of the latest trends, as it is also the place where trends occur. Ultimately, I would like to return to my hometown and contribute to the region.” (Male in his 20s)
・”My work and private life have not been going well lately, and I am conscious of wanting to change my environment.Tokyo is a big city and I have the opportunity to be exposed to a lot of information, and I would like to grow further by being stimulated. .It’s also a city where many people live.I hope to enrich my life by interacting with many people in Tokyo.” (Male in his 40s)

The next most common answer was “new relationships.” It is gaining support from people who are tired of narrow interpersonal
relationships in rural areas and those who want to reset their current relationships, and you can see the desire to “start over again” in Tokyo, where people come from various places. .

* -7th place: Seasonal activities and events-*
・“If you live in a rural area, there aren’t many events or shows, so it costs you time and money to go out.If you live in Tokyo, you won’t have any trouble accessing it, and there are plenty of events and shows, so I chose this place. You can go by car.I don’t think you will feel inconvenienced in life even if you don’t have a car, but in rural areas you need a car to go anywhere and it costs money.One of the great things about Tokyo is that there are a lot of shops. I think so.” (Male in his 50s)
・“I can go to Disneyland on a day trip, so I want to go there with my kids outside of the long holidays.I also want to go to leisure spots like Kidzania and Tondemi.There are many stylish and delicious restaurants, so I want to enjoy lunch.Public transportation I want to get rid of my car because I feel like I don’t have to drive anymore because my brain has developed so much.I want to go to a lot of comedians’ concerts.” (Female in her 30s)

23 people chose “Seasonal Activities/Events,” which placed them in 7th place. Some people say that there are fewer events if you live in a rural area, and that it is expensive. In addition, there are many large leisure facilities nearby, such as Disneyland and Kidzania, making it convenient to enjoy seasonal events.

* 80% say their ideal place to live is within Tokyo’s 23 wards, and more than half want an apartment*
Next, when asked about the “ideal place to live in Tokyo,” 405 people ranked “within Tokyo’s 23 wards” in first place. It is gaining popularity due to its high level of convenience as it is connected to major lines such as the Yamanote Line and Chuo Line.

Additionally, outside the 23 wards, Hachioji City had the highest number of people at 58. Hachioji City has the largest population of all the municipalities in Tokyo excluding the 23 wards, and is popular for its rich natural environment and easy access.
In terms of “ideal housing type in Tokyo,” apartments came in first place with 274 people, rentals came in second with 120 people, and detached houses came in third with 110 people. In Tokyo, where the population is concentrated and land is limited, many people desire apartments.

On the other hand, some people choose to live in a shared house for reasons such as “It’s a bit lonely living alone (30s and others)” or “I want to live with people from other countries (female
teenagers).” There are also people who choose “pensions” or “mobile homes”, although the number of people is small, such as 1 person, and it is clear that they want to live as they like because they are living in Tokyo.

* Tokyo’s appeal is “convenience”, and “convenient transportation” is the number one thing people look for in a place to live*
Finally, when asked about the “attractiveness of Tokyo,” 240 people (46.7%) ranked “convenience” in first place. It is clear that many people are attracted to not only the convenience of transportation, but also the ease of being able to find everything within a short walk. In addition, 94 people (18.3%) ranked “abundance of work” in second place, and 38 people (7.4%) ranked “stylish cafes and fashion” in 3rd place, meaning people who want to advance their careers or enjoy the latest trends. I realized that there were a lot of people.

When asked about the things people look for when living in Tokyo, “convenience of transportation” came first with 202 people, “living environment” came in second with 183 people, and child-rearing environment came in third with 72 people (14%). As a result. It turns out that the most sought-after property for a residence is
“accessibility,” which allows people to fully enjoy the
“convenience” that is Tokyo’s greatest appeal.

* summary*
The number one thing people would want to do if they lived in Tokyo was to enjoy gourmet food. You can see that there are many people who want to enjoy food in Tokyo, which is at the forefront of trends. Also, the opinion of wanting to immerse yourself in a hobby also ranked high. There are many concerts and events in Tokyo, and it can be said that many people are attracted to the city’s easy access.

As for the ideal place to live, “within Tokyo’s 23 wards” received 80% of the votes and came in first place. In second place was Hachioji City, which has the second largest population after the 23rd ward, and many people seem to be attracted to its environment, which is rich in nature and has good access to the city center. Additionally, more than half of the respondents would prefer to live in an apartment in Tokyo. More than twice as many people want condominiums as single-family homes.

The most commonly cited appeal of Tokyo was “convenience.” There are many events and concerts, and many people are attracted to the environment where you can find almost everything within a short walk. Additionally, the number one thing they look for in a home is “convenience of transportation,” indicating that they are looking for an environment where they can fully enjoy the charms of Tokyo.

* *All aggregate result data can be viewed below. *

* About the happy home plan *
A comprehensive real estate information media operated by Azway Co., Ltd. Highly specialized articles are written and supervised by real estate professionals such as real estate agents and architects, as well as tax accountants and financial planners.
* About AZWAY Co., Ltd. *
AZWAY Co., Ltd. operates lifestyle media and operates a real estate brokerage business based on the corporate philosophy of “enriching someone’s life through the Internet.”

* [Main operating media] * Happy Home Plan ( auiewo – Media that connects architects and people who want to build a house (
Custom Housing Lab – Specialized site for building houses
Reform AtoZ (
Guide to selling condominiums (
* Company Profile *
Company name: AZWAY Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Azumi Iguchi
Address: U Square Takadanobaba B1, 69-0075 Minami-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0005
Established: September 2016
Capital: 10 million yen
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