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Home » Softbank Hikari customer satisfaction survey 86% were satisfied with the speed. Are you looking forward to the set discount with “video service” in the future?

Softbank Hikari customer satisfaction survey 86% were satisfied with the speed. Are you looking forward to the set discount with “video service” in the future?

[Softbank Hikari customer satisfaction survey] 86% were satisfied with the speed. Are you looking forward to the set discount with “video service” in the future?

*View in browser* *I Good Support Co., Ltd.*
Press release: February 13, 2024
[Softbank Hikari customer satisfaction survey] 86% were satisfied with the speed. Are you looking forward to the set discount with “video service” in the future?
*I-Good Support Co., Ltd. (President: Yuichiro Moriguchi), which operates the SoftBank Hikari commentary media “SoftBank Hikari no Torisetsu”, conducted a survey regarding “SoftBank Hikari customer satisfaction”. *
Summary of SoftBank Hikari customer satisfaction survey
■Implementation details■
* [Survey overview] *
・Survey period: January 19, 2024 to February 2, 2024
・Target: Men and women in their 20s to 60s who use SoftBank Hikari ・Number of respondents: 100 people
・Survey method: Internet questionnaire survey
・Softbank Hikari Torisetsu URL:
■Research purpose■
With the diversification of ways to use the Internet and the increase in demand for content, there is a growing need for optical fiber lines that offer more stable communication speeds and better value.

This trend is expected to accelerate in the future, and it will become even more important for users to know their needs, such as “What are they satisfied with?” and “What areas would they like to see improved?” Masu.
Therefore, this time, we conducted a survey* of customer satisfaction and the services that users will seek in the future* based on the word-of-mouth reputation of SoftBank Hikari users.
  * [Satisfaction level surveyed this time] *
1. Softbank Hikari overall satisfaction level
2. Satisfaction with communication speed
3. Satisfaction with price
4. Satisfaction with discounts and campaigns
Please note that detailed analysis results are also available on our website, so please refer to them.
Softbank Hikari reviews   81% are satisfied with SoftBank Hikari’s “overall service” We conducted a survey of 100 SoftBank Hikari users regarding their overall satisfaction with SoftBank Hikari on a five-point scale. As a result,* 81% of users were “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied”*, indicating that a large number of users were satisfied with SoftBank Hikari.
  Also, * 6% were “slightly dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied”*, and there were very few comments with low ratings.

●Comments from people who answered “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” with the overall service
The main reason for being “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” is that there is a set discount with a smartphone, and you can bundle services under the “Softbank series.”
The communication speed was stable and trouble-free, and the follow-up to customer support inquiries was also highly rated.
  * ○40s/Male/Hiroshima Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
The support is very polite and approachable, and even when I have a problem, they respond quickly, and the communication speed is fine for everyday use, so I’m overall satisfied.
*○60s/Female/Aichi Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
The usage fee is reasonable, and since it’s a major company, it’s reliable, and the customer service center takes some time, but they’re kind and thorough, so I’m satisfied.
*○40s/Male/Tokyo (5: Satisfied)*
I have no major complaints about the speed or stability, and my smartphone bill is cheap, so I’m very satisfied.
The support was better than I expected, so I have no complaints so far. *○50s/Female/Osaka Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
The reason I’m a little satisfied is because it’s easier to see what products I use at home when I organize them into the Softbank series. When compared with other companies, I was somewhat satisfied as there were no noticeable features.
The above are the comments of those who answered “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied.”

●Comments from people who answered “somewhat dissatisfied” or “dissatisfied” with the overall service
Looking at those who answered “slightly dissatisfied” or
“dissatisfied,” the low ratings were due to price and speed. * ○50s/Male/Nagasaki Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)*
I think the number of subscribers is increasing significantly now, so I wonder if it’s possible to lower the monthly fee? I think. *○40s/Female/Kanagawa Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)* The signal is weak, so it’s quite inconvenient because that’s the most important thing.
It’s very inconvenient because there are only a few places where you can access the internet even at home.
*○40s/Male/Tokyo (1: Dissatisfied)*
I’m already planning on switching. Although there is a set discount with Ymobile, the important communication is not stable.
The above was the overall satisfaction level of SoftBank Hikari’s service.

Overall, we were very satisfied with the service, and we found comments that gave high marks to the set price, speed, and support. 87% are satisfied with SoftBank Hikari’s “communication speed” We investigated satisfaction levels with a focus on SoftBank Hikari’s “communication speed.”
As a result,* 87% of users were either “satisfied” or “fairly satisfied”*, indicating that a large number of users were satisfied with the communication speed.
On the other hand, * 9% were “slightly dissatisfied” or
“dissatisfied”*, and the number of people who are dissatisfied is very small.

●Comments from people who answered “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” with the communication speed
The main reason for the high rating is the stability of communication.   The reason for their high satisfaction level was that it was stable and rarely interrupted, regardless of the usage situation, such as watching videos, playing online games, or working remotely.
  *○20s/Male/Aichi Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
The communication speed is always high, and you can enjoy videos and games smoothly.
It is also extremely stable, and there are almost no interruptions in the signal or disconnections.
I think Softbank Hikari’s service is better than other providers. I am very satisfied with Softbank Hikari.
*○30s/Female/Saitama Prefecture (5: Satisfied)*
The communication environment is stable and the speed is always constant. Up until now, when I was playing a game, I would sometimes suddenly lose communication or get an error, but since switching, I haven’t had any of those problems and have been able to use it comfortably. *○40s/Male/Chiba Prefecture (5: Satisfied)*
You can watch videos smoothly without any freezes when watching videos. I am also very satisfied with the speed and stability of the connection as I can surf the web using the SwissSite page.
The above are comments from people who answered that their
communication speed was “satisfactory” or “somewhat satisfactory.”   ●Comments from people who answered “somewhat dissatisfied” or “dissatisfied” with the communication speed
Reasons for being “slightly dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied” included the fact that it became unstable in some rooms and that communication sometimes interrupted when far from the router. *○40s/Male/Tokyo (1: Dissatisfied)*
I signed a contract when I moved to an apartment, and then moved to a house. I continued my contract and brought it to a house, but communication is unstable depending on the room.
*○60s/Female/Aichi Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)*
Even within your home, if you are far from Wi-Fi, communication may be interrupted.
The above was my satisfaction with SoftBank Hikari’s communication speed. Although there were some negative reviews, overall satisfaction was high. We also independently investigated the communication speed (actual measurement) of SoftBank Hikari.
As a result, the upload speed was 333Mbps and the download speed was 306Mbps.

51% are satisfied with SoftBank Hikari’s “fees”
We investigated the satisfaction level of SoftBank Hikari’s “fees”. As a result, * 51% of people were “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” *, with many people giving it a high rating.
On the other hand,* 18% of people were “somewhat dissatisfied” or “dissatisfied”*, and there were very few people who gave a low rating.
  ●Comments from people who answered “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” with the price
The biggest advantage was the set discount with a smartphone. They seem to feel that they are able to get cheaper prices by using the set.   In addition, there were comments such as that 6,000 yen is reasonable due to speed and stability, and that it is reasonable without options.
  * ○30s/Female/Saitama Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
It may seem a little expensive, but since the communication speed is overwhelmingly fast and stable, I think it’s reasonable to pay around 6,000 yen a month.
*○40s/Male/Chiba Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
By pairing it with a SoftBank smartphone, you can get a discount on your SoftBank Hikari communication charges, so I’m very satisfied with the rate as there is a set discount with the smartphone.
*○40s/Female/Kanagawa Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
I think it’s reasonably priced. However, I feel that it is expensive if you add options, but since our house does not have those options, I am satisfied with the simple price.
  ●Comments from people who answered “somewhat dissatisfied” or “dissatisfied” with the price
There were various comments regarding the low rating regarding the price. We found comments such as “Are there any group discounts because the number of subscribers has increased?” and “I don’t feel it’s a good deal because it’s the same as others.”
  * ○50s/Male/Nagasaki Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)* I think the number of subscribers is increasing significantly now, so I wonder if they can lower the monthly fee? I think.
*○40s/Male/Osaka Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)*
The total price is almost the same regardless of the company, so it doesn’t feel like a good deal at all.
*○30s/Female/Hiroshima Prefecture (2: Slightly dissatisfied)* Maybe it can’t be helped because it’s an optical line, but I feel it’s expensive since I’m paying over 4,000 yen every month.
  The above was my satisfaction level with SoftBank Hikari’s rates. Overall, there were a lot of positive reviews, but other than the smartphone set discount, there may not be much value for money. 43% are satisfied with SoftBank Hikari’s “discounts and benefits” We investigated the satisfaction level of SoftBank Hikari’s “discounts and benefits.”
As a result,* 43% of people were “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied”*. On the other hand, the most common comment* was “neutral” at 45%*. Let’s take a look at the reasons for the high level of satisfaction and the reasons for being “neutral.”
  ●Comments from people who answered “satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” with discounts and benefits
Most of the reasons for my satisfaction were the amount of cash back I received at the time of application and the campaign I received when switching.
Although the prices are the same as other companies, they seemed to feel that they had an advantage over others because of the amount of cashback they received.
*○20s/Female/Fukuoka Prefecture (5: Satisfied)*
I got about 30,000 yen in cashback when I transferred, so I’m satisfied. *○40s/Male/Osaka Prefecture (4: Somewhat satisfied)*
The monthly fee is roughly the same everywhere, so it was nice to get a lot of cash back.
*○40s/Male/Kumamoto Prefecture (5: Satisfied)*
I received a discount for switching from another company, which was good enough to cover the cancellation fees.
  ●Comments from people who answered “Neither” regarding discounts/benefits The most common answer when it comes to discounts and benefits is “Neither.” There were a variety of reasons why they were neither.
Some people were unable to receive set discounts after switching to a non-Softbank smartphone, or were not aware that there were discounts or benefits in the first place.
  * ○ 40s / Female / Kanagawa Prefecture (3: Neutral) *
Previously, when I had a Softbank cell phone, the set discount was a good deal. However, since I have never applied anything other than that, I don’t feel much differentiation from other companies.
Also, since I have changed my mobile phone provider, I am not using the set discount and the discount itself is not available.
* ○50s/Male/Tokushima Prefecture (3: Neutral)*
Discounts and campaigns are just a matter of whether there are any, and in my case they are not a factor in choosing a line.
  Also, due to the complexity of the campaign, there were a number of people who commented that they were neutral.
  * ○30s/Male/Tokyo (3: Neutral)*
The benefit of the discount was great, but the options involved were complicated and difficult to understand.
*○30s/Female/Kanagawa Prefecture (3: Neutral)*
I switched because of the size of the cashback offer, but I didn’t get that much cashback when I only added the options I thought I actually needed.
Many SoftBank Hikari agents offer cash back, but some people gave them low ratings due to the complicated process.
According to the results of our own agency research, SoftBank Hikari’s campaign content seems to vary depending on the agency (application counter).
For more information, please see the recommended ranking of SoftBank Hikari agents on our website.
Softbank Hikari no Torisetsu
“SoftBank Hikari no Torisetsu” is a site that provides a detailed summary of SoftBank Hikari’s services.
・Site URL:
・Site overview: The world’s easiest-to-understand SoftBank Hikari instruction manual
About iGood Support Co., Ltd.
・Company name: iGood Support Co., Ltd.
・Representative: Yuichiro Moriguchi, Representative Director and President ・Head office location: 2-18-41 Mikuni Honmachi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
・Establishment date: January 18, 2023
・Business content: Advertising agency business specializing in the Internet ・Company website:
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