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Home » Introducing the “Atari quantity limit” function to Croissant, which allows you to easily create your own original online gacha!

Introducing the “Atari quantity limit” function to Croissant, which allows you to easily create your own original online gacha!

on the bakery Co., Ltd.
Introducing the “Atari quantity limit” function to Croissant, which allows you to easily create your own original online gacha!
On the Bakery Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Representative Director: Yuya Ido), which supports SNS and influencer marketing, has a “number limit” function for croissants that allows you to create online gacha, diagnosis, and survey apps without any code. We have introduced.
“Croissant” detailed URL:
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What is Atari quantity limit function?
This time, we have introduced a “number limit” function to Croissant, which allows you to create online gachas, diagnostics, and survey apps without any code.
Traditionally, it has been possible to freely set the winning contents and winning probability of online gachas, but in response to the requests of companies that use it, we have developed an additional limit on the number of winners.
If only the probability of winning was set without a hit limit, there was a risk that if the number of users was significantly higher than expected, the number of wins would also be higher than expected. By setting an upper limit on Atari, no matter how many users increase, you will be able to prevent you from running out of Atari and prizes. Background to the introduction of the Atari quantity limit function “Croissant”, which allows anyone to easily create original gachas and diagnostics, is used by companies in various industries.
Among the requests for “functions” we receive from our users, we immediately develop those that are commonly desired by other companies. It will be added in about a week at the earliest. This is a highly requested feature, so we added it in one week. We will continue to conduct user interviews and improve the service so that customers can feel that the monthly cost of croissants, which starts at 30,000 yen, is a great value!
How to use the quantity limit function
1. Set winning details
2. Set the winning probability for each winning content
3. Set the number of winnings for which you want to limit the number of winnings.
For those who would like a free trial
▼ Please contact us from the croissant service page.
4 characteristics of croissants
Croissant is a tool that allows companies to create online gacha and diagnostic content.
Croissants have four strengths:
1.Can be customized to your own specifications!
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You can freely customize content unique to your company and create gachas and diagnostics.
In the real estate industry, “diagnosis of the optimal floor plan for you” In the beauty industry, things like “diagnosis of the lip that suits you”, etc.
You can freely arrange content to suit your industry, product, and target. You can also set your company logo!
2. UI that allows you to design quickly and intuitively!
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Create diagnoses quickly and easily without any hassle.
You can freely insert images to create an original diagnosis. By simply selecting the diagnostic logic and determining the content of questions and answers according to the format, you can create content unique to your company without having to make complex settings.
In addition, when creating a gacha, you can freely decide the contents of the “win” and the probability of winning.
Draw in users with a game-like production using animation effects! 3. Report function that allows you to see user usage status at a glance
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You can view user data such as users of gacha and diagnostic content in reports. You can extract various data such as “diagnosis/gacha users”, “number of friends added on official LINE”, “number of transitions to SNS follow page”, “number of distribution of each
result/question”, etc.
Another advantage is that it is displayed in graph and chart format, so you can instantly use it to formulate strategies.
4. Costs that are overwhelmingly easy to deal with
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There are many companies that want to start working on diagnostics and gacha, but are unable to do so because they are worried about the development costs.
Croissant has achieved overwhelmingly high cost performance so that such companies can easily create content.
In-house development costs about 5 million yen per year, while other companies’ services cost as much as 1.4 million yen per year. On the other hand, the annual cost of a croissant is about 400,000 yen. Starting from 30,000 yen per month!
Compared to in-house development, we can do it at one-tenth the cost, so you can feel safe in terms of cost.
About “croissants” that create points of contact between companies and customers
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▼Click here for croissant details
Croissant is a web app that increases lead acquisition rate with diagnostic content and online gacha.
・I am having trouble because the number of potential customers is not increasing even though the number of reach through SNS and media has increased.
・I want to increase the number of friends registered on official LINE ・I want to increase my SNS followers
We provide diagnostic content and online gacha creation apps with no code for those in charge of companies.
By inserting a step in the middle of the diagnostic content/online gacha to transition to the “Add LINE friend” or “SNS follow page,” you can naturally encourage people to add your company’s official LINE friends.
A free trial is also available, so please feel free to contact us. About on the bakery Co., Ltd.
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Our company has developed and provides “COCO PARK,” “Influencer Force,” and “Croissant” based on our know-how from supporting SNS and influencer marketing.
We also provide general support for SNS marketing, so please feel free to contact us.
-About us-
Company name: on the bakery Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Hiroya Ido
Address: SOLACUBE Yokohama Kannai 3rd and 4th floor, 3-30-1 Tokiwacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Business content: Development and provision of unique marketing tools and SNS marketing support
-Inquiries regarding this matter-
on the bakery Co., Ltd.
Customer Support: Nana Sato (Nana Sato)
More details about this release: