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Home » Why was Keyence’s overseas business so successful? Unraveling its development from 0 to 600 billion yen | Seminar held on Thursday, February 29th

Why was Keyence’s overseas business so successful? Unraveling its development from 0 to 600 billion yen | Seminar held on Thursday, February 29th

[Why was Keyence’s overseas business so successful?] Unraveling its development from 0 to 600 billion yen | Seminar held on Thursday, February 29th

*View in browser* *Insight Academy Co., Ltd.*
Press release: February 13, 2024
[Why was Keyence’s overseas business so successful?] Unraveling its development from 0 to 600 billion yen | Seminar held on Thursday, February 29th
*Mr. Fujita and Mr. Yamamoto, who created the system for Keyence’s overseas business and laid the foundation for an overseas sales ratio of 60%, wondered what kind of strategies they should develop for each country in an overseas market where they had no customers and no name recognition. Explain if it’s okay! *
Insight Academy Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kitamura), which handles global human resources development and training business.
Yoshiaki) will be holding a free web seminar “[Unraveling from the development from 0 to 600 billion yen] Why was Keyence’s overseas business successful?”
Free seminar application Seminar details
Seminar overview
・Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024
・Holding time: 18:00-20:00
・Participation fee: Free
・Format: Held online (zoom)
・Target: Company managers, presidents of local subsidiaries, managers/persons in charge of overseas business departments, managers/persons in charge of human resources departments, employees stationed overseas/persons planning to be stationed overseas ・Participation benefits: Distribution of projection materials (for survey respondents)
*For corporations
・Participation by individuals (including sole proprietors) is not permitted. ・You cannot apply with a free address, so please apply with a corporate address. Seminar content
Keyence Corporation currently operates in 240 locations in 46 countries, with overseas sales of approximately 571.8 billion yen (*). The overseas sales ratio is a whopping 62% (as of 2023). We are still growing.

However, there were many hardships before achieving this success.

As a pioneer of Keyence, Mr. Fujita led the establishment of local subsidiaries in the United States and the United Kingdom in order to realize the corporate vision he had when he joined Keyence, “overseas sales ratio exceeding 50%.”
Afterwards, as General Manager of the Overseas Business Department, I oversaw 19 overseas subsidiaries and approximately 160 overseas bases, and selected and trained over 100 Japanese expatriates.

On the other hand, Mr. Yamamoto spent 22 years at Keyence as head of a local subsidiary, and worked hard to spread Keyence’s direct sales model locally and expand indirect sales.
In addition, for maintaining a high employee retention rate and contributing to the development of local staff, we were the only company in the entire company to receive the annual training MVP award.

In this seminar, the instructor, who can be said to have created the foundation that led to the expansion of Keyence’s overseas sales from zero to the current level of nearly 600 billion yen, will teach you the points for each phase!

What kind of strategy did you develop for each country in a market with zero customers and zero name recognition?
How did you create a system to create a highly profitable organization at your overseas subsidiary and how did you collaborate with the Japanese headquarters?

An experienced overseas business professional will provide
explanations using actual examples.
seminar program
* ◎[Unraveling from the development from 0 to 600 billion yen] Why was Keyence’s overseas business successful*
(Lecturer: Mr. Takashi Fujita, Mr. Ryoichi Yamamoto)
1. Keyence Overseas Business Development History and Steps
2. Prologue: Basic strategy = ideal state
3. Episode 1: Developing the American market
4. Episode 2: Europe (Germany, UK)
5. Episode 3: China/East Asia/ASEAN area
6. Episode 4: Important points for scaling
7. Episode 5: Integrated management of head office and local bases and sustainable growth
8. Epilogue: The importance of sustainable growth through integrated management and evolution with the head office

* ◎Panel discussion*
Mr. Takashi Fujita, Mr. Ryoichi Yamamoto × INSIGHT ACADEMY COO Academy Director Jin Seop Kim

* ◎Q&A*
*Questions received in advance will be answered first.
Free seminar application Seminar points
– What you need to succeed abroad
– Key points for managing local subsidiaries at the overseas expansion stage (from the initial stage to the scale expansion stage) – Entry points for each overseas region
– How the head office and overseas bases should be
– What is necessary for sustainable growth both domestically and internationally
Seminar lecturer
*Takashi Fujita, former Keyence International Business Manager, Insight Academy Part-time Executive Director*
As a pioneer, he led the establishment of local subsidiaries in the United States and the United Kingdom in order to realize the corporate vision he had when he joined Keyence, “overseas sales ratio exceeding 50%.” after that. As the director of overseas business, he supervised 19 overseas subsidiaries and approximately 160 overseas bases, and selected and trained over 100 Japanese expatriates. Aiming to spread the Keyence sales method and expand the independence of overseas bases, he proposed and built the global governance system “MOA”. Laying the foundation for Keyence’s current overseas sales ratio of 60%. Currently, as an “overseas business professional”, I am involved in overseas expansion, base management, human resource development, sales reinforcement, etc.
He speaks as a lecturer on a variety of training topics and also supports companies as an advisor.
* Ryoichi Yamamoto, former Keyence overseas subsidiary manager* During his time at Keyence, he spent 24 years as an overseas representative. He was active on the front lines overseas until just before his retirement.
As a local corporation manager, he launched and operated a corporation from scratch in three locations: Malaysia, Thailand, and India. He has 22 years of experience as a manager in current subsidiaries, including Singapore and Brazil. He was highly praised not only for his skills in starting up a local subsidiary, but also for developing local staff and improving engagement, and was awarded the annual training MVP for his achievements.
This seminar is recommended for those who:
– Business owners who are thinking of starting overseas business – For managers of companies who want to expand their overseas business – President of an overseas subsidiary who is experiencing issues with local operations
– Those whose mission is to expand overseas business
– Persons dispatched to the field
* Sponsoring company *
* Company Profile*
Insight Academy Co., Ltd.
Head Office: 7F Shinbashi Place, 1-12-9 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 Representative Director Yoshiaki Kitamura
Established: December 1, 2019
Capital: 95 million yen
Company site URL:
Business content: Global human resources development and training business -Global human resource development e-learning service “INSIGHT ACADEMY”:
-Interactive training:
– Cross-cultural work training: *About details about this release*

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