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Ballet Ensemble Gala Performance, a stage of dreams and passion ____ Looking for dancers

Ballet Ensemble Gala Performance, a stage of dreams and passion ____ Looking for dancers

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Press release: February 13, 2024
Ballet Ensemble Gala Performance, a stage of dreams and passion ____ Looking for dancers
*Stand on the moving stage and take a step toward a bright future with professional dancers. *

Hot summer is coming back!
This is the third time this ballet ensemble gala performance has been held. This performance, which brings together professional dancers and future ballet dancers, is a passionate and moving ballet performance. This year, we will be presenting a wedding scene from “La Bayadere,” which is set in ancient India. Wouldn’t you, as a ballet dancer, be a part of this masterpiece created together by professional dancers and future ballet dancers?
Ballet Ensemble Gala HP

From “Ballet Ensemble Gala 2023”
Grow with Ballet Ensemble Gala
The “co-dancers”, who are future ballet dancers, grow greatly through this performance every year. After practicing with
professional dancers who are active on the front lines, they will appear even more brilliant and strong than before on the day of the performance. In addition to standing on stage, there are many opportunities to learn from professional dancers up close and receive direct instruction in workshops, etc. This performance will help those who aspire to become future ballet dancers.
Ballet Ensemble Gala Instagram

Ballet Ensemble Gala 2024_To a high-level stage where you can shine

[Performance overview]
Performance date: Sunday, August 4, 2024, start time to be determined Venue: Gouda Hall (Ibaraki City Cultural and Childcare Complex Onikuru 4F) Performance: Part 2/From La Bayadère at the wedding ceremony We are looking for dancers to perform alongside professional dancers who are active both domestically and internationally.
Audition date: Sunday, March 31, 2024
view the details

*Please see the image below for recruitment casting.
*Ballet Ensemble Gala*

This performance is a ballet performance in which professional dancers who are active in Japan and abroad and future professional dancers who are aiming for the professional world co-star. Wouldn’t you like to spend time with the world’s top professional dancers and experience stimulation, companionship, experience, and growth that you can’t get in everyday life? You can experience the best stage created by people with the same goal.

Ensemble means “together, unity, harmony” in French. Please look forward to the passionate performance, which will be a place for professional dancers and future professional dancers to gather and share a wonderful time with the audience.

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Marty Times
Ballet comprehensive information site “Ballet Week”
Ballet Week

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