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Home » Emmanuel Todd and others “Humanity’s final destination” predicted by the world’s greatest intelligence will be released on February 13th! What awaits humans who have boarded the “runaway train” of war and AI?

Emmanuel Todd and others “Humanity’s final destination” predicted by the world’s greatest intelligence will be released on February 13th! What awaits humans who have boarded the “runaway train” of war and AI?

[Emmanuel Todd and others] “Humanity’s final destination” predicted by the world’s greatest intelligence will be released on February 13th! What awaits humans who have boarded the “runaway train” of war and AI?
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Press release: February 13, 2024
[Emmanuel Todd and others] “Humanity’s final destination” predicted by the world’s greatest intelligence will be released on February 13th! What awaits humans who have boarded the “runaway train” of war and AI? *The world’s best minds gather together, including Emmanuel Todd (historian), Marcus Gabriel (philosopher), and Francis Fukuyama (political scientist)! *
Asahi Shimbun Publishing Co., Ltd. will publish the book “Humanity’s End Point – The Future of War, AI, and Humanity” (Asahi Shinsho), which predicts the future of the world by humanity’s highest intelligence, on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. It was released on. Uncontrollable war, technology that surpasses humans. Where will the world, which has surpassed human intelligence and turned into a “runaway train”, lead us humans? *Emmanuel Todd*, *
This book brings together some of the world’s best minds, including Marcus Gabriel* and *Francis Fukuyama*. Don’t miss reading.

* [Structure of this book] *
* 1. Beyond war, nihilism, and intolerable inequality*
*Emmanuel Todd: “The modern world resembles what happened after the fall of the Roman Empire”*
The fuse of the world war was the “enemy of the whole world”, the Western countries.
In the 2020s, the leaders who have led us into the future will drop out. In a world order that is in great flux, what possibilities are left for us humans?

Historian, cultural anthropologist, demographer. Born in France in 1951. Analyzing modern politics and society based on family systems, literacy rates, and birth rates, he predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US financial crisis, the Arab Spring, and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. His major publications include After Globalism (Asahi Shimbun Publishing), After Empire, Economic Fantasy (Fujiwara Shoten), and Where Did We Come From and Where Are We Now? ” and “World War III has already begun” (Bungei Shunju).

* Francis Fukuyama “The current location of democracy, 35 years after the end of history” *
The “end of history” never came. Until now, the world has been enjoying a period of peace.
What is the “homework during the Cold War” that humanity has not been able to complete?
With Fukuyama, we reconsider what will be needed in the near future.

Political scientist. Born in America in 1952. In his 1989 paper “The End of History?” he suggested that the liberal democracies of the Western world may be the end point of human ideological evolution. His major publications include “The End of History” (Mikasa Shobo), “IDENTITY” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing), “Dissatisfaction with Liberalism” (Shinchosha), and “The Origin of Politics” (Kodansha).

* 2.* * How will “technology” transform the world? *
* Steve Law, “Where is the final stop for the runaway train of technology?” ”* said Sam Altman, developer of ChatGPT.
“Evolution is a runaway train that cannot be stopped.”
If we are on a journey with impossible stops, what awaits us at humanity’s final stop?

A reporter for the New York Times’ technology, economics, and business division. After joining the New York Times, he gained approximately 10 years of experience as a foreign correspondent in Tokyo, Manila, and London, where he continues to work today. His major publications include “Data-ism” (untranslated into Japanese), which analyzes the relationship between data science and decision-making, and “Go”, which summarizes the history of software and programming.
To” (untranslated into Japanese) etc.

* Kazuto Ataka x Makoto Tezuka x Meredith Whitaker *
* “Is the ever-evolving AI the “gospel” or “apocalypse” for humanity?” *

Kazuto Ataka: Futurist. Born in Toyama Prefecture in 1968. Completed doctoral course at Yale University. Ph.D. Professor at the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at SFC, Keio University, Senior Strategist at Z Holdings, and Director of the Data Scientist Association. His major publications include “Start with Issues” (Eiji Publishing) and “Shin Nihon” (NewsPicks Publishing).

Makoto: Visualist. Born in Tokyo in 1961. His major directorial works include “The Legend of the Stardust Brothers,” “The Idiot,” “Black Kiss,” and “Barbara.” He is the eldest son of manga god Osamu Tezuka, and also serves as a director of Tezuka Productions. He participated in “TEZUKA2023,” which uses AI and humans to create a new version of “Black Jack,” and reported the results of the project in 2023.

Meredith Whitaker: AI (artificial intelligence) researcher and manager. Open Research, the research division of Google
He served as the head of the group and then left the company. New York University’s AI Now researches the impact of AI on society
We also co-founded the Institute. In 2022, he became the chairman of the Signal Foundation, a non-profit organization that develops the messenger app “Signal.”

* 3. Who is the ruler? How do we live? *
*Marcus Gabriel “Beyond War and Technology: The Philosophy of Humanity”* Endless wars and endlessly evolving technology.
In today’s world, where the “dream of humankind” of coexistence and prosperity seems to have been crushed, what is the “trump card” left in the hands of humans? An attempt to reconsider “human nature” by the greatest philosopher of our time.

philosopher. Born in Germany in 1980. He gained worldwide attention by proposing a “new realism” based on a detailed reading of Western philosophy from ancient times to the present. He is known as the “Rock Star of Philosophy” and became the youngest full professor at the traditional University of Bonn at the age of 29. His major books include “Why the World Doesn’t Exist”, “I’m Not a Brain” (Kodansha), “When the Needle of World History Rewinds”, and “Beyond the Overly Connected World” (PHP Shinsho).

* Yoko Iwama x Takahiro Nakajima “A “switch” for humans to coexist in a world that continues to be divided” *

Yoko Iwama: International political scientist. Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1964. Completed doctoral course at Kyoto University Graduate School of Law. Doctor of Laws. Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. Specializes in international politics and European security. His major publications include “German Rearmament” (Chuoko Series) and “The Nuclear 1968 System and West Germany” (Yuhikaku). As editor of “The Reality of Nuclear Sharing: NATO’s Experience and Japan” (Shinzansha), etc.

Takahiro Nakajima: Philosopher. Born in Kochi Prefecture in 1964. Dropped out of the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Humanities, University of Tokyo. Doctorate (academic). Professor at the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo. Specializes in Chinese philosophy and world philosophy. His major publications include “History of Chinese Philosophy: From the Hundred Schools of Zhuzi to Neo-Confucianism” (Chuko Shinsho) and “Language as Thought” (Iwanami Gendai Zensho). His co-author with Marcus Gabriel is “Overcoming Totalitarianism” (Shueisha Shinsho).

* [Summary] * * (Excerpt from “Introduction”) *
It has been less than a year since the spread of the new coronavirus was brought under control and restrictions and regulations were eased.

The world has changed dramatically from “stillness” to “motion.” The downtown area is bustling with people, and tourists from overseas are also common. In commercial facilities and restaurants, it feels like the scenery before the coronavirus has returned.

However, when I think about the near future, I feel that a different level of anxiety than the coronavirus pandemic is covering the world. This may be because we are facing a major turning point in our times.

One of the factors is the wars and conflicts occurring in various places. Fierce fighting has continued in Ukraine for nearly two years due to the Russian invasion. The aftermath led to soaring prices for energy, grain, and other goods, which had a major impact on people’s daily lives.

A military conflict between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas began in October 2023, and the death toll in Gaza continues to rise. Fighting continues in Sudan and Myanmar in Africa.

Another major event in 2013 was the rapid spread of generative AI (artificial intelligence), such as ChatGPT, in our lives and work, creating an AI boom. Approximately 4,000 companies from all over the world gathered at CES 2024, one of the world’s largest digital technology trade fairs held in January 2024 in Las Vegas, USA, where electric vehicles and digital home appliances equipped with AI-related functions and services attracted attention. .

Given this historical trend, what kind of year will 2024 be?

In 2024, there will be a series of elections to determine the composition of leaders and parliaments in countries and regions that have influence on international affairs, including the United States. Starting with the Taiwanese presidential election in January, the Indonesian presidential election (February), the Russian presidential election (March), the Mexican presidential election (June), and the US presidential election (November) are among others. India and South Korea have general elections.

There are also predictions that generative AI will make further advances, leading to major changes not only in industry but also in work styles and consumption behavior. Many predict that global warming will progress and its effects will become more serious, and that there will be steady movement toward the realization of a cohesive society that transcends nationality, disability, gender, etc.

Intellectuals who are known as “knowledge of the world” and “knowledge of Japan” also discuss issues such as the nature of humanity, climate warming, population decline in developed countries, and Japan’s challenges. He also talks about his role.

In this book, I have purposely expressed the image of the world that we may see in the future, focusing on wars such as the invasion of Ukraine and the ever-evolving generation of AI, as the “end point of humanity.”

We hope that this book will help you reaffirm the current position of the world, Japan, and each of us, and help you think about future prospects.

* -Handling-*
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Available at other bookstores nationwide and online bookstores * 【table of contents】*

* Introduction (Asahi Shimbun / Manabu Nagashima) *

* 1.* * Beyond war, nihilism, and intolerable inequality*
* ・Emmanuel Todd*
The modern world resembles what happened after the fall of the “Roman Empire” *・Francis Fukuyama*
35 years after the “end of history”, the current location of democracy

* 2.* * How will “technology” transform the world? *
* ・Steve Law*
Where is the final stop for the “runaway train” of technology? * ・Meredith Whitaker x Kazuto Ataka x Makoto Tezuka*
Is the ever-evolving AI the “gospel” or “apocalypse” for humanity?

* 3.* * Who is the ruler? How do we live? *
*・Marcus Gabriel*
Beyond War and Technology: Philosophy of Humanity
* ・Yoko Iwama x Takahiro Nakajima Dialogue*
A “switch” for humans to coexist in a world that continues to be divided

* Conclusion (Asahi Shimbun / Makoto Ukai) *
* “Humanity’s Destination: War, AI, and the Future of Humanity” (Asahi Shinsho) *
Author: Emmanuel Todd, Marcus Gabriel, Francis Fukuyama, Meredith Whittaker, Steve Law, Kazuto Ataka, Yoko Iwama, Makoto Tezuka, Takahiro Nakajima
Release: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
List price: 990 yen (900 yen + tax 10%)
Format: Shinsho format, 272 pages
*Available at bookstores nationwide and online bookstores
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