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Home » M Stage Co., Ltd. [What is the essential health management supported by personnel and labor personnel? 】Stra tegic practice methods in collaboration with industrial physicians 2/14 (Wednesday) 13:30 ~ Free webinar

M Stage Co., Ltd. [What is the essential health management supported by personnel and labor personnel? 】Stra tegic practice methods in collaboration with industrial physicians 2/14 (Wednesday) 13:30 ~ Free webinar

M Stage Co., Ltd.
[What is the essential health management supported by personnel and labor personnel? 】Strategic practice methods for collaborating with industrial physicians 2/14 (Wednesday) 13:30 – Free webinar
Dr. Denhiro Hamaguchi, professor of industrial health at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, will be on stage! An online seminar was held on the theme of “What is the essential health management supported by human resources and labor personnel?” ……
Starting from 13:30 on February 14th (Wednesday), the Industrial Health Division of Mstage Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yuji Sugita) will be supporting the health of employees who have been working at companies for over 30 years. Dr. Denhiro Hamaguchi, a professor of industrial health at the University of Occupational and Health Sciences and an industrial physician who is active on the front lines as an industrial physician, will take the stage and discuss the theme of “What is the essential health management supported by human resources and labor personnel?” We will be holding an online seminar on.
[Image 1:×628.jpg] Sign up here ▷Recommended for these people!
・Those who have acquired the Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification but are unsure of its effectiveness. ・Those who want to work hard on employee health management and health support ・Those who want to know how to approach health management as a practical manager ▷Event overview
・February 14, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:30-14:30
・Holding method: Zoom (online)
・What is the essential health management supported by human resources and labor management?
・Importance of primary prevention in mental health measures
*Program contents are subject to change. So thank you in advance for your understanding.
[What is the essential health management supported by personnel and labor personnel? ]
~Strategic practice method in collaboration with industrial physicians~ The number of companies that have been certified as “Health and Productivity Management Organizations” continues to increase year by year, and all companies are concerned about the health of their employees.
It shows that they are putting effort into management. However, on the other hand, the mental health of employees
The number of people with poor health is increasing year by year. Consider recruitment costs and time spent training personnel Therefore, many people may see this as a management issue.
In this seminar, Dr. Hamaguchi will talk in a session format about the essence of health management, practical mental health measures, and points for early detection of people with poor health.He will provide advice on how to carry out industrial health activities more effectively. If you have any concerns, please feel free to join us. Sign up here ▷Speaker information
Tsutahiro Hamaguchi, Professor of Industrial Health, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
[Image 2:×667.jpg] Graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health. After working at a hospital, he worked as an exclusive industrial physician at Toshiba Corporation (1986-1995) and IBM Japan Corporation (1996-2005). After that, he established Firm & Brain and became independent as a practicing industrial physician. While working as a leading industrial physician and industrial health consultant for major companies, he also serves as a government committee member, medical association, and board member of related academic societies, and is a lecturer (part-time) at the University of Occupational and Industrial Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, and Ehime University. Concurrently serves as a lecturer (part-time) at the Faculty of Medicine.
■About M Stage Co., Ltd.
[Image 3:×287.png ]
Mstage operates two businesses: industrial health support for companies and comprehensive medical human resources services. Our industrial health support business provides one-stop support, from introducing industrial physicians to providing stress check tools and practical support such as debriefing sessions and training. By supporting industrial health reform, we will contribute to improving productivity and optimizing medical costs.
In our medical human resources comprehensive service business, we support optimal matching of medical institutions and medical professionals. By enabling diverse work styles and allowing everyone to make the most of their abilities, we will create a society where everyone can receive medical care with peace of mind.
M-Stage’s Industrial Health Division will continue to aim to realize and promote meaningful industrial health activities and health management (R) for companies, with the vision of “A society in which all people can work in good health and vitality.” .
*”Health Management” is a registered trademark of the NPO Health Management Research Group.
【Company Profile】
Company name: M Stage Co., Ltd.
Established: May 2003
Head Office: ThinkPark Tower 5F, 2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Representative Director: Yuji Sugita
Service site:
Corporate site:
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